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Australia To Introduce Social Credit System To Access Social Media

#social #credit #australia
#Australia Is Concerned It Can’t Stop “Misinformation” in Private Conversations

Australia’s authorities have updated their “misinformation code” but remain unhappy that large end-to-end encrypted apps are still not “regulated” in a way they would find satisfactory.

That’s despite the fact the “update” does what various governments like the most – leave a lot of room to interpret the rules as best suits them. Thus harm is now communication that represents “serious and credible” threat. And the previous definition is that this threat must also be imminent – however, that is no longer included in the wording.

The code in question, published late last month, is said to be “voluntary” and concerns combating whatever’s flagged as “disinformation and misinformation” – but now the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is making it clear that it is not nearly enough.

Currently, the “voluntary” reference has to do with the Digital Industry Group Inc (DIGI) and its members, such as Apple, Google, Facebook (Meta), TikTok and Twitter, “self-regulating” in a bid to find common ground with Australia’s government and avoid negative consequences to their business.

But now the regulator said that while the update is welcome, the work to gain powers necessary to force social media platforms to turn over data will continue.

At stake here are these companies revealing to state authorities how they fight against “misinformation,” and also, “how they respond to complaints.” Specifically, the push is to make those behind social media hand over information about “posts and audience.”

And that, in turn, the government claims, is necessary in its decision-making process, when it comes to making sure laws dealing with “misinformation” are ever stricter.

ACMA is particularly concerned with what they see as the lack of a “robust” framework that would expand the code to “cover the propagation of mis- and disinformation on messaging services that facilitate large-scale group messaging,” the regulator told Guardian Australia.

The article mentions WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in particular in this context – and tries to back up the case for the need to access data from these apps by mentioning “false rumors about child abduction spreading in India through WhatsApp,” and, “the death tax scare campaign at the 2019 election” in Australia.

In addition to wanting the “voluntary” code to become more stringent consequences-wise – as it becomes more loosely worded – ACMA wants “reserve powers” for itself to bring about future codes that would be binding.

🔗Source: Reclaim The Net

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Australia’s baby drought is causing an economic concern | 7NEWS

Australia is in the grip of a baby drought. We aren't producing enough children to maintain our population without resorting to immigration. And even that's not guaranteed with fertility rates declining worldwide. The reason is mostly economic.

#covid #fertility #jab #vax #vaccines
💉🦘 #ozz #Australia
It has been 21 years since the launch of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families, and 17 years since the release of the inquiry’s final report –now commonly known as the Bringing Them Home report– which concluded with the troubling finding that a generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Incredibly, the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families continues to this day

The Bringing Them Home (BTH) report described the traumatic effects of the forced removal of Indigenous kids between 1910 and 1970. The Inquiry heard that Indigenous children stolen by the state frequently experienced unnecessarily hard conditions and limited education opportunities, that physical abuse was common, that many of the girls and boys were sexually abused by their custodians. All of this brutality underscored the undue loss of their heritage.

Genocide | Lost Generation 1 | 2

#Aboriginals #Australia #ozz
We are suing Pfizer and Moderna directly

With a heavy heart I can now share with you the new legal proceedings we launched on 6 July, naming #Pfizer and #Moderna as the Defendants; our planet's new IG Farbens producing a more subtle Zyklon B (said with respect to those affected by the latter)

A more detailed overview is further down the page. The attached Letters of Demand we sent to Pfizer, Moderna, the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, and the TGA, contain an abundance of references referring to the long established science surrounding the real dangers these transfection products were always known to pose to humanity

The LNP-modRNA complexes produced by Pfizer and Moderna satisfy Australian legal definitions for being properly deemed Genetically Modified Organisms, or #GMOs Almost identical legal definitions are found in many other countries, including the EU. There are over four decades of science acknowledging how easily synthetic and natural #RNA can integrate with genomic #DNA

#Ozz #Australia
Media is too big
Simple question to Pfizer or rather how not to answer questions on Covid19 vaccines by Australian Senate Commitee

#Pfizer #Jabs #Vaccines #Australia #Ozz #AustralianSenateCommitee
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Farage EXPOSES new push for cashless society (In the UK & Australia).

