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Internet Censorship Does Not Make You Safe Online | MentalOutlaw

In this video I discuss how the governments attempts to censor the internet under the guise of safety like the French SREN Bill and the American Kids Online Safety Act do not provide any additional protections for people online and only restrict your digital freedom.

#BigBrother #France #EU #US #Censorship #Surveillance
The A.I. Surveillance Tool DHS Uses to Detect ‘Sentiment and Emotion’ | 404media

Internal DHS and corporate documents detail the agency’s relationship with Fivecast, a company that promises to scan for “risk terms and phrases” online.

One document obtained by 404 Media marked “commercial in confidence” is an overview of Fivecast’s “ONYX” product. In it Fivecast says its product can be used to target individuals or groups, single posts, or events. As well as collecting from social media platforms big and small, Fivecast users can also upload their own “bulk” data, the document says.

Fivecast says its tool has been built “in consultation” with Five Eyes law enforcement and intelligence agencies, those being agencies from the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Specifically on building “person-of-interest” networks, the tool “is optimized for this exact requirement.”

#DHS #AI #Surveillance #BigBrother #ONYX #Fivecast
#BigData #BulkData
Changes to UK Surveillance Regime May Violate International Law | JusticeOrg -

Blocking End-to-End Encryption and Important Security Updates 

The United Kingdom (U.K.) government has recently unveiled plans to revise the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA),  the primary legislation governing the surveillance of electronic communications in the United Kingdom. The proposed revisions include five objectives pertaining to changes in the notices regime within the IPA, the process through which the government can ask private companies to carry out surveillance on its behalf, such as interception of communications and equipment interference (hacking).

The proposed changes to the IPA notices regimes include an obligation to comply with the content of a potential notice during the review period and before a notice is actually served, an obligation to disclose technical information about the company’s systems during the same review period, measures to strengthen the extraterritorial application of the notices and obligations for companies to give advance notice to the U.K. Secretary of State before implementing any technical changes. This article focuses on the latter two changes. It examines how the United Kingdom likely would be in breach of international human rights law

#UK #Censorship #IPA
#BigBrother #Surveillance #Backdoors #E2E #Encryption
Surveillance Camera Statistics: Which City has the Most CCTV Cameras?

Cities in China are under the heaviest CCTV surveillance in the world, according to a new analysis by Comparitech. But globally, many more cities are under increasing amounts of surveillance.

In 2019, IHS Markit predicted that there would be 1 billion surveillance cameras worldwide by the end of 2021. In 2017, it also suggested China would have 626 million cameras within three years, which is further supported by reports that the country has around 600 million cameras within its Skynet project.

#Surveillance #BigBrother #CCTV #VSA #VideoSurveillance
Media is too big
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Orwell vs Huxley in 2023 | Truthstream Media

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#Orwell #Huxley #Dystopia #BigBrother #Documentary #TruthstreamMedia
Direct Government Censorship Of The Internet Is Here - Activist Post – ActivistPost

Censorship of the Internet has been getting worse for years, but we just crossed a threshold which is going to take things to a whole new level.  On August 25th, a new law known as the “Digital Services Act” went into effect in the European Union.  Under this new law, European bureaucrats will be able to order big tech companies to censor any content that is considered to be “illegal”, “disinformation” or “hate speech”.  That includes content that is posted by users outside of the European Union, because someone that lives in the European Union might see it.  I wrote about this a few days ago, but I don’t think that people are really understanding the implications of this new law.

The EU’s Orwellian Internet Censorship Regime ━ The European Conservative

#EU #DSA #BigBrother #Censorship #surveillance #dystopia - Digital Identity and Digital Euro |

This talk will give a brief introduction into two EU bills that should top of mind for the digital rights and hacker community. The negotiations for the digital identity and digital euro proposals have the potential to for tectonic change in the digital age. This talk will provide basic info, explain a bit how the EU works and try to mobilise more people to join the debate.

