Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Article 23: New domestic security law may affect regular news reporting, says Hong Kong press group https://hongkongfp.com/2024/02/26/article-23-new-domestic-security-law-may-affect-regular-news-reporting-says-hong-kong-press-group/
Hong Kong Journalists Association expresses concerns over the city's national security law, fearing its impact on press freedom. The law's broad definitions of offenses, including state secrets and external interference, pose challenges for journalists. The association urges authorities to provide clearer definitions to protect reporters and ensure their ability to hold authorities accountable. #HongKong #PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw #Article23
Forwarded from 法庭線 The Witness
黎智英案第33日審訊|陳沛敏:被捕獲釋後請辭 有份批准《蘋果》最後印100萬份
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第33日審訊|陳沛敏:被捕獲釋後請辭 有份批准《蘋果》最後印100萬份 https://bit.ly/3TedhH2
Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Digital and related companies, continues trial on charges of "conspiring with foreign forces." Former Apple Daily deputy chief editor, Chan Pui-man, testifies, revealing chaos within the company at the time of her resignation. She approved the printing of the final Apple Daily issue, with 1 million copies, despite feeling awkward about her role. Chan agrees with Lai's democratic values but claims her news judgment remains independent. Trial to resume on Wednesday. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #Trial
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涉管理「香港獨立黨」平台眾籌倡港獨 41歲居英葡籍男認罪還押4.11判刑 官斥隔岸觀火



#香港獨立黨 #眾籌 #居英 #葡籍男 #認罪 #還押 #隔岸觀火 #串謀煽動他人實施分裂國家 #惹起火頭 #channelchk
新聞有價 記者有格 $128成長計劃
撐Channel C請記者
一齊為民請命 抱打不平
😎Channel C 廣告推廣和媒體合作!🤝
齊柏林熱狗店送出$50元 禮券乙張!
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
涉管理「香港獨立黨」平台眾籌倡港獨 41歲居英葡籍男認罪還押4.11判刑 官斥隔岸觀火 https://channelchk.com/a/16624 一名41歲居英葡籍男子被指為「香港獨立黨」主席,在多個社交平台發佈帖文,內容提及發起眾籌籌軍費佔領香港、提倡「港獨」等。他在前年11月入境本港時被捕,被控一項串謀煽動他人實施分裂國家罪。他今日(27日)在區域法院承認控罪,還押至4月11日判刑。法官練錦鴻在庭上斥被告,當時身處海外「隔岸觀火、惹起火頭」,認為他其心可誅。 快啲Follow我哋後備IG啦 h…
A 41-year-old Portuguese national residing in the UK, accused of being the chairman of "Hong Kong Independence Party," pleaded guilty to charges of inciting secession and advocating "Hong Kong independence." He posted related content on various social media platforms, including crowdfunding for military expenses to occupy Hong Kong. Arrested upon entering Hong Kong in November two years ago, he was remanded in custody until April 11 when sentencing will take place. The judge criticized the defendant for observing from overseas and igniting tensions, emphasizing his culpability. This case highlights concerns that it may be unsafe for individuals with political opinions to visit Hong Kong. #HongKongIndependence #Incitement #Sentencing #PoliticalOpinions

2021 年 1 月,55 個民主派初選參選人被香港警察拘捕,同年 2 月 28 日,他們各自回到警署報到,其中 47 人被控串謀顛覆國家政權,當中 32 個人,由當日開始被還押,至今整整三年。

這三年期間,部分認罪被告曾提出希望提前判刑,被法庭拒絕,胡志偉經歷喪母、申請外出奔喪一度被拒,毛孟靜的丈夫傳出病危,張可森的兒子誕生超過兩年,譚文豪開設的一日三餐茶餐廳已結業,岑子杰的同性婚姻平權官司打到終審法院部分上訴得直,但這 32 個人仍一直被還押,連同一度獲准保釋、後來被指違反條件重新還押的鄒家成和余慧明,因暴動已入獄的黃子悅,全部都只能繼續在鐵窗後,等待案件的結果。

#47人案 #民主派初選 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯

報導:@reNews www.patreon.com/reNews
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卡梅倫: 23條立法不符中英聯合聲明及多項定義模糊 中方批評別有用心虛偽雙標

