Dinesh D’Souza
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I am an author, filmmaker, and host of the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.

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I can totally understand the “let’s only consider a black woman for the Supreme Court” thing. This was exactly the approach that yielded #KamalaHarris and that worked out beautifully, didn’t it? #SCOTUS #Breyer
What if it turns out Sotomayor leaked this? Or one of her clerks did with her permission? Then we have a chance for a two-fer: Get rid of Sotomayor, and get rid of Roe. There could be a big bright upside to this! #Scotus #abortion
No worries, progressives! You can still kill your unborn children. You’ll just have to do it in a blue state #Scotus #RoeVsWade #Abortion
Finally the Supreme Court took control of its own body and terminated Roe v. Wade #abortion #Scotus
Democratic segregationists went berserk after the Brown decision and we can expect Democratic pro-abortion types to go berserk now. It’s okay. Civil rights progress never comes without some reactionary resistance #Scotus #Abortion #RoeVsWade
The Court didn’t ELIMINATE a constitutional right to abortion. It affirmed that there NEVER WAS such a right. Just as Lincoln affirmed the rebel states never legally severed their relationship with the union #Scotus #abortion #RoeVsWade
Abortion is the Jim Crow of our times—a denial of basic human rights and a moral stain on the nation. As with segregation that lasted many decades, #Scotus finally said enough. “Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty we are free at last” #Abortion #RoeVsWade
In retrospect I think the leak backfired. It forced #Scotus to dig in for fear of looking weak and vulnerable to pressure. At the same time it prepared the country for the decision, diffusing much of the shock that would have come if the decision came without warning #Scotus
The party of Satan is NOT having a good day! #abortion #roeoverturned #scotus
The only way to eliminate race as a factor in college admissions is to eliminate race as a factor in college admissions. Thank you #SCOTUS and bye bye #RacialPreferences
There was a time when there were only five of us combatting affirmative action: Tom Sowell, Walter Williams, Ward Churchill, Larry Elder and me. That was in the early 1990s. It’s taken 30 years for us to be vindicated, and how sweet it is! #SCOTUS
Asian Americans have been kicking ass academically in selective colleges across America while wearing the shackles of affirmative action. Imagine how well this group is going to do now that the shackles are off! #SCOTUS
I’ve always thought minorities who champion affirmative action for themselves suffer from a lack of self-respect. In effect, they are saying, “I’m intellectually disabled and I only want to compete in a Special Olympics against other disabled members of my own group” #SCOTUS
We won the moral and intellectual debate over affirmative action 25 years ago. Every survey since then has shown strong public opposition to racial preferences. But institutions change slowly. Finally we’re going to see bureaucracy align itself with decency and reason #SCOTUS
Somewhere, up there, Martin Luther King Jr is looking down and smiling #SCOTUS
The issue isn’t white supremacy. It’s Asian American supremacy. What makes this “yellow” supremacy impossible to criticize is it is entirely based on merit. No one can plausibly argue that Asians got ahead by exploiting anyone. They did it by out-competing everyone #SCOTUS
I keep reading all this nonsense about “protected classes” and “minority groups.” We are all in this country a minority of one, and our rights accrue to us as individuals, not because of our membership in a class or group #SCOTUS
9-0. Think of the massive slap in the face #SCOTUS just administered to Michael Luttig, Larry Tribe and other ersatz experts who assured us the Constitution was crystal clear and that states could remove Trump from the 2024 ballot. Get back under a rock and hide, you losers!
The rage on the Left is that of the assassin who has been deprived of his shotgun. They were desperate for #SCOTUS to bless their legal assassination plot against Trump. Instead the Court held that legal assassinations are inconsistent with constitutional democracy