πŸ”Š @IntuitiveSocialCalendar β€’ Keep Sacred Time β€’ Intuitive Social Calendaring β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
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Circling Intimacy

  This circle meets asynchronously on Telegram messenger and uses Zoom video chat in most opportune moments. 

  We are glad to connect with your most inclusive platforms as needed. 

  Donations gratitude to support our Bridge families in developing this resource for all to access, https://Intuitive.pub/bridge/families. Follow https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialIntimacy, chat in broadcast at https://t.me/joinchat/SNYuWarIE86-OySN, and sign up for https://Intuitive.community/gatherings to receive emails with links to join us. 

  Thank you for joining this social resilience regenerating circling practice for Intuitive social community intentionality. Blessings!

  Sign up today for this Intuitive Public Workgroup: Engage this learning experience at your own pace, solo or social. Personal access support & consulting opportunities are included for all participants.

Our offerings are always pay-what-you-can. No one is ever turned away for lack of funds. 

To participate, email grow@Intuitive.community and join Telegram messenger using these links: https://t.me/joinchat/SNYuWarIE86-OySN, https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialIntimacy/533 🌺🌿

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Forwarded from Euphonic Calendar (Max Morris)
Jan 8, 2020. Happenings in these networks today have included...

+ @IntuitiveBridge and @TheMetanoiacPortal at @IntuitivePublicRadio having conversations about meeting challenges with kindness and strength---@maxmorris

+ @IntuitiveUnknown and IPR Mid-Atlantic having conversations about shadowy art representations in Philadelphia---@zpenterprizes, @maxmorris

+ Reports from @RadioPublicaIntuitiva, Neurocrashland, @SpaceCatStation, and IPR South---@maxmorris

+ @IntuitiveSocialLiving, @OwlVultureWarrior, and @NotesOnRefuge discussing our international network of emergent safe inclusive living spaces for violently intersectionalized survivors especially elders and specific severely affected others---@maxmorris

+ Reports from Bridge Family Group, @IntuitivePublicFamily, and @IntuitiveSocialParenting---@maxmorris
Forwarded from D

FYI The next caravan as part of Operation Underground Railroad is going to be early February! If you know people who are looking for assistance getting to MX please let them know about the Freedom Cell Initiative OpUnderground Railroad.

Details: http://www.freedomcells.org/railroad
Jan 10, 2021. "WHAT CAN WE DO WITH OUR POWER?"β€”-@MaraBird
  Today's community weaving includes reflections about POWER and WHAT WE CAN DO WITH IT. @MaraBird poses questions about this that β€”- all through our community network β€”- beg answering. @EuphonicIntuitiveBroadcast & @ZPEnterprizes comment on oppressive levels of force. And @MaxMorris (that's me) breathes in stillness, receiving the inverted timespace anti-signals from the ancient cosmic void (She Who Is) infinitely nourishing us.
  Will you join us today in this resonating conversation?---@maxmorris
---20210110-121737, https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨
Forwarded from πŸ”Š @NotesOnRefuge β€’ Live Collaborative Notes On Refuge β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Dr. Zach Bush, Innate Immune System Webinar today http://bit.ly/InnateImmuneSystem
"The Innate Immune System
Jan 14, 2021 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Webinar ID 946 2257 4756
Join Dr. Zach Bush and top experts Dr. Cindy Fallon, Dr. Lee Cowden, Dr. Peter Cummings and Dr. John Gildea for an exclusive panel discussion: The Innate Immune System. We’ll discuss how we proceed forward with a virus that has placed modern society on pause for nearly a year. Our collective decisions around whether to vaccinate or not will radically impact human longevity, our relationship to the virome, and the intelligent machine that is our innate immunity.
There has never been a more important time to understand how your innate immune system functions. With a healthy immune system, we’re able to live in balance with the virome and array of flora that’s in every niche of our bodies.
Don’t miss this free 2 hour webinar and Q&A - it may just change your life and overall well being.
This is the next Knowledge Base release as part of the Global Health Education initiative which makes health education free and accessible to all."

Activists, Permaculture Farmers, and Solutionaries unite for The Greater Reset Activation, an alternative to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset

Activists, researchers, influencers, permaculturists and entrepreneurs are coming together to participate in The Greater Reset, an initiative of The Freedom Cell Network. We are planning virtual and in-person events beginning January 25 - 29, 2021, which will counter the World Economic Forum's The Great Reset initiative.

The Greater Reset
An Initiative of The Freedom Cell Network
Launch event - January 25-29, 2021
6 - 9:30 pm CST
Watch Live:

We are offering an alternative to the WEF's top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and choice. We will emphasize solutions which encourage localized action and decentralization.

We are inviting you to join us for 5 days of talks about the diverse opportunities available to those seeking to live in harmony with humanity and the planet while also respecting freedom. Each day will have a different theme...

