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Personnel from the first stage of the exercise with practical training on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.
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❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 USVs with MLRS - now a reality

The special military operation is truly transforming modern conflicts from top to bottom. We have seen many significant trends that are echoing in other crisis regions around the world.

And the drone sphere is a key one of them. From the most basic copters to the conversion of light aircraft into kamikaze drones - we have seen all of this during the SMO.

🔻The same can be said about unmanned surface vessels, whose capabilities have expanded from simple kamikaze drones to makeshift air defense systems equipped with anti-aircraft missiles and machine guns.

And now our colleagues from the channel Beyond the Fogs have demonstrated the use of rocket projectiles from a USV near the Tendra Spit. It turned out to be a kind of ersatz MLRS launcher that can be used against ground targets.

Of course, the accuracy of such systems is lacking, as in the case of air defense missiles, but now it is no longer just a kamikaze drone, but a quite combat-capable unit that can create some kind of problems in the already turbulent Black Sea.

❗️One can say a lot "yes, they are useless, the accuracy is poor, no benefit at all", but the important thing is that the development of this sphere is progressing by leaps and bounds. And further technologies will become better, and ways to counter (and introduce similar weapons) need to be sought now.
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The Kalashnikov Concern presents an exclusive video of the flight of the SKAT 350 M drone, designed for round-the-clock aerial reconnaissance in the optical and infrared ranges.
/Kalashnikov Media/
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❗️🇷🇺🪖 On the arrest of the head of the Main Directorate of Communications, Vadim Ashmarin

Rumors about investigative actions against the head of the Main Directorate of Communications appeared the day before yesterday.

Despite the fact that his predecessor Khalilov was arrested back in 2020, the investigation into that case is still ongoing.

There are many claims against the Main Directorate of Communications: since 2013, a very small percentage of R&D (research and development) has been implemented, although for 11 years since the dissolution of the DRIIT, all R&D has been carried out through the Information Technology Development Directorate. And this is all - money, and a lot of it. Spending was there, but implementation was not.

There are plenty of claims against Shamarin regarding falsification, inflating reports about how everything is fine, and unjustified organizational decisions that have harmed the organization of communications in the troops.

And if you add to this the stories about the scandalous Azart-BV, the numerous fakes that were, to put it mildly, ineffective, the list of uncomfortable questions will be huge.

Moreover, last week, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber landed at "K-Tekhnologii". This company is responsible for computers, screens, the famous multimedia globe in the atrium of the National Defense Control Center - in general, everything expensive, rich and useless from the series of products that have no analogues.

📌 All these movements began after the Board of the Ministry of Defense of Russia: yes, there is no witch hunt, but there is an audit.

And on the example of K-Tekhnologii, it is obvious that now the audit is being conducted along a different line: the Main Military Investigation Directorate and the Main Military Prosecutor's Office have been somewhat pushed aside.

And as we can see, this audit is tough and effective, since not only Yuri Kuznetsov was taken, but now Vadim Ashmarin as well.
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🇷🇺Russian President Vladimir Putin allowed the use of American property in the Russian Federation to compensate for damage from the seizure of Russian property in the United States

The special commission will identify property owned by US persons, including securities, that can be used to compensate for damages.
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🇷🇺🪖 On the cancellation of the "Tank Biathlon" and the 2024 Army International Games

This year, one of the main events of the Russian Ministry of Defense has been canceled. The army is rejoicing: there will be no distractions from combat operations, no "showmanship", people are doing serious work. But the need has disappeared for somewhat different reasons.

If we look at the "Tank Biathlon" and Army International Games not from the military perspective with its obvious shortcomings, but from an economic and PR point of view, then earlier (let's express an unpopular version) this event could be found to have several positive aspects:

▪️ It created an information background for concluding contracts through the military-industrial complex, FSVTS and Rosoboronexport;

▪️ It created a beautiful picture of powerful and effective armed forces;

▪️ In the Russian army, a spirit of competition was maintained (according to reports), there was an incentive to grow further, receive awards, and so on.

📌 In general, a product was created that allowed creating both demand and supply, as well as motivating a certain part of the personnel. And Russians liked it (jokes about the "Dobrynya" tractor are appropriate).

❗️Now the SMO has made all this unnecessary (again, we are talking about the economic and PR component of the issue). Orders have dried up because Russia is now an untouchable country from the West's point of view, and the state defense order has allowed the military-industrial complex to spin up to full speed. Funny competitions are not needed: people are fighting, and the outcome of winning is to stay alive and destroy the enemy. Equipment shows itself in all its glory in modern military conditions.

Footage from a "king-size grill" raid on Krasnohorivka or the destruction of an enemy stronghold with a FAB-1500 JDAM, filmed on a shaky Mavic camera, is now better than a reporting video from the Army International Games. And all the components of the project are being implemented. And the tasks are being solved as well.
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❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine: highlights of the week May, 20-26, 2024

Russian troops launched another missile attack on Aviators'ke airfield in Dnipro. As a result of the hit, the MiG-29 fighter was destroyed.

▪️Throughout the week, Russian Armed Forces inflicted damage on enemy targets in Kharkiv. One of the targets was a railway depot in Osnovianskyi district, as well as an industrial zone located nearby.

▪️Russian troops also attacked elements of the enemy's power infrastructure. In Shostka, drones hit the territory of a central heating power plant, and in Konotop damaged one of the electrical substations.

▪️Ukrainian units, in turn, resumed attacks on the territory of the LPR after a short break. In the suburbs of Luhansk, one of the Storm Shadow missiles hit the building of the former Academy of Internal Affairs, and in Dovzhansk, ATACMS missiles hit a fuel depot.

▪️The enemy also attempted to attack facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan. Both drones were shot down by air defence forces in the area of Yelabuga and Nizhnekamsk, destruction and casualties were avoided.

▪️At the same time, the enemy does not stop making combined raids on Crimea. Two civilians were killed in a missile attack in Simferopol. In Alushta, missiles hit an empty building, and naval aviation sank three USVs near Sevastopol.

▪️In special military operation zone, Russian troops are holding the initiative and advancing on several sectors of the front. In North Ukrainian direction, the enemy continues to build fortified areas on the border and trains personnel at landfills.

▪️In Slobozhanske direction, Russian troops are fighting in Vovchansk. The territory of the Volchansk district police department has come under the control of Russian troops, and fighting continues on the territory of the aggregate plant.
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🇮🇷🇷🇺🇺🇦 Our old acquaintance, Bild journalist Julian Röpke, nicknamed "Jihadi Julian", is once again demonstrating the wonders of analytical thinking: this time he claimed that there is an expansion of Iran-Russia cooperation, having seen the guided bombs "Kaem-5" on the UAV "Mohajer-6" that fell in the Kursk region.

It would be foolish to be surprised by their appearance now, against the backdrop of the long-developing interaction between the countries, given the various news about drone deliveries, transfer of ballistic missiles or the sale of Russian fighters to Iran.

Moreover, at the final stage, the purchase of 15 Mi-17 helicopters (12 rescue and three fire) for the Iranian Red Crescent is being completed, which was confirmed by the head of the country's rescue and emergency relief organization, Babak Mahmudi.

And the miniature bombs themselves are the latest Iranian development, which appeared just a few years ago. And their testing during a high-intensity conflict in the conditions of a layered air defense system is an ideal opportunity for the Iranians, which they are taking advantage of.
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