Política Guerra y Desastres
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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲El Ministerio de Defensa de Azerbaiyán informa que las fuerzas armenias se acercaron a posiciones azerbaiyanas en dirección a #Fizuli y trataron de “cavar nuevas trincheras para causar sabotaje”.

🔺 — Según el departamento militar, "la provocación fue evitada".

🔺 — Toda guerra tiene un motivo, hay un motivo. La escalada entre #Bakú y #Ereván, aparentemente, está entrando en la etapa de búsqueda de una razón...
#Armenia #Azerbaiyán

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reports that Armenian forces approached Azerbaijani positions in the direction of #Fizuli and tried to “dig new trenches to cause sabotage.”

🔺 — According to the military department, "the provocation was avoided."

🔺 — Every war has a reason, there is a reason. The escalation between #Baku and #Yerevan, apparently, is entering the stage of searching for a reason...
#Armenia #Azerbaijan

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🌏🇦🇲🇦🇿Imágenes periódicas del traslado de unidades de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Azerbaiyán en dirección a la frontera con #Armenia.

🌏🇦🇲🇦🇿Periodic images of the transfer of units of the Armed Forces of #Azerbaijan towards the border with #Armenia.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 [#URGENTE] #Azerbaiyán anunció un ataque a sus posiciones 🔺 — El Ministerio de Defensa de Azerbaiyán afirmó que las posiciones ubicadas cerca de las aldeas de #Ayriveng, #Goeli y #Garawaller en la región de #Gadabay fueron atacadas desde el territorio…
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 [#URGENT] #Azerbaijan announced an attack on its positions

🔺 — The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan stated that positions located near the villages of #Ayriveng, #Goeli and #Garawaller in the #Gadabay region were attacked from the territory of #Armenia. Azerbaijan took retaliatory measures.

🔺 — In turn, the Armenian Ministry of Defense denied information about shelling against Azerbaijani positions.

🔺 — Such actions or statements can cause the situation in Transcaucasia to enter a hot phase.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇦🇿🤝🇮🇱 — Today, September 13, 2023, (local date) it was reported that #Azerbaijan's preparations for a new armed confrontation with #Armenia are increasingly increasing.

🔺 — Thus, as in recent weeks, Il-76TD cargo planes of the Azerbaijani airline Silk Way are actively flying between the Israeli airport of Uvda and the capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku.

🔺 — As observed by observers, it is evident that these are weapons and ammunition that Azerbaijan actively purchases from the State of #Israel, since this is not the first time that #Silk_Way carries out this type of transportation.

🔺 — Similar Silk Way aircraft flights from #Baku to Israel could be observed before the Second Karabakh War in 2020.

🔺 — Additionally, during the war in #Syria, Silk Way was involved in transporting weapons to terrorists in Syria under the guise of diplomatic missions.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲En este momento suena una alerta aérea en la capital de la república no reconocida de Alto #Karabaj, la ciudad de #Stepanakert.

🔺 — Los suburbios están siendo bombardeados por las Fuerzas Armadas de #Azerbaiyán.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲At this time an air alert is sounding in the capital of the unrecognized republic of Upper #Karabakh, the city of #Stepanakert.

🔺 — The suburbs are being bombed by the Armed Forces of #Azerbaijan.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
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🌏🇦🇲🇦🇿 #Armenia acusa a #Azerbaiyán de intentar una 'limpieza étnica' en la región de #Karabaj

🔺 — Azerbaiyán ha publicado imágenes de ataques a posiciones armenias.

🌏🇦🇲🇦🇿 #Armenia accuses #Azerbaijan of attempting 'ethnic cleansing' in the #Karabakh region

🔺Azerbaijan has published images of attacks on Armenian positions.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲Según varias fuentes, #Azerbaiyán entregó un ultimátum al gobierno de la república no reconocida de Nagorno-Karabaj exigiendo que todas las fuerzas paramilitares fueran desarmadas.

🔺 — En caso de fallo, se realizará una operación terrestre a gran escala. El plazo está fijado hasta mañana.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲According to several sources, #Azerbaijan delivered an ultimatum to the government of the unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh demanding that all paramilitary forces be disarmed.

🔺 — In case of failure, a large-scale ground operation will be carried out. The deadline is set until tomorrow.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
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🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 Imágenes periódicas de los ataques del UAV Bayraktar TB2 de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Azerbaiyán contra las posiciones de artillería de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Armenia/NKR.

🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲 Periodic images of attacks by the Bayraktar TB2 UAV of the Armed Forces of #Azerbaijan against the artillery positions of the Armed Forces of #Armenia/NKR.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
Política Guerra y Desastres
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲🇷🇺 Este vídeo muestra en realidad el puesto de observación destruido del contingente de mantenimiento de la paz ruso en la no reconocida República de #Artsaj: los cascos azules sobre el terreno lo confirman. 🔺 — Las posiciones de las fuerzas de…
🌏🇦🇿🇦🇲🇷🇺 This video actually shows the destroyed observation post of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the unrecognized Republic of #Artsakh: the blue helmets on the ground confirm this.

🔺 — The positions of the peacekeepers who are evacuating civilians from the zone of active hostilities continue to receive projectiles from both sides, both #Azerbaijan and #Armenia. At this time there are no casualties among Russian peacekeepers.

🔺 — There is no talk of any use of force by the peacekeepers or military base 102 in Gyumri: as we said, there is no legal basis for such a thing. So for now, Russian peacekeepers can only focus on saving civilians.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹
⚠️ BREAKING NEWS: 🇦🇲🇦🇿 On September 20 at 12:00 #Moscow time, an agreement was reached on the suspension of anti-terrorist operations in #Karabakh, as reported by the Ministry of Defense of #Azerbaijan.

🔺 — This agreement on the suspension of operations in Karabakh was reached with the participation of Russian peacekeepers, as reported by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

🔺 — The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reports that an agreement was reached to suspend anti-terrorist measures with the following conditions:

➡️ The Armenian armed forces and illegal armed formations located in the Karabakh region are laying down their arms.

➡️ They abandon combat positions and military posts and completely disarm, abandoning the territory of Azerbaijan.

➡️ Illegal formations are being dissolved.

➡️ At the same time, all weapons and heavy equipment are delivered.

➡️ The implementation of these processes is guaranteed in coordination with Russian peacekeepers.

🔹 https://t.me/pgdnot 🔹