香港《基本法》23條立法諮詢期剛於周三(28日)結束,英國外相卡梅倫(David Cameron)發表聲明,表示香港必須確保國家安全立法符合國際標準,維護《中英聯合聲明》、《基本法》、《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》及《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》中規定保障人權和自由的義務。



#卡梅倫 #23條立法 #不符合中英聯合聲明 #未保障保障人權和自由 #無端攻擊 #指手畫腳 #channelchk
新聞有價 記者有格 $128成長計劃
撐Channel C請記者
一齊為民請命 抱打不平
😎Channel C 廣告推廣和媒體合作!🤝
齊柏林熱狗店送出$50元 禮券乙張!
Forwarded from Channel C TG頻道 🎞
2名華裔科學家2021年被加拿大解僱真相 加情報局指涉收120萬加元向北京洩密

2021年初華裔科學家邱香果以及她的丈夫成克定被加拿大溫尼伯國家微生物實驗室(WNML)解僱,原因始終如謎。加拿大安全情報局 (CSIS) 昨日(28日)提交給國會的文件披露,兩人因為向中國提供了機密科學信息而遭解僱。


#加拿大華裔科學家 #涉機密科學信息 #收取120萬加元 #講大話拒絕合作 #重返大陸
新聞有價 記者有格 $128成長計劃
撐Channel C請記者
一齊為民請命 抱打不平
😎Channel C 廣告推廣和媒體合作!🤝
齊柏林熱狗店送出$50元 禮券乙張!


香港今年的評分為41分,較去年下跌1分,其中「政治權利」(Political Rights)40分滿分只有9分,「公民權利」(Civil Liberties)60滿分,則有32分。本港去年先後有47人初選案開審、律政司就《願榮光歸香港》一曲申請禁制令、區議會選舉減少直選議席,投票率創新低、以及壹傳媒創辦人黎智英的國安案開審。報告認為,本港於2020年實施《港區國安法》、以及於翌年改變選舉制度,均對一國兩制構成重大侵害。


#全球自由報告 #消失的香港 #國安法 #消失的民主自由

報導 : 香港大紀元 @hk.epochtimes
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
卡梅倫: 23條立法不符中英聯合聲明及多項定義模糊 中方批評別有用心虛偽雙標 https://channelchk.com/a/16663 香港《基本法》23條立法諮詢期剛於周三(28日)結束,英國外相卡梅倫(David Cameron)發表聲明,表示香港必須確保國家安全立法符合國際標準,維護《中英聯合聲明》、《基本法》、《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》及《經濟、社會及文化權利國際公約》中規定保障人權和自由的義務。 而港府於1月30日公佈的立法方案並未履行這些義務,將對香港市民行使其權利和自由產生負面影…
UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron criticizes the proposed legislation for Article 23 in Hong Kong, stating it does not comply with the Sino-British Joint Declaration and has vague definitions. He emphasizes the need for national security legislation to meet international standards and uphold human rights and freedoms. The Hong Kong government's current proposal fails to fulfill these obligations and could negatively impact the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong citizens. Cameron urges the government to reconsider the plan and genuinely consult the people of Hong Kong. #Article23 #HongKong #HumanRights
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
2名華裔科學家2021年被加拿大解僱真相 加情報局指涉收120萬加元向北京洩密 https://channelchk.com/a/16667 2021年初華裔科學家邱香果以及她的丈夫成克定被加拿大溫尼伯國家微生物實驗室(WNML)解僱,原因始終如謎。加拿大安全情報局 (CSIS) 昨日(28日)提交給國會的文件披露,兩人因為向中國提供了機密科學信息而遭解僱。 快啲Follow我哋後備IG啦 https://www.instagram.com/channelc_hk/ #加拿大華裔科學家 #涉機密科學信息…
Chinese-Canadian scientists Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng were fired from Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in early 2021 under mysterious circumstances. Recently released documents by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) reveal they were dismissed for providing confidential scientific information to China. The documents indicate secret meetings with Chinese officials and intentions to transfer scientific knowledge and materials to China, posing a real and credible threat to Canada's economic security. Qiu and Cheng were also found to have an undisclosed bank account in China, receiving approximately CAD 1.2 million as part of the "Thousand Talents Program." The investigation highlights concerns over loyalty and adherence to security protocols. The case continues to be investigated for potential national security implications. #XiangguoQiu #KedingCheng #NationalMicrobiologyLaboratory #SecurityConcerns
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
多個項目0分📉想再低啲都無🤷 美國民主倡議及研究組織「自由之家」2月29日發表最新一份全球自由報告,香港在100分滿分之中僅獲41分,被評為「局部自由」。其中在政治權利、政治多元化以及政府運作等多個項目更獲0分。 香港今年的評分為41分,較去年下跌1分,其中「政治權利」(Political Rights)40分滿分只有9分,「公民權利」(Civil Liberties)60滿分,則有32分。本港去年先後有47人初選案開審、律政司就《願榮光歸香港》一曲申請禁制令、區議會選舉減少直選議席,投票率創新低、以…
According to Freedom House's latest report, Hong Kong's freedom score has dropped to 41 out of 100, categorized as "partly free." The city received 0 points in several areas, including political rights, political pluralism, and government operations. The implementation of the National Security Law and changes to the electoral system were cited as significant infringements on the "One Country, Two Systems" principle. Hong Kong's political rights have been heavily curtailed, with the Chief Executive election and Legislative Council composition being controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. In contrast, Japan and Taiwan scored the highest in Asia, while mainland China received a mere 9 points. #FreedomReport #VanishingHongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #DisappearingDemocracy
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黎智英案第37日審訊|楊清奇:黎曾稱不擔心被捕 若被捕相信英美不會坐視不理
Forwarded from 棱角 The Points Global
【許智峯公開名單 要求外國制裁司法及執法人員】

