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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group (WK42) - Sunday 2022-10-23 (1 of 2)

#Chief_Delegates-meet : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37339 : #CDs term IV meeting with Yves La Rose, ENF - https://youtu.be/eCAjBY-NT78

#Recap_Teaser follow up : Purpose of Eden?/ Purpose of EOS : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36933 :
--M1-- : “Question for current Chief Delegates: From your perspective... What is the main purpose of this Eden?”
--CD1-- : “To solve problems for eos.To do so by any means that eden is capable of.”
--M1-- : “Purpose of EOS? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/36941 - If the current Chief Delegates agree the purpose of this org is to create value for the EOS network, then what is the current consensus on the main purpose of the EOS network.”
--CD1-- : “I don't see value in agreeing on one main purpose of eden. Each delegate has their own ideas and as long as it benefits eos it's sufficient.”
--CD2-- : “This purpose should evolve over time, currently Eden should focus on increasing membership and member participation.”
--CD3-- : “”Creating value for EOS ecosystem, is a broad enough statement. Due to the way the collective Eden members select CDs . . . the process in turn forms a reflection of the communities interpretation of value.”
--CD4-- : “1. . . facilitate the organization of communities of like minded individuals . ., 2. . . viable system of an up-voted governance structure . . . – Secondary goals may include funding ventures individuals or groups . . .”  -  “”The purpose of EOS as I've come to understand blockchain as a whole, is to give people greater independence and ability to independently trust transactions, . . . “” - Less cost, - Greater programmability, - More reliable code, - Faster speeds than other competitors, - (store of value yet to be seen)”
--CD5-- : “To help communities of verified humans, wherever they are, build their own versions of Eden, whatever that may be. Together. Powered by EOS"
--M2-- : “Good queries and discussion is a healthy one. Eden not yet come together toward a common objective. Maybe that's the idea. Maybe we should aim to see many options/DAOs developing within Eden and Eden Fractal.”
--M3-- : “I think we need to focus on EdenOnEOS first and then also to promote the Eden / Upvote process outside of EOS.”
--M4-- : “Question is if new communities should even use edenos, when they will get the hypha version - second question is if eden wants to migrate its ui to whatever hypha will provide.”
--M1—: “Adoption of Hypha seems like a great moment to hit the refresh button, clean up the house, and empty the trash.”
--M2-- : “Hypha set up is underway and accessible - https://dao.hypha.earth/eden - I see it as a good organisational tool for more effective and productive work by individuals and teams. Good video on Hypha - https://youtu.be/PbloPJlmQ3M”  
--CD4-- : “I agree Hypha adoption is an opportunity. But maybe "empty the trash" and "dissolving" organizations are unnecessary. Clean the house though is more along the lines my thinking, doing a bit of organizing the organization.”

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37068 :
--CD-- : “Any initiatives by the Delegates and Chief Delegates to establish metrics for Eden/EdenOnEOS that can justify continued funding would be welcomed by all. A Circle that might want to take this on would also be great.”
#Edenia : “We are working on an Accounting Standard for Eden Delegates that we hope will help provide useful insights and transparency on where the Eden Treasury is going. Providing more information will hopefully improve trust for continued funding. - https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eden-delegates-accounting-standard/5826
--M-- : “The ENF hasn't said anything one way or another about additional funding for Eden. . . The ENF continues to show support for Eden in word and deed, Yves continues to engage with the CDs and not so long ago signaled support for the new bylaws.” – “”Between Eden and Hypha the EOS Network, by way of the ENF, has invested heavily in DAO infrastructure, 825k EOS all told, of which Eden is the main beneficiary.
All the ingredients for success and massive showing of support is here.””

#Delegate_Funds expiry : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37390 :
--CD1-- : “As a Delegate/Chief Delegate, should the ability to claim your allocated funds expire if not claimed by the end of the term?”
--CD2-- : “The Chiefs are considering expiring the funds after 2 terms of not claiming. Thoughts?”
--M1-- : “Believe a good change to make and same time put in that if a member miss 2 elections in a row, without justifiable excuse, then loose membership or similar.”
--M2-- : “Sounds like a micromanagement nonsense to me. Maybe you can expire it in half a year or something when you can consider it abandoned job, but no point in limiting it to the term.”

#Eden_White_List : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37076 : “Current whitelisting solutions are inefficient because users need to signup/do action for every drop and across each collection. EDEN can act as a decentralized white list if marketplaces implement this code https://github.com/edenia/eden-member-check“  -  “NFT creator on WAX is interested in exploring a decentralized whitelist solution for his community members and other creators. EDEN can provide this solution because we are good at validating unique humans on-chain.”

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37134 : “Who wants to talk about email? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/35990 - Are folks opposed to using email? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/37150 - Do we want to be reached via a direct means of communication, which we would presumably be expecting since we have opted in, with occasional messages which transcend the noise of a telegram chat? Communications that are rare enough, and important enough that you look at the sender and think to yourself, hey here's a message from this organization I belong to, I can see that in the From field, let me have a look. Or, is there a suitable alternative?  Because clearly Telegram isn't it.

#Web_Hosting : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37306 : “EDEN community, This is an official statement for requesting proposals to run web hosting OPEX for EDEN on EOS. The Chief Delegates will be accepting proposals through October 31 2022.” – #Edenia can provide some insight into what’s needed.  Open to chat in the spirit of collaboration. The more teams that can run EdenOS, the more resilient we become as a community!  Here is a start: https://github.com/edenia/eden

#Eden_Fractal 19 meeting Oct 12 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36990 : “The momentous first meeting with the Eden + Fractal process! - https://youtu.be/XsznxqL4t7U“  -  “” https://youtu.be/XsznxqL4t7U - Empowering communities with processes of ƒractally on EOS!””  

= END =