Dinesh D’Souza
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I am an author, filmmaker, and host of the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast.

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Speaking as a former fetus, I think this is a very good decision by the Supreme Court #RoeVsWade
No worries, progressives! You can still kill your unborn children. You’ll just have to do it in a blue state #Scotus #RoeVsWade #Abortion
Democratic segregationists went berserk after the Brown decision and we can expect Democratic pro-abortion types to go berserk now. It’s okay. Civil rights progress never comes without some reactionary resistance #Scotus #Abortion #RoeVsWade
The Court didn’t ELIMINATE a constitutional right to abortion. It affirmed that there NEVER WAS such a right. Just as Lincoln affirmed the rebel states never legally severed their relationship with the union #Scotus #abortion #RoeVsWade
Abortion is the Jim Crow of our times—a denial of basic human rights and a moral stain on the nation. As with segregation that lasted many decades, #Scotus finally said enough. “Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty we are free at last” #Abortion #RoeVsWade
Since the protocols of American culture now dictate it’s impossible to define a woman, it follows that there cannot be a women’s right to ANYTHING—let alone abortion. How can rights be attributed to a group that does not exist? #abortion #RoeVsWade
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett didn’t “lie.” They merely played the stupid verbal games that are required by our degraded political culture, precisely so they could get on the court and begin the long hard work of restoring that culture to its original moral moorings #RoeVsWade
The prolife people are the sweetest, simplest, most unselfish people in America. It is rare for the sheep to win such a huge victory over the wolves. This is the true meaning of Trump’s mysterious statement, “God did this” #Abortion #RoeVsWade
These ugly freakish progressive women don’t realize we are not exactly excited at the prospect of them reproducing themselves. It’s only because of our strong belief in the sanctity of life that we swallow our distaste and make our best effort to save their babies #RoeVsWade
Leftists say the Supreme Court cannot tell women what to do with their bodies, and this is precisely the Court’s reason for overturning #RoeVsWade. The abortion issue is returned to the people to be decided democratically, in accordance with the values & preferences of each state
I heard a pundit on MSNBC say the Supreme Court, with its latest abortion decision, is trying to “repeal the twentieth century,” which, come to think about it, if it could somehow be done, would not be an entirely bad idea #RoeVsWade