- 許智峯公開有份處理其案件香港官員和警察名單
- 許智峯批評名單中人士踐踏香港自由,助紂為虐,促國際制裁
- 港府及個人資料私隱專員公署:強烈譴責、侵犯私隱
- 許智峯指所有資料均屬合法取得、屬政府網站的公開資訊

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7.21非白衣人案|辯方案情展開 林卓廷作供:在灣仔獲告知元朗「鄉頭吹大雞」
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第37日審訊|楊清奇:黎曾稱不擔心被捕 若被捕相信英美不會坐視不理 https://bit.ly/4bX7UU5
During the trial, Jimmy Lai, founder of Apple Daily, revealed that he was not concerned about the possibility of his arrest. Lai expressed his belief that if he were to be apprehended, it would serve as evidence of the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of human rights and press freedom. He further stated his confidence that countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe would not stand idly by in such a scenario. The trial continues to unfold. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #FreePoliticalPrisoners #PressFreedom
#元朗721 林卓廷稱被告知「鄉頭吹大雞」及「有劇本」:穿黑衫挑釁就「藤條fit兩吓」
2019 年反修例運動期間被控襲警罪成的美籍律師 Samuel Bickett,3 月 1 日在 twitter ,引述律政司內部電郵,指高級助理刑事檢控專員陳淑文(Alice Chan Shook-man)已經辭職﹐結束在律政司 28 年的工作。

Samuel Bickett 指,不確定她稱辭職的原因和正式請辭日期,但提到陳淑文曾被列入美國國會制裁香港法案名單當中,形容她是制裁名單中第一個辭職的人。

律政司星期六發稿,稱回應傳媒查詢,雖然一向不評論個別員工動向,但為「以正視聽」,強調陳淑文在去年 9 月,即制裁名單 11 月出現前已經請辭,又強調律政司所有人「一如既往無畏無懼履行職務,維護香港的法治」,外國制裁威脅「只會令大家更堅決落實維護國家安全的義務和責任。」

事件亦有後續,其中 Samuel Bickett 再在 twitter 發文,指港府在周末回應他的說法,反映政府擔憂再有律政人員辭職,又稱早在去年 7 月,美國國會及行政當局中國委員會已發表研究報告,建議制裁 15 個參與港府政治案件的人,當中包括陳淑文,當時她仍未辭職。


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鄭敬基Joe Tay二次回流加國到大多倫多地區萬錦市,同時網上開設頻道將加國不同聲音注入社區並推動加港人權益,有見推動政策改變社會,在民主自由體制下的其中一個方法是以代議士身份,將聲音帶到國會並傳遍全國,讓主流社會進一步了解我們,同時捍衛加拿大的本土價值,實現多元化。鄭敬基現正努力爭取成為Markham-Unionville區的代表,為保守黨出選,有關其政綱及資料,可從以下連結進入了解。


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