Day 1: The Agora - Counter-Economics, Freed Markets, Gift Economy, Crypto, Entrepreneurship
Day 2: Take Control of Your Health and Education - Decentralized Healthcare & Education, Parenting
Day 3: Reconnecting to Nature - Decentralized Environmentalism, Permaculture
Day 4: The Digital Revolution - The Liberating Power of Tech, Encryption, Decentralized Internet
Day 5: Community - Community Building, Intentional Community, Freedom Cells, Sociocracy

Watch the entire event for FREE from January 25- 29, 2021 at www.thegreaterreset.org. We encourage everyone to use FreedomCells.org to organize local watch parties.

You can also attend an our in-person event, The Greater Getaway in Zihuatanejo, Mexico to hear several speakers in person and meet other solutionaries!

Jan 19, 2021. Our collective intent today together as this Intuitive Public is for very best strength and resilience of our joints and bones.
  We will gather multilocationally and asynchronously at:
   January 19, 2021 (Tuesday)
   2:30pm - 2:45pm Eastern
   (11:30a PT, 1:30p CT, 7:30p GMT)
  Contact https://t.me/maxmorris to join us in real time.
  Subscribe to this group chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Ve7oUBZmchKPsIb_ 
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https://Intuitive.pub/intent ✨

#TheGreaterReset is one week away and here is our full list of speakers for all 6 days! Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to manifest a better world.

Organize a watch party using the Freedom Cells website or come down to Zihuatanejo, Mexico for The Greater Getaway!

Jan 21, 2021. If you are able-bodied, you have an especial responsibility to ensure safe, inclusive spaces for effective communications centering survivors of greatest severity.
  If you do not support this #disabilityinclusion, who will?
  To our knowledge, IPR is the only network establishing these spaces so dearly needed to relieve and safeguard those currently experiencing violence.
  ***If you know of any other, please notify us urgently.***
  Our network is being destroyed where, by and large, severely disabled people show up to work every day, barely scraping by minimal function, in terrible pain, knowing the collectively crucial nature of our intersections --- but non-disabled people do not.
  Even though non-disabled people express themselves with great support of our efforts, they do not come close enough to recognize what's really happening and how easily they could relieve a tremendous amount of suffering (including their own).
  Non-disabled people are becoming increasingly disabled themselves because they don't have the benefit of inclusive community knowledge sharing from intersections of violence and marginalization.
  This knowledge is missing because severely disabled and intersectionalized people have fallen out of almost all communities, lost, excluded.
  This horrifying gap in communications is the obstacle between severely disabled people trying to safely communicate with one another and constantly being taken advantage of by the predatory elements non-disabled people say they are aware of and concerned about… while the same predatory elements are ensured access to disabled people *because of the *absence* of non-disabled people.*
  Our efforts in broadcasting over this Intuitive Public Radio have first and foremost been about communicating to you how you can make us safer right away --- by remembering us, including us, and engaging with us in daily, relationship-building community that fully restores safety, respect, recovery privilege, and social protection against extremity.
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how profound the collective results will be when they join us here?
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how soul-killing it is to watch severely disabled people struggle to show up reliably while isolated and left to predatory elements... while non-disabled people express that they care... but somehow cannot close the distance between us... which would so effortlessly stop this ongoing violence?
  I and other community members and core organizers undergo extreme circumstances of ongoing physical torture while people who are not being physically tortured seem bewildered about why we are asking them to engage with us in kindness and belonging.
  Please, help us.
  Please, be in contact with us. ---@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
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This is the final list of all of our speakers for Monday through Friday, and our bonus day on Sunday! Don't miss out, the show starts on Monday evening!

join me Thursday for more talk about the potential of 2021 with terrific conversationalist Marla Brooks. 9 PM Eastern at
Stirring The Cauldron
With Marla Brooks
Kathy Biehl
2021: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Thursday January 28th @ 9:00 pm et
Feb 3, 2021. Good morning and greetings from this https://t.me/IntuitiveBridge. Will you join us in today's collective intention meditation? β€’β€’β€’ Our collective intent today together as this Intuitive Public is for each of us and collectively to experience increased very best strength, relief, and resilience emergent in our physical bodies, relationships, families, and communities. β€’β€’β€’ We will gather multilocationally and asynchronously at β€’β€’β€’ February 3, 2021 (Wedn.) β€’β€’β€’ 12:00pm - 12:15pm Eastern β€’β€’β€’ (9:00a PT, 11:00p CT, 5:00p GMT) β€’β€’β€’ Contact https://t.me/maxmorris to join us in real time. β€’β€’β€’ Subscribe to this group chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Ve7oUBZmchKPsIb_ β€’ https://t.me/s/SpontaneousCosmology/4450 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/1217 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveBridge/307 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveStrength/1066 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveEmergent/1972 β€’ https://t.me/s/PittsburghIPR/2157 β€’ https://t.me/s/AustinIPR/1097 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveSocialCalendar/371 ---20210119-075538, https://Intuitive.social/calendaring πŸŒžπŸ•°οΈ β€’ https://Intuitive.community/gatherings β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/bridge β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/intent ✨