The EU is in the midst of a reform that could drastically change our right to anonymity online. The European Digital Identity Wallet aims to bring a legally binding way to identify citizens online and offline with governments and companies. The system also allows to prove attributes about a person like their age, driver licence or covid/vaccination status. The EU also mandates large online platforms like Facebook, YouTube or Amazon to support this system to login to their services. The risk for discrimination, over-identification and surveillance of all areas of life is unprecedented. Well over two years into the negotiations we give an update about the status of the reform, what to expect and how to engage.

#DigitalID #DigitalEuro #BigBrother #EU #ChaosComputerClubBerlin #surveillance #DIW - Chat-Control | Chaos Computer Club Berlin

For more than a year now, the European Union's plans for chat-control have been underway.
In this talk we take a look at what's happening in Brussels and Berlin right now, why it's getting tight for fundamental rights and what needs to happen to stop this huge surveillance package.

The EU's plans for chat-control, which in the European Commission's draft remain limited to finding material of sexual exploitation of children and young people as well as sexual advances by adults, include among other things that communication and hosting services can be obliged to scan all content of all users. Not only will machine learning be used to find and report previously unknown images and videos, but text messages will also be analysed and searched for suspicious behaviour. Encrypted communication is not exempt, so that implementation of the plans would be a massive attack on end-to-end encryption and lead to the widespread use of client-side scanning. It is obvious that the use of these dystopian surveillance tools would not be limited to abusive depictions of children and young people in the medium term. Spain which will hold the EU-presidency for the next half year, already declared it would prefer a complete ban on E2EE.

#ChatControl #EU #BigBrother
Press Release (CSA Regulation): Who benefits from the EU Commission's mass surveillance law? - European Digital Rights (EDRi)

The investigation published today confirms our worst fears: The most criticised European law touching on technology in the last decade is the product of the lobby of private corporations and law enforcement. Commissioner Johansson ignored academia and civil society in Europe while she shook hands with Big Tech in order to propose a law that will attempt to legalise mass surveillance and break encryption. “

#DSA #EU #UK #E2E #MassSurveillance #Surveillance #BigBrother
Total Information Awareness: The High Costs of Post-9/11 U.S. Mass Surveillance | Costs of War

The report is as a comprehensive overview of the contemporary surveillance programs that emerged in the post-9/11 landscape and illustrates their costly ramifications. These mass surveillance programs allow the U.S. government to warrantlessly and "incidentally" vacuum up Americans' communications, metadata and content, and store their information in data centers and repositories such as the database authorized by Section 702 - a provision up for reauthorization this year. The report illustrates how federal agencies also increasingly obtain data from private companies and track Americans using facial recognition, social media geomapping, and other technologies.

#BigBrother #WOT #Surveillance
A year of surveillance in France: a short satirical tale by La Quadrature du Net

Looking back to France in 2023, what do we see? Implementation of new technologies such as drones, DNA marking or new generation of spywares. Also, an intensification of political surveillance, either by law enforcement deploying disproportionate means of investigations towards environmental activists or intelligence services using cameras or GPS beacons to spy on places or people that they find too radical. It was also the year of the “8 December” case, a judicial case where among other things, encrypted communications of the prosecuted persons were considered as signs of "clandestinity" that reveal criminal intentions.

French version:

German version:

#France #BigBrother #Surveillance #LQDN
Privacy Companies Push Back Against EU Plot To End Online Privacy

An urgent appeal has been relayed to ministers across the #EU by a consortium of tech companies, exacting a grave warning against backing a proposed regulation focusing on child sexual abuse as a pretense to jeopardize the security integrity of internet services relying on end-to-end encryption and end privacy for all citizens.

In a open letter a total of 18 organizations – predominantly comprising providers of encrypted email and messaging services – have voiced concerns about the potential experimental regulation by the European Commission (EC), singling out the “detrimental” effects on children’s #privacy and #security and the possible dire repercussions for #cybersecurity.