From September 11th Nat West Bank will be limiting the amount of cash that you can deposit and withdraw.

They also have the right to refuse cash and even cheques on any basis in their new terms & conditions.

The banks are trying to force a cashless society upon us!

#UK #Australia #Ozz #Cashless #CashlessSociety #Banks #NigelFarage
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#Australia man is asked to provide a reason for withdrawing his own cash from the bank…so he tells them…

#Australia's fifth-largest bank has announced it will scrap cash transactions in all its branches
Media is too big
This is insane:

Windmill companies are getting between $600k-$900k PER TURBINE, while the farmers who erect them are only receiving a $12k subsidy and are liable for anything that happens because of these damned things.

What’s worse, all those millions of dollars are coming 100% from taxes levied upon the people.

The craziest part, though? THEY DON'T EVEN POWER ANYTHING. and need COAL POWER to function. You can't make this shit up.

I guarantee this is not only happening in #Australia. They’re putting these godawful things all over rural Texas too. They absolutely destroy the natural scenery and are a plague on the environment on top of everything else.

These current governments really are criminal enterprises. Fill in the blank for what needs to happen but it won't be solved by judicial means within the System.

#Australia Daniel Andrews
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Dan Andrews will be remembered as scum.

Never forget

#Australia #WEF
The law just rushed though and passed by the Victorian Parliament in #Australia prohibits anything resembling a symbol or gesture used by the National Socialist German Workers Party.

However any person or group may use the #Swastika or Roman salute so long as they’re doing it in political opposition to National Socialism.

So in regards to activism, Marxists & antifascists are freely permitted to use these symbols & gestures as satire or for any other opposition reason, but if anybody else uses them even as a joke, they’ll be breaking the law.

You may even be guilty of an offence if you’re seen to be extending your arm outward and it’s found beyond reasonable doubt that somebody may have mistaken your gesture as a Roman salute.

🇵🇸 TARGETING PALESTINE - Declassified Australia – 03/11/2023

The Pine Gap US surveillance base located outside of Alice Springs in Australia is collecting an enormous range of communications and electronic intelligence from the brutal Gaza-Israel battlefield – and this data is being provided to the Israel Occupation Forces. 

Two large Orion geosynchronous signals intelligence satellites, belonging to the US and operated from Pine Gap, are located 36,000 kms above the equator over the Indian Ocean. From there, they look down on the Middle East, Europe and Africa, and gather huge amounts of intelligence data to beam back to the Pine Gap base.

#Palestine #Gaza #Surveillance #Ozz #Australia #FiveEyes #Nato #US #Israel
🇵🇸 These Are Western Countries Aiding Israel’s Genocide in Gaza – Mint Press

Since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October, several rights groups have initiated legal proceedings regarding arms exports to Israel.

On Nov. 6, Palestinian human rights organizations, #AlHaq, #AlMezan Center for Human Rights, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (#PCHR) launched legal action in the Federal Court of Australia to access all arms export permits that have been granted to Israel since Oct.7.

#Arms #Weapons #ArmsImport #Israel #Nato #US #EU #Australia #WarCrimes #ComplicityOfWarCrimes #ComplicityOfGenocide #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #Genocide #Palestine #Gaza
22/11/2023 #Sipri
Media is too big
#Australia has approved the license application from BigPharma from #PaxVax to intentionally release GMO vaccines through #chemtrails on us.
Media is too big
Proposed Wind and Solar Factories planned across Queensland.

Enjoy 3 years of data collection showcasing the future destruction of some of our best high elevation refugia forests (north of Gladstone).

Similar projects in the EU

#WindFarms #Australia #Queensland #ozz #forest