πŸ”Š @IntuitiveCommunity β€’ Community Broadcasting Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
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There is a reason we are calling our event an Activation and not a "conference" or a "festival". We want these 6 days of solutions to be an opportunity for you and your community to get activated and take action.

We are hosting more than 30 speakers from around the world, speaking on a wide range of topics over 6 days. Every day will have a different focus/theme. We want you and your community to think of how you can take action in at least one way for each focus.

How can you start operating in the counter-economy?

How can you take your health and education back into your hands?

How can you reconnect with the planet and take responsibility for your food?

How can we use digital technology to assist our fight for liberation?

How can we employ freedom cells and community organizing to build a network of free communities?

Reflect on these ideas and prepare to get activated!

Jan 21, 2021. If you are able-bodied, you have an especial responsibility to ensure safe, inclusive spaces for effective communications centering survivors of greatest severity.
  If you do not support this #disabilityinclusion, who will?
  To our knowledge, IPR is the only network establishing these spaces so dearly needed to relieve and safeguard those currently experiencing violence.
  ***If you know of any other, please notify us urgently.***
  Our network is being destroyed where, by and large, severely disabled people show up to work every day, barely scraping by minimal function, in terrible pain, knowing the collectively crucial nature of our intersections --- but non-disabled people do not.
  Even though non-disabled people express themselves with great support of our efforts, they do not come close enough to recognize what's really happening and how easily they could relieve a tremendous amount of suffering (including their own).
  Non-disabled people are becoming increasingly disabled themselves because they don't have the benefit of inclusive community knowledge sharing from intersections of violence and marginalization.
  This knowledge is missing because severely disabled and intersectionalized people have fallen out of almost all communities, lost, excluded.
  This horrifying gap in communications is the obstacle between severely disabled people trying to safely communicate with one another and constantly being taken advantage of by the predatory elements non-disabled people say they are aware of and concerned about… while the same predatory elements are ensured access to disabled people *because of the *absence* of non-disabled people.*
  Our efforts in broadcasting over this Intuitive Public Radio have first and foremost been about communicating to you how you can make us safer right away --- by remembering us, including us, and engaging with us in daily, relationship-building community that fully restores safety, respect, recovery privilege, and social protection against extremity.
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how profound the collective results will be when they join us here?
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how soul-killing it is to watch severely disabled people struggle to show up reliably while isolated and left to predatory elements... while non-disabled people express that they care... but somehow cannot close the distance between us... which would so effortlessly stop this ongoing violence?
  I and other community members and core organizers undergo extreme circumstances of ongoing physical torture while people who are not being physically tortured seem bewildered about why we are asking them to engage with us in kindness and belonging.
  Please, help us.
  Please, be in contact with us. ---@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
https://Intuitive.pub/text πŸ“πŸ’Œ
https://Intuitive.pub/requests πŸ™πŸΌπŸ₯¬
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Forwarded from πŸ”Š @IntuitivePublicStage β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Public Stage β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
Jan 25, 2021. *EspectΓ‘culo de CorazΓ³n 2021* *Heart Show* continues tonight on this @IntuitivePublicStage. Welcome! Make yourself comfortable. We have music to share with you.
https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicStage/252 ✨
https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicStage/282 🌈
https://intuitive.pub/amp πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆβœ¨
Welcome to this Intuitive Public Music.
πŸ”Š Conversational Gallery β€’ @IntuitivePublicMusic β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/joinchat/T0M6bw4tr6jL_zqh
This social space supports oxytocin pathway repair and individualized creative healing.
24/7 (Musical) Survival Walkie-Talkie β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiotext πŸ“»πŸ”‘ β€’ https://Intuitive.pub/radiostream πŸ’žπŸŽΆ
Previous waymarker: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicMusic/1519
This waymarker: https://t.me/IntuitivePublicMusic/1551
Jan 30, 2021. Welcome to this Intuitive Community Knowledgebase. β€’ Purchase or request membership access: https://gum.co/uFUBq β€’ https://gumroad.com/IntuitivePR β€’ https://t.me/s/IntuitiveCommunity/1209 ---20210130-150558, https://Intuitive.community/logbook 🎞️ β€’ https://intuitive.pub/amp πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆβœ¨
We need your help. Everyone who may see this, please respond. Emergency action is necessary in our communities and in relationship between communities. We are not able to jump up and down and wave our arms. We are not able to scream. Please, help us. Please, remember us. Emergency action is immediately needed to forestall death and compounded suffering. Please, message us. Please, amplify our requests into your communities.

We need you.
