This recent arrest of Koo Sze Yiu highlights the ongoing concerns about the erosion of freedom of protest in Hong Kong. The government's actions in accusing him of seditious intent and arresting him for his alleged involvement in activities related to protest raise questions about the extent to which the authorities are undermining the right to peaceful assembly and expression. This incident adds to the growing apprehension surrounding the state of civil liberties and human rights in Hong Kong.
#FreedomofProtest #HongKong #HumanRight
#FreedomofProtest #HongKong #HumanRight
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
#法庭報導 1️⃣5人暴動罪脫 律政司上訴得直發還原審重新考慮 辯方擬申請重開案情 2019年10月6日示威者上街抗議《禁蒙面法》,5人經審訊後被裁定暴動罪不成立,但身處非法集結時使用蒙面物品罪成。律政司不服暴動罪的無罪裁決,以案件呈述形式上訴,部分被告刑滿出獄後隨即被門外警員押往法院施加保釋條件。高院法官於今年5月裁定原審的無罪裁決「有悖常理」,應予撤銷,案件須發還原審法官高偉雄重新考慮。案件再訊,代表第二及五被告的大律師擬申請重開辯方案情,其餘3名被告則尚未決定。法官高…
Jul 5: Appeal by Department of Justice in the #HongKong court: 5 individuals acquitted of riot charges in connection with the anti-mask law protests. However, convictions for unlawful assembly with masked items upheld. High Court judge orders a retrial, stating the acquittal was 'illogical.' Defense intends to apply for case reopening. Critics argue DOJ's pursuit appears aimed at suppressing the freedom of protest in Hong Kong, raising concerns about the preservation of the rule of law. #FreedomOfProtest #JusticeSystem #RuleOfLaw