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號召各位健身嘅義士 一齊《全民健身》發揮互助互愛精神 🙏🏻


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#anytimefitness #月費 #價錢 #非廣告 谷友問價畀番大家參考,谷友表示哭撚左 (留意番centre 唔同價錢或者唔一樣,只用作參考) 日期:09/09/2020
#非廣告 #參考價 #goji #月費 #價錢

*Goji每月autopay plan!*


1️⃣All Clubs不包毛巾及堂:

2️⃣All Clubs包毛巾每月10堂:


Update 至19/3/2021
#goji 玩完?#谷友爆料

Goji 溫馨提示🔔🔔

Goji reminding 🔔🔔
Some equipment move out from cwb express, the club will not open start at 1 April, the new club at cwb need confirm later, and if one location member at cwb express can move to wanchai.
I am apologetics about this news 🙏
https://hk.appledaily.com/breaking/20210411/MLRNVSBBCNFRBGYLLKWHNQU5GA/?fbclid=IwAR0cqrsVts4VMjH3d5bTSGLD5ZR3xamPTQITnIDOJCD-IPewMZu9ErHqOVM #goji #清盤
Goji 話佢自己未執笠

Goji Studios﹙本公司﹚宣佈由即日起獲新投資者Urban Animal Holdings Limited支持,旗下健身中心將如常運作,繼續服務會員。


Goji Studios (the company) announces that it has received support from a new investor. The new investor is a company called “Urban Animal Holdings Limited”. They are devoted to Hong Kong and interested in participating in businesses with growth potential. The fitness centers of Goji Studios will continue to operate as usual to provide services to members.

The epidemic has been raging, fitness centers have been forced to close from time to time due to Hong Kong Government policies. Despite the unfavorable environmental factors, the company is confident about the future. The company will proactively consider opening new fitness centers in suitable locations in different districts, it will also improve the existing facilities in fitness centers and upgrade both the online and offline services by adding co working space elements, providing the best fitness experience to members.

#goji #旺角 都冇埋😨