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HongKongers in Leeds
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列斯手足連線懇切呼籲在英列斯或鄰近地區港人參與是晚由Leeds Ukrainian Community Centre 舉辦之反戰示威活動。
地點:Parkinson Building, LS2 9JT
日期:28/2 (星期一)


#LeedsStandWithUkraine #StandWithUkraine #Hongkongers
#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds
中共正侵略全球 – 第五彈
China is invading the world - 5th sharing


俄羅斯呢次入侵做成大量烏克蘭人民死傷,被迫離開家園成為難民者無數。呢場侵略戰爭對俄羅斯無論係人力同補給嘅消秏極大。士兵補充方面俄羅斯國內喺2022年9 月21日發出動員令,強迫最少30萬俄羅斯人參與侵略戰。由於受到國際社會制裁,俄羅斯經濟大受打擊,俄羅斯中央銀行預計2022和2023年的GDP將分別萎縮4%-6%和1%-4%。大家都會抱有一疑問,到底對俄羅斯係點樣堅持呢一場消耗戰?


You may be aware that the coming 24th February marks the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The invasion took away ten thousand of life in Ukraine, and many Ukrainians were forced to leave their home country and become refugees. At the same time, the invasion depleted resources of Russia too. Russia declared a partial mobilization of military reservists on 21st September 2022, forcing at least 300,000 Russians to fight in Ukraine. At the same time, due to the economic sanctions by the western countries, Russia suffered from a serious economic recession. The Central Bank of Russia estimated a 4-6% and 1-4% recession of GDP in 2022 and 2023 respectively. We all are wondering how Russia can maintain such a war of attrition.
A Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report in early February may explain some of its reasons. WSJ reviewed Russian customs data and revealed that China's state-owned defence companies had shipped navigation equipment and parts to fighter jets and other military technology equipment to Russian defence companies. China has sent tens of thousands of shipments of goods to service Russia's military. Moreover, CCP supplied a massive amount of goods to support Russia via Hong Kong, according to the report from RFA. In October last year, the trade volume between Hong Kong and Russia rocketed to 0.4 billion US dollars, and Hong Kong became the seventh largest trading partner with Russia globally.
The support from CCP backed up the long-lasting invasion of Russia on Ukraine. The fact that CCP aids Russia in invading an independent country like Ukraine reveals CCP and its counterparts' ambition to invade the whole world.

#standwithukraine #slavaukraini #CCPisinvadingtheworld #Chinazi
