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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ How Israel buries Palestinian history | MEE Documentary - 2022

An investigation into a popular Israeli beach has shed light on the Tantura massacre, where 200 Palestinian men and boys were killed and buried in a mass grave in 1948 .

But it's not the first time Palestinian history was erased by Israel.

Recomended Read : Initial Posts on Tantura -
Tantura Documentary

#Palestine #Tantura #Massacre #TanturaMassacre #Villages #EthnicyCleansing #Nakba #Genocide #Zionism #MassGrave #History #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Six days that changed the Middle East: The 1967 Arab-Israeli War | AJ Documentary - 2023

The June 1967 War was a milestone in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with consequences still felt across the region to this day.

It altered the political and military landscape, expanded Israelโ€™s territorial claims and confirmed Israel's military dominance in the region.

This war is known to Arabs as 'The War in June' and in Israel as 'The Six Day War'. It came just two decades after the 1948 '#Nakba,' or catastrophe, when the state of Israel was established and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and land.

โ€˜The War in Juneโ€™ looks at the roots of the 1967 War and documents the actual details of six days of battle, before considering the profound long-term consequences of this conflict which led to Black September and the expulsion of Palestinian factions from Jordan to Lebanon.

#Palestine #History #TheWarInJune #SixDayWar #Israel #ArabIsraeliWar #Colonisation #War #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ The Battle of Al Karameh 1968 -
Amateur Documentary Faris Abdo 2015

Details : 1 | 2

#AlKarameh #Fedayeen #PLO #Jordan #JAF #Israel #History #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ PLO: History of a Revolution - Black September | AJ Documentary 2009

In the second episode of this six-part series, Al Jazeera looks at the events that led to the PLO's expulsion from Jordan and the birth of the Black September Organisation.

#Palestine #Jordan #PLO #Fatah #BlackSeptember #Syria #BlackSeptemberOrganisation #BlackSeptemberWar #History
๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Black September - The Battle For Amman 1970 ( Jordan )

The battle between the Palestinian commandos and the Jordanian Army ,at the end of it whole areas of Amman, Irbid and other main towns lay in ruins. The Palestinians claimed 25,000 had died in the fighting.

#BlackSeptember #Amman #Jordan #JAF #History #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Black September | Three Planes Were Hijacked By The PFLP

Footage : planes on the tarmac, FPLP Press conference.Leila Khaled prisoner exchange

#LeilaKhaled #Hijack #Hijacking #PlaneHijacking #Jordan #PFLP #DawsonField #History #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Leila Khaled The Orange Tree | 2015 Documentary

The original and best documentary about the remarkable Leila Khaled,   Palestinian Freedom Fighter, Hijacker, Peace Activist.

Dir Rola Mansour, Producer Philip Lloyd

#Palestine #Liberation #Resistance #LeilaKhaled #FreedomFighter #Hijacker #Hijacking #PlaneHijacking
#BlackSeptember #PFLP #History #Fedayeen #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Al Fatah - Palestina - 1970 - Italian Documentary - no subtitles

Director: Luigi Perelli
Production company: Ufficio Cinema PCI - Year: 1970

A film on the Al Fatah movement. The documentary shows the daily activities in the refugee camps; it illustrates the political organization of the Resistance in its most important aspects such as the unions, the peopleโ€™s army, the press; it informs on the organization of services, hospitals, schools; it describe military training in the camps; it follows a military action in the occupied territories and finally it reconstructs the battle of Karameh.

The images filmed in the occupied territories and the testimony of political and military leaders โ€“ among them; Arafat himself โ€“ as well as of the people themselves show a complete picture of Al Fatahโ€™s political and military action.

#Palestine #History #Fatah #Fedayeen #Resistance #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Biladi, une rรฉvolution - 1970

Switzerland - Fr no Subtitles - Documentary | Director: Francis Reusser | 60 minutes

Jordan 1970 : Like a political tract, the film exalts the Palestinian revolution through the role of the combattants, women, workers and children. Revolutionary songs and poems punctuate the people's struggle for liberation. This film defends a cause that was very little supported at that time. 'Biladi, une rรฉvolution' is one of the very first (if not the first) films on the issue.

#Palestine #History #Resistance #Fedayeen #Jordan #Documentary
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๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Black September Organisation - 1/2

In addition to sowing civil war and the disintegration of Lebanon, the 1970 Jordanian-Palestinian war led to the creation of the Palestinian #BlackSeptember movement. The BSO was created in 1971, as a small cell or #commando faction that split from the PLO, specifically the Fatah #faction. Recruits from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (#PFLP), as-Saโ€™iqa and other groups also joined.

Initially, most BSO  members were #Fatah dissidents who had been close to Abu Ali Iyad, the commander of Fatah forces in northern #Jordan. He continued to fight the Jordanian army after the withdrawal of the #PLO leadership. He was killed, allegedly by execution, by Jordanian forces on 23 July 1971. According to them, the Jordanian Prime Minister at the time, #WasfiTal, was personally responsible for his torture and death.

#BlackSeptemberOrganisation #BSO #AbuAliIyad #Palestine #Resistance #History #Documentary