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You Should Be OUTRAGED By This CDC Lie! ( Video )

The whole premise of the COVID vaccine mandates was that everyone needed to be vaccinated because that would stop the spread of the virus. But it turns out that the CDC knew from the very beginning that the vaccines didn’t prevent transmission, so there was no need for mandates at all.

As Jimmy points out in this video, that didn’t stop CDC head Rochelle Walensky from lying about the vaccines’ efficacy so she could continue pushing mandates.

#scam #covid #cdc #vax #vaccine
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Australia’s baby drought is causing an economic concern | 7NEWS

Australia is in the grip of a baby drought. We aren't producing enough children to maintain our population without resorting to immigration. And even that's not guaranteed with fertility rates declining worldwide. The reason is mostly economic.

#covid #fertility #jab #vax #vaccines
💉🦘 #ozz #Australia
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic –

A Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours.

The paper, a pre-print that was awaiting peer-review, is written by leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch and their colleagues at the Wellness Company and was published online on Wednesday on the pre-print site of the prestigious medical journal.

The original study abstract can be found in the Internet Archive

💉#Vax #jab #covid #vaccines
The Unique Toxicity of Covid-19 Vaccines and Why They Must Be Immediately Discontinued | NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science –

Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA, Nor Tested for Gene Toxicity
Covid-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA, Nor Assessed For Gene Toxicity.

In this post we want to roll together three very recent publications that neatly overlap. They both cry foul on the sidelining of due diligence regarding the synthetic gene transfer technology masquerading as a vaccine. 

#NewZealand #Vax #Jabs #Vaccines #Covid #Covid19
Ten Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic - PANDA –

Many people are eager to put all things pandemic behind them, and move on with their lives. And understandably so. But much like personal traumas, the collective trauma of the Covid pandemic is one that we need to process carefully, if we are indeed to “move on” and not repeat the errors of the past.

In that spirit, I offer this catalogue of lessons that we might draw from the collective trauma we have just lived through. Hopefully these lessons will serve as a sobering reminder of the fragility of the great achievements of a free and open society, and the need to renew our commitment to freedom with each new generation.

#Covid #Covid19 #Jabs #Vax #Vaccines #Plandemic #trauma
mRNA Vaccines are Dangerous from First Principles of Immunology – Doctors for COVID Ethics –

This book is a collective effort of the D4CE group to provide unbiased and factual information and analysis regarding mRNA vaccines. Chapter 2 briefly introduces virology and immunology relevant to the mRNA vaccine technology; Chapter 3 focuses on the immunological mechanism of harm caused by the mRNA vaccine. Members of D4CE have posted several videos on this topic.

#mRNA #vax #jabs #covid #covid19 #Vaccines
⚠️ Biden just died of a heart attack at the White House .

Source : AP

#Biden #Vax #Jabs
Covid: revelations create a shock in Germany New secret documents prove that the flu drama has been blown out of proportion" | Covidhub_Ch

The Robert Koch Institute (#RKI), Germany's public health agency, is forced to publish confidential minutes of Covid meetings.

These documents, published last week, prove
that decision-makers were informed from the start that Covid was less dangerous than a flu epidemic. They also knew that most measures would be useless at best, or even harmful. The same goes for injections, which they knew from the start were ineffective at best. And finally, we learn that all the constraint measures were ordered by politicians and the military, without any scientific debate, and against expert advice.

#Covid #Jabs #Vax #CovidFraud #Germany
Declassified document proves production of Pfizer vaccine began in May 2019

Internal documents concerning the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines show that their production began before the date claimed by the laboratories. The cross-referencing of two documents, resulting from two different legal requests, makes it possible to date more precisely the start of the Pfizer vaccine development program. This would actually have started on May 27, 2019.

The declassification of data submitted by the Pfizer laboratory to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the approval of the BNT162b2 vaccine intended for those 16 years of age and older was ordered on February 2, 2022 by Judge Mark P. Pittman (Texas) , at the end of an endless legal standoff initiated by a group of scientists and medical researchers (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency — PHMTP), represented by lawyer Aron Siri.

#Covid #Vax #Pfizer #Moderna
Media is too big
🚨 Mandating COVID Shots ‘One of the Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says

Dr Redfileds, former CDC-US director, admits before the US Senate that mRNAs are toxic, spread throughout the body, that this was known to scientists, that they cause undesirable effects which were hidden so as not to discourage people to get vaccinated

He admitted that the spike protein produced by mRNA vaccines is “toxic to the body” and triggers “a very strong pro-inflammatory response.”

