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[LOOTFILTER] NeverSink's itemfilter 7.7 - leveling currency/gem sections, retiering, influencedmaps...

[LOOTFILTER] NeverSink's itemfilter 7.7 - leveling currency/gem sections, retiering, influenced-maps...

Hey guys, this patch integrates the newly integrated filter functionality (AreaLevel, Mirrored, CorruptedMods, HasInfluence commands)

This means, there's now: Gem/Leveling leveling sections (you can also see them on strict while leveling!), elder/shaper maps highlight, sections for stacked splinters, double corrupted items highlight and a bunch of other small additions. On top of that all tierlists have been adjusted as usual to make the filter feel fresh and crisp, if you're still playing the game.

All of these are also configurable on https://www.FilterBlade.xyz

The others (larger) changes are coming for 3.10 , but I wanted this patch to be delivered ASAP.

[PS1: In case you missed: You can now export filters to your POE account](https://imgur.com/a/Vpy8Lld)

PS2: In case you missed:The [subcription-based filters on my account](https://www.pathofexile.com/item-filter/ladder/follower) receive auto-generated updates, every 4 hours now and have softcore/hardcore versions

Download and URLs:

Source | Description
**[FilterBlade.xyz (DOWNLOAD)](https://filterblade.xyz/)** | Recommended way of downloding the filter, if you intend to use styles or customize the filter! Has all strictnesses, styles and economy versions! Experienced users can also edit filters there comfortably.
**[POE site filter list](https://www.pathofexile.com/item-filter/ladder/follower)** | You can subscribe to my POE filter account to receive the filters and updates quickly. The drawback, is that you can't customize these, also no styles! Come in SC/HC versions.
**[Changelog](https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter/blob/master/CHANGELOG.txt)** | Contains information about latest and previous changes
Additional Links:

Description | URL
For additional information, questions and feedback | **[FilterBlade Discord](https://discord.gg/zFEx92a)** **[Forum Thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1246208)**
GitHub Filter Repositories - mostly for developers | **[Stable Version]( https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter/releases/latest )** , **[Softcore Version]( https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-EconomyUpdated-SC-Filter )**, **[Hardcore Version]( https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-EconomyUpdated-HC-Filter )**
Support the development | **[Patreon]( https://www.patreon.com/user/overview?u=8230879 )**, **[PayPal]( https://www.FilterBlade.xyz/About )**
Stay in touch and get informed about updates | **[Twitter]( https://twitter.com/NeverSinkGaming )**, **[Youtube]( https://www.youtube.com/user/TheY0UR/videos )**, **[Twitch]( https://twitch.tv/neversink )**
FilterBlade tutorials (more can be found on youtube above) | **[Youtube Videos]( https://filterblade.xyz/Info )**


- [!!!][LEVELING CURRENCY] Added a new section for LEVELING CURRENCY - wisdom scrolls, portal scrolls, transmutations, augmentations now all have max fontsize and are shown until AreaLevel 65. They also are highlighted a little bit more and are shown on strict. Upon entering areas of level 65+ the old highlight rules will apply again.

- [!!!][LEVELING GEMS] Added a small new section for leveling gems. Gems will always be highlighted in area-level 1 (the gems you get in the twilight strand). Gems will be highlighted on strict until level 65. Vaal Gems are highlighted more while leveling

- [MAPS] Added a new section for Shaper/Elder maps. Elder maps are now correctly highlighted!

- [INCUBATORS] Added an exception for the "Fine Incubator". It's not fine and it's no longer allowed in the tierlists.

- [CHANCING] Chancing bases will no longer highlight mirrorred items ( I will somewhat miss the time, when parties
would play a game of hot potato with mirrorred sorcerer boots)

- [RARES] Added section for double corrupted rares

- [UNIQUES] Added section for double corrupted uniques

- [CURRENCY] Added 2 new sections for stacked splinters (1 for high splinters, 1 for low)

- A bunch of minor changes.

- There's a lot more changes prepared, but those still need some time, so they're coming for 3.10 launch.

Filter and Styleversions

*Strictness-es are filter configurations the affect how much/little a filter shows. The general rule is that: as you clear faster, you want to pick up less, because in the time you'd take care of a higher quantity of items, you can kill more monsters and get a higher chance at rare loot. You can start with Regular/Semi-Strict first (great for new players and leagues) and simply up the strictness from the option menu, once you feel like you want to see less.*

Nr | Name | Short Description
0| Soft | Shows too much. Includes low crafting bases, magic jewellery in the endgame. Not recommended for regular gameplay.
1 | Regular | Shows a lot. Recommended for beginners, new leagues and slow-clearing gameplay. Shows all rares. Good for chaos recipes.
2 | Semi-Strict | Healthy balance. Great for new leagues and beginners and medium-speed endgame gameplay. Hides the worst rares. Good for chaos recipes.
3 | Strict | Hides bad-base rares and scrolls. Universal and recommended endgame strictness. Hides random gems (hold alt in the first zone if you level with it). Bad for chaos recipes.
4 | Very Strict | Hides most rares, scrolls, augments, armourers. Good for the endgame and for speed-farming.
5 | Uber Strict | Hides all low currencies and rares. Great for quantity-farmers.
6 | Uber**+** Strict | Shows too little. Sterile screen. Hides all kind of stuff, including mediocre divination cards, all kind of crafting material etc. Recommended for speed-clearing quantity-parties or as a base for further editing. Not recommended for regular gameplay.

