Forwarded from RT Deutsch
Stärkung der NATO-Ostflanke: Deutschland und Großbritannien entsenden weitere Soldaten
#bundeswehr #lambrecht #grossbritannien #litauen #nato #UkraineKonflikt #international #aussenpolitik #Deutschland #MilitProzentC3ProzentA4r #NATOOsterweiterung #russland
Deutschland und Großbritannien angekündigt, zur Stärkung der NATO-Ostflanke weitere Soldaten zu entsenden․ Das Bundeswehr-Kontingent in Litauen wird um 350 Soldaten aufgestockt․ Verteidigungsministerin Lambrecht erklärte: "Auf uns ist Verlass"․
#bundeswehr #lambrecht #grossbritannien #litauen #nato #UkraineKonflikt #international #aussenpolitik #Deutschland #MilitProzentC3ProzentA4r #NATOOsterweiterung #russland
Deutschland und Großbritannien angekündigt, zur Stärkung der NATO-Ostflanke weitere Soldaten zu entsenden․ Das Bundeswehr-Kontingent in Litauen wird um 350 Soldaten aufgestockt․ Verteidigungsministerin Lambrecht erklärte: "Auf uns ist Verlass"․
Forwarded from TheAltWorld
🇷🇺🇨🇳🇹🇷 As the world turns further over monumental announcements from the Putin-Xi summit in Beijing, #Turkey's Erdogan keeps walking a thinning tightrope between #NATO and #Eurasia
✒️ Pepe Escobar
✒️ Pepe Escobar
Erdogan in Kiev, Putin in Beijing: can neo-Ottomanism fit into Greater Eurasia? - TheAltWorld
As the world turns further over monumental announcements from the Putin-Xi summit in Beijing, Turkey's Erdogan keeps walking a thinning tightrope between NATO and Eurasia
Forwarded from RT Deutsch
Gegen die unipolare Weltordnung: Putins legendäre Münchner Rede jährt sich zum 15․ Mal
#geschichte #nato #russland #wladimirputin #international
In einer inzwischen legendär gewordenen Rede auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz im Jahr 2007 sprach Russlands Staatsoberhaupt Wladimir Putin viele Themen an, die sich in den darauffolgenden Jahren als beinahe prophetisch erwiesen․
#geschichte #nato #russland #wladimirputin #international
In einer inzwischen legendär gewordenen Rede auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz im Jahr 2007 sprach Russlands Staatsoberhaupt Wladimir Putin viele Themen an, die sich in den darauffolgenden Jahren als beinahe prophetisch erwiesen․
Forwarded from Telepolis
Ukraine-Krieg: China betont Neutralität
#China #NATO #Russland #UkraineKonflikt
Parteizeitung vermeidet direkte Kritik an Russland, während dem Westen vorgeworfen wird, den Krieg verlängern zu wollen․ Gleichzeitig wird erneut die Achtung der territorialen Integrität der Ukraine gefordert
#China #NATO #Russland #UkraineKonflikt
Parteizeitung vermeidet direkte Kritik an Russland, während dem Westen vorgeworfen wird, den Krieg verlängern zu wollen․ Gleichzeitig wird erneut die Achtung der territorialen Integrität der Ukraine gefordert
Forwarded from Freie Linke Zukunft Nachrichten
Eine der wenigen vernünftigen Stimmen in der Linken. Leider hat Naisan Raji in der Partei nichts zu sagen.
Ein NATO-nationalistischer Kriegstaumel geht durch Deutschland
... in Form der Bestürzung über den Krieg, getarnt als einhellige und allseitige Verurteilung Russlands. Doch zu welchem Preis?
Deutschland ist trunken vor Russlandfeindlichkeit und vor Ausgrenzung derjeniger, die nicht zur westlichen "Wertegemeinschaft"…
Deutschland ist trunken vor Russlandfeindlichkeit und vor Ausgrenzung derjeniger, die nicht zur westlichen "Wertegemeinschaft"…
Forwarded from TheAltWorld
🇷🇺🇺🇦 “You don’t believe in the principle of indivisible security? Fine. Now we dictate the security rhythm.”
✒️ Pepe Escobar
#Russia #NATO #Ukraine
✒️ Pepe Escobar
#Russia #NATO #Ukraine
The Birth of the Baby Twins: Russia’s Strategic Swing Drives NATOstan Nuts - TheAltWorld
“You don’t believe in the principle of indivisible security? Fine. Now we dictate the security rhythm.”
Forwarded from GJ `°÷°` 🇵🇸🕊 (t ``~__/>_GJ06)
Scott Ritter (@RealScottRitter): "For those who believe that #Ukraine wasn’t part of NATO…here’s what a proxy looks like: “Ukraine's military is currently working to achieve full "interoperability" with #NATO. The #US soldiers are in #Yavoriv to help the Ukrainians meet that goal
.”" | Nitter | – from GJ `°÷°` 🇵🇸🕊 (t ``~__/>)
Statement by #NATO Heads of State and Government - Brussels 24 March 2022, 24-Mar.-2022
Forwarded from Strategic Culture Foundation
🗽🏰 It is a pathetic spectacle. European governments are prostrated before the American empire.
U.S. President Joe Biden flew to Europe this week with the presidential nuclear codes on display by his entourage. Among the fleet of presidential aircraft was the “doomsday plane” – a specially fitted-out Boeing 747 capable of withstanding nuclear radiation and serving, if-needs-be, as a “Pentagon in the sky”.
Biden attended three back-to-back emergency summits of the G7, NATO and the European Union leaders in Brussels. It was reportedly the first time an American president has ever been invited to attend such an EU leaders’ summit.
There was a palpable sense of over-the-top contrived drama regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. Russia’s military intervention in that country is now in its fourth week. Moscow has claimed reasons of self-defense and protection of Russian-speaking people in Donbass from a NATO-backed Nazi regime in Kiev.
The Western media and their governments, on the other hand, have claimed Russia’s actions are unprovoked aggression and the worst episode of barbarism since the Second World War. There is feverish Western media fears of Russia deploying chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. There are also hysterical fears of Russia next attacking Poland, the Baltics, and the rest of Europe.
Western media are portraying Biden’s visit to Europe as a replay of the supposed American defense of Europe from Nazism and Communism.
This is an incredible distortion by the Western media. Read more in this week's Editorial:
#Imperialism #NATO #Poland #Ukraine #UnitedStates
U.S. President Joe Biden flew to Europe this week with the presidential nuclear codes on display by his entourage. Among the fleet of presidential aircraft was the “doomsday plane” – a specially fitted-out Boeing 747 capable of withstanding nuclear radiation and serving, if-needs-be, as a “Pentagon in the sky”.
Biden attended three back-to-back emergency summits of the G7, NATO and the European Union leaders in Brussels. It was reportedly the first time an American president has ever been invited to attend such an EU leaders’ summit.
There was a palpable sense of over-the-top contrived drama regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. Russia’s military intervention in that country is now in its fourth week. Moscow has claimed reasons of self-defense and protection of Russian-speaking people in Donbass from a NATO-backed Nazi regime in Kiev.
The Western media and their governments, on the other hand, have claimed Russia’s actions are unprovoked aggression and the worst episode of barbarism since the Second World War. There is feverish Western media fears of Russia deploying chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of mass destruction. There are also hysterical fears of Russia next attacking Poland, the Baltics, and the rest of Europe.
Western media are portraying Biden’s visit to Europe as a replay of the supposed American defense of Europe from Nazism and Communism.
This is an incredible distortion by the Western media. Read more in this week's Editorial:
#Imperialism #NATO #Poland #Ukraine #UnitedStates
Strategic Culture Foundation
Biden Visit Marks Abject Subjugation of European Leaders To U.S. Empire
It is a pathetic spectacle. European governments are prostrated before the American empire. U.S. President Joe Biden flew to Europe this week with the presidential…
Forwarded from TheAltWorld
📣🇷🇺🇺🇦 If #Russia army has won the war against the Banderites in #Ukraine, #Nato has won the cognitive war against its own citizens in the West.
✒️ Thierry Meyssan
✒️ Thierry Meyssan
The war propaganda changes its shape - TheAltWorld
If the Russian army has won the war against the Banderites in Ukraine, Nato has won the cognitive war against its own citizens in the West.