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πŸ”Š Conversational Gallery β€’ @IntuitivePublicMusic β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/joinchat/T0M6bw4tr6jL_zqh

This social space supports oxytocin pathway repair and individualized creative healing.
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Jan 23, 2021. 8 Birds Singing 20210123-190555 artmusicpeaces by Max M. E. Morris β€’ how do we proceed when we know we can have exactly what we say we say we say we say we need β€’ sing strong β€’ sing long β€’ https://bandlab.com/maxmoradio/8-birds-singing-20210123-190555-de488cc0 β€’ https://t.me/maxmorris β€’ https://t.me/s/maxmoradio β€’ support https://Intuitive.social/hello/max by donating to establish grant 001 for our https://Intuitive.pub/bridge/families πŸ’Έ β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/2955 β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/2956 ---20210123-190555, https://Intuitive.pub/text πŸ“πŸ’Œ
Welcome to this Intuitive Public Music.
πŸ”Š Conversational Gallery β€’ @IntuitivePublicMusic β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/joinchat/T0M6bw4tr6jL_zqh
This social space supports oxytocin pathway repair and individualized creative healing.
24/7 (Musical) Survival Walkie-Talkie β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext πŸ“»πŸ”‘ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiostream πŸ’žπŸŽΆ
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This waymarker: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicMusic/1551
Forwarded from πŸ”Š @IntuitivePublicStage β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Public Stage β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Jan 25, 2021. *EspectΓ‘culo de CorazΓ³n 2021* *Heart Show* continues tonight on this @IntuitivePublicStage. Welcome! Make yourself comfortable. We have music to share with you.
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Jan 30, 2021. Megan Makes Music By Any Means Necessary: A Community Patronage Experiment (Circa 2009-2021) by Megan M. This is Episode 4, Volume 2021 of Max Morris & The Mettagog on MaxMoRadio. Emergent artmusicpeaces by Max Megan Elizabeth Morris with essential support from contributing Intuitive Invisibles. https://anchor.fm/maxmoradio/episodes/4--Megan-Makes-Music-By-Any-Means-Necessary-epmpkj β€’ https://t.me/s/MaxMoRadio/3001 β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicMusic/1556 β€’ https://t.me/s/Ideaschema/1355 β€’ Tuneful newsletter: http://eepurl.com/hpkOFH β€’ Tuneful newsletter signups: https://Intuitive.pub/mail β€’ Contact: https://t.me/maxmorris -β€”20210130-123010, https://Intuitive.social/memory 🌊✨ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/music πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆβœ¨ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/text πŸ“πŸ’Œ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext πŸ“»πŸ”‘ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiostream πŸ’žπŸŽΆ
February 1, 2021. This is Episode 0 Intuitive Strength Volume 2021. https://anchor.fm/intuitivestrength/episodes/0--Intuitive-Strength-Volume-2021--Episode-0-eppnap β€’β€’β€’ Barucha At Shekhinah. Lieber Gott. We are sitting at intersections of invisible or potential strength and feeling into greater well-being. Even when the landscape seems very strange… ---@maxmorris β€’β€’β€’ Recollectively β€’ Bombs, Bodies, And Communities β€’ rec-20201101-025608 Lieber Gott, Barucha At Shekhinah, Baruch HaShem, Humming Creation Of Nitric Oxide And Relief From Physical Suffering, With Thanks To Noam Lerman And Taya MΓ’ Shere β€’ (https://jewishancestralhealing.libsyn.com/episode-3-reclaiming-the-practice-of-tkhines-spontaneous-yiddish-prayer-w-noam-lerman) β€’β€’β€’ https://anchor.fm/IntuitiveStrength β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveStrength/1058 ---20210201-211149, https://Intuitive.pub/text β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiostream β€’ https://Intuitive.social/memory