*Styles have no effect on how strict the filter is, but change the visual and audio configuration. Find one that pleases your eye most or make your own on www.filterblade.xyz*

Style | Description
Default | The normal style. It uses a wide variety of colors and shadings to inform users about the drop type, value and properties.
Slick | A less colorful version of the normal style.
Gaia | (*full restyle*) Gaia is a nature-inspired style. It uses less colors, but is still very cheerful.
Vaal | (*full restyle*) A brick, corruption, blood and gore styled filter.
Crimson | (*full restyle*) Dark red hues, with some blues and purples in there. Similar to the Vaal filter, but different.
Velvet | (*full restyle*) Soft green, blue, grey and pink hues, this filter is inspired by oceanic and royal colorsets.
Blue | Minor changes. Changes the color of rares to blue.
Purple | Minor changes. Changes the color of rares to purple.
Azurite | A purple-cyan style, inspired by the delve league colors.
CustomSounds | Special style. *The visuals are based of default, but the sounds are different and are provided in mp3 files. You have to copy the mp3 files too for the filter to work. You can also replace the sounds with your own mp3's to create your own soundset.*

Thanks to...

A special thanks to everyone who helped testing and provided feedback during the past days, you guys included! Thank you!

- /u/Tobnac and Haggis - the 2 others minds behind filterblade + great friends

- A special thank you to all the patrons, especially: Mike E., Henry G., Greg D., Reilly M., Ryndaar, Matt Orsis.


Best regards,


Questions Thread - February 20, 2020

Questions Thread - February 20, 2020

This is a general question thread on February 20, 2020. You can find the previous question threads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/search?q=Questions+Thread+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).

Remember to check [the Wiki](http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) first.

You can also ask questions in the #any-question channel in [our official Discord.](https://discord.gg/pathofexile)

The idea is for anyone to be able to ask anything related to PoE:

* New player questions
* Mechanics
* Build Advice
* League related questions
* Trading
* Endgame
* Price checks
* Etc.

**No question is too big or too small!**

We encourage experienced players to sort this thread by new.
We'd like to thank those who answered questions in the last thread! You guys are the best.

[Discussion] Potential bug? Binding warcries to left click allows you to walk until you allocate "Battle Cry" on the tree, in which case it stops working.

Is this a bug or is it intended? I have enduring cry on my left mouse button, but it prevents me from walking around only after I have allocated the node Battle Cry. I'm wondering if it's because making it instant makes it all one click instead of two separate possible actions or something?

Finally got the 36 challenges for the portal, I love how it looks but..

Why is it so God damn loud and how can I turn the volume on it down. This portal makes me not want to stay in my hideout, but it's so appealing to look at lol.

Can anyone help me on the materials used for this mystic well?
Lucky? Is this really good?
Justice for Chain Hook

Chain hook, the one ability that generates rage on it's own and enables a very fun rage-based Berserker build that actually uses Berserk, has been bugged for almost a year causing you to disconnect randomly and lose your maps/progress. The chain part also feels clunky as hell. Please GGG, either move the rage generating aspect to another skill or fix this ability so that it's usable.

(Posting here instead of official forums because they're a cesspool and for some reason devs always listen to Reddit.)

RSI Finally hit :(

I've been playing since breach league and this league finally took me out of it. Was just one day a little too much gaming and too much gym and my wrist tendies couldn't take it. Age is catching on :(

Anyone have some solid advice for recovery? I can't play for more than 2 hours at the moment and I love to binge the start of the league and don't want to skip 3.10.

why is there no bulk choice for prophecy

i recently started using the official trade site almost exclusively but as prophecy famrer myself and some1 who was looking for to buy some tempests bulk couldnt help but feel baffled how some other forms of items like vials that i still have to see one have bulk tabs and not prophecy that is so old and core mechanic and ppl actually want to buy most prophecis in bulk. is GGG going to change prophs in 2.0 and thats why they have neglected that or they just dont care?ik poeapp supports bulk proph sales but these is no reason for the official site to not have bulk option for prophs

I find this hilarious
My ass hurt and I'm tired, lol. But I just reached level 100 for the first time on ssf
With how new leagues are pitched, anyone else thinking 'Delve but Up' might be similar to the SAO castle?
Decided to throw my last fossil on this belt and randomly got this