#BigBrother #EUChatControl
#ChatControl #Encryption
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FBI Automatically Deleted Communications With Twitter

Elon Musk revealed during an interview that the FBI had a portal that would automatically delete its conversations with Twitter after two weeks.

Even though Musk now owns Twitter, he said, "we actually don't know what was said there."

Musk said this could potentially violate the Freedom of Information Act and raises questions about the nature of the conversations the FBI was having with Twitter.

Musk said the censorship was "coming from multiple parts of the government. From the State Department, the FBI, Homeland Security, from really many, many parts of the government. It wasn't just one arm of the government."

#Twitter #X #FBI #HomelandSecurity #BigBrother #Censorship
EU’s Plan To Mass Surveil Private Chats Has Leaked

A new version of controversial "chat control" regulation has leaked, revealing unchanged mass surveillance plans and threats to digital privacy.

The latest version of the proposed European Parliament (EP) and EU Council regulation to adopt new rules related to combating child sexual abuse has been made available online.

Despite its declared goal, the proposal, which first saw the light of day in May 2022 and is referred to by opponents as “chat control” is in fact a highly divisive draft of legislation that aims to accomplish the stated objective through mass surveillance of citizens’ private communications

#EU #EUChatControl #ChatControl #BigBrother #MassSurveillance #Surveillance
EU Disinfo Lab Proposes Expanding ICANN Operations From Phishing and Malware To Target "Disinformation" Sites at the Domain Level

EU DisinfoLab, a non-profit officially operating independently but regularly making policy recommendations to the EU and member-states, is now pushing for a security structure created by #ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) to be utilized in the “war on disinformation.”

EU DisinfoLab, which receives grants from #GeorgeSoros’ controversial #OpenSociety Foundations, is now testing the water regarding “repurposing” of an ICANN security operation set up to combat malware, spam, phishing, etc., and turn it into a tool against “disinformation sites.”

#BigBrother #Censorship #Soros
Media is too big
Red Alert! Congress Goes 'Full Stasi' With New Spying Power! | Ron Paul Liberty Report

Buried deep in the #FISA Section 702 re-authorization bill is absolutely shocking language exponentially broadening the US government's ability to spy on Americans without a warrant. Turning your plumber into a federal spy agent against you? It's in there! Your gardener? Yep. Truly shocking!

Also today: The US Government has submitted its "assurances" to the UK regarding the #Assange extradition plan. It's not good.

#BigBrother #US #RonPaul
EU Plans Major Expansion of Mass Surveillance: Indiscriminate Data Collection, Device Monitoring, Encryption Backdoors, and Mandatory Data Sharing

The European Union (EU) is planning to implement a new set of draconian mass surveillance rules shortly after Sunday’s EU Parliament election, a member of the EP has warned after the plans surfaced on the internet.

The conclusion that radical surveillance measures are in the works proceeds from documents detailing the meetings of working groups, dubbed “high level group(s) on access to data for effective law enforcement.”

The documents originate from the EU Commission, and contain a number of recommendations, including reintroducing indiscriminate retention of communications data in the bloc, creation of encryption backdoors, as well as forcing hardware manufacturers to give access to anything from phones to cars to law enforcement through what is known as “access by design.

Via @reclaimthenet
#EU #BigBrother #Surveillance
Europol Seeks to Break Mobile Roaming Encryption

EU’s law enforcement agency Europol is another major entity that is setting its sights on breaking encryption.
This time, it’s about home routing and mobile encryption, and the justification is a well-known one: encryption supposedly stands in the way of the ability of law enforcement to investigate.

Europol’s recent paper treats home routing not as a useful security feature, but, as “a serious challenge for lawful interception.” Home routing works by encrypting data from a phone through the home network while roaming.

Via @reclaimthenet
#Europol #BigBrother #Encryption #Router