#Vax #Jabs #SafeAndEffective #CDC
#mRNA #SpikeProtein #safe #effective #Vaccine #Covid #Plandemic
Moderna Confirms Link Between COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer

#Moderna has admitted its #mRNA #COVID #vaccine causes #CANCER after billions of #DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous #injection.

The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed...

#Safe #Effective #Jabs #SafeAndEffective #Vax
Slovakian swimmer Tamara Potocka collapses following Olympic event

The Slovakian athlete was seen with an oxygen mask as she was carried away from the pool on a stretcher. Swimmer Tamara Potocka was in the women's 200-metre individual medley.

The Slovakian athlete, 21, was carried away from the pool on a stretcher. A Slovakian team official told the PA news agency Potocka had an asthma attack after her race. She was taken to hospital for further monitoring.

#Slovakia #Olympics #Jo24
#Jabs #Vaccine #SafeAndEffective
#Safe #Effective #vax

Un-"vaccinated" Orthodox Christian wins Gold at WEF-Woke Satanist Olympics!

Truth is not relative, truth is absolute morality: it is good winning over evil. This is what people living in our times need to remember. Truth has triumphed at the #WEF-#Woke-#Satanist Olympics 2024.

- #NovakDjokovic

Three times for the Trinity

The WEF-Satanic #Olympics #Jo24 2024 are officially exorcised.


Novak Djokovic becomes the oldest player in history to win an Olympic Gold Medal in singles.

#Vax #Vaccine
Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer - Slay News –

Documents have emerged that show #Moderna has always known that the pharmaceutical giant’s #Covid #mRNA shots cause #cancer.
The evidence has surfaced as cases of rapidly developing “#TurboCancer” are continuing to surge around the world.

As Slay News has reported, cancer diagnoses have been soaring among those who have received Covid mRNA shots.

The cases spike in 2021, after the shots were rolled out to the public, and are continuing to surge today.
A veteran doctor, who has served as a hospital emergency room (ER) physician for over 25 years, recently raised the alarm over a dramatic surge in diagnoses of “obvious” cases of “turbo cancer.”

#Jabs #Vax #SafeAndEffective #Safe #Effective #Plandemic #Vaccine

❗️Jane Hansen one of Australia's loudest pro-vaccine MSM journalists and author of the Current Affair documentary "Anti-vaxxers Exposed" has just died.

Only 3 years after loudly and proudly taking several shots of the #Pfizer #vaccine Jane Hansen died from a brain tumour on the Gold Coast today.

Hansen's most recent role was a journalist with News Corp's Sunday Telegraph newspaper, where she extensively criticised the anti-vaccination movement in New South Wales.

She was most proud of her pro-vaccination campaigns, which resulted in welfare payments being withheld from parents who did not fully immunise their children. Anti-vaxxer parents were also barred from accessing childcare centres and preschools thanks to Jane Hansen.

#Vax #Jabs #SafeAndEffective #ozz
#Safe #Effective

Singapore : The most vaxxed country on earth is now facing a population crisis.

Singapore officials have tried to gaslight the public, but the numbers don't lie.

Not only are excess deaths skyrocketing, but birth rates are also plummeting.
The cause of this appears to be the infamous COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In 2021, Singapore’s natural population increase (births minus deaths) fell by 13%. By 2022, it plunged even further to 39.4%.

This decline is unprecedented, especially when you consider that the total COVID-19 deaths during this time were relatively low.

But here’s where it gets even more disturbing: Singapore ranked number one globally for excess deaths in mid-2022. Yet, as the numbers began to raise eyebrows, Singapore was suddenly removed from a global mortality database.

To make matters worse, a law requiring investigations into deaths linked to medical treatment was quietly removed in 2023—right when people started asking if the vaccines were to blame.

The Ministry of Health claims Singapore has one of the lowest excess death rates globally, but the data shows the exact opposite. Singapore is in trouble, and the government’s narrative doesn’t match reality.

With births in freefall and deaths surging, how much longer can the truth be hidden?
#Jabs #Vax #SafeAndEffecvive #Safe #Effective #Vaccines #Plandemic

A great pandemic solution!

#Plandemic #Vax #Jabs #Vaccines
Movie of the Week: August 19, 2024: Project Whistleblower

The two-part documentary Project Whistleblower presents the compelling narrative of #Pfizer #whistleblower Justin Leslie, a 27-year-old scientist turned inside agent who boldly confronts established pharmaceutical industry practices as well as the suppression of critical information of urgent public interest.

Full Report:

#Vax #Jabs #Documentary #Vaccines