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What I really want from new leagues are not new league mechanics, but expansions for old league mechanics.

So, it dawned on me while thinking about what GGG could possibly be throwing at us in the next league that, while I do absolutely love new mechanics in PoE, what I really want is something that expands on previous mechanics.


I want a league that takes existing mechanics and expands on them, making them better and adding more content to them without adding another new mechanic that has to be interacted with within its own separate framework.
I'm talking something like a league that maybe adds a ton of new Delve rooms and mechanics, new underground city types or ways to traverse the infinite dungeon grid. Maybe even the ability to create outposts or encampments of your own deep beneath the earth?
A content patch like this for any of he old league mechanics, whether it be Incursion, Delve, Bestiary, Betrayal or perhaps an old classic like Breach or Perandus, would be immensely exciting for me.


Not only would it would give GGG the opportunity to give the mechanic as a whole a brush-up and bring it in-line with the game's current level of graphical and technical quality (*or at least, INTENDED level of quality*), it allows GGG to add more content to the game and improve the game's overall quality without having to worry about how to integrate yet another league mechanic into the endgame ecosystem. And, on top of that, it would also work as a semi-flashback league where newer players get to experience something very similar to how it was to play when that league was originally live, and older players can have a semi-nostalgia trip.


PoE already has a million different mechanics, to the extent where the sheer amount of different things to do can even be perceived as negative from time to time. Information overload for newer players aside, having too many mechanics to content with can also end up being really limiting for design space when making items and skills.
As we saw with Legion, the devs suddenly have to be very careful with what skills and items they put into the game, as some combos may suddenly be able to farm a particular game mechanic to almost game breaking degrees.


While I think new mechanics in PoE can easily still be immense boons for the game, I think the game is at a point where it would benefit far more from leagues focusing on improving old mechanics instead.


**EDIT:** Just in case that wasn't clear, when I'm proposing these update leagues, I'm also proposing that the updated league mechanic would be present in maps either to the same or a similar extent to how it was when the league first went live.

What is the most successful League Starter build you've ever played?

The most successful league starter build, before you sunk a million exalts into it?

Finally reached my long-term-goal, finished crafting my Amulet. Quite satisfied with the outcome :)



Associations between Previous Leagues and Bex Teasers

Is there a Reddit thread or forum post somewhere that correlates all of the previous leagues with Bex's tweets/GIFs/teasers? It'd be interesting to see the associations that Bex makes between her teasers and what actually transpired in the respective league. Are there any patterns or common techniques that Bex uses? Let's use this information to figure out 3.10! Who's with me?

SlimTrade - A new trade macro to improve your trade experience

SlimTrade is a trade macro that creates popup windows for incoming and outgoing trades. It can also scan chat for custom phrases, ignore items or phrases, track trade history, and more!

**Full explanation** : https://github.com/zmilla93/SlimTrade

**Download latest version** : https://github.com/zmilla93/SlimTrade/releases/latest

Haven't used a trade macro before, or you have and wondering why you should try this one? Here's what it looks like.

* [Incoming trades are green, outgoing are red, and chat scanner messages are orange.](https://i.imgur.com/PKrP3uu.png)

* [Incoming trades also create an info window above your stash to help find items being sold.](https://i.imgur.com/3V4Pu2Y.png)

* [Popups come with inbuilt macros, but also allows for custom buttons to be added.](https://i.imgur.com/6zO05NC.png)

* [Recent trades can be reloaded from the trade history.](https://i.imgur.com/oJzHyQh.png)

Reminder that many ring annoints still don't work properly.

For example, scout attack range bonus still shows a huge ring yet the minions dont attack at all until enemies are in the former smaller range.

Questions Thread - February 21, 2020

Questions Thread - February 21, 2020

This is a general question thread on February 21, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

Drox,Conquer of the Atlas.
Just crafted these boots. Thoughts, opinions?
Headhunter giveaway

Hello 5055 peoples, as the title says I’m going to give my Headhunter away since I’m done with it. General has been pretty dead from what I’ve noticed so I figured here would be better. I’d prefer to give it to someone who won’t sell it or has never had one before but ultimately I’m not checking profiles or anything.

I’ve never done a giveaway but I saw one here recently so I guess I’ll just pick a random user from comments like they did. I’ll check back the evening (probably like 8pm est) of Sunday the 23rd and message the winner!

*Forgot to mention this is PC on MSC

Wrath Girdle, a HoWA Stygian.
I just made my first PoE Purchase - Look at how happy I am! - Seriously thank you GGG for making such an amazing game! You deserve all the love you get from the community!

I had a 24h blood pressure check. This is how I imagine my doctor's reaction.
Hi i'm Chris Wolcen from GGG
Finally got my 36th challenge. First league that I've got to endgame and it feels great! See you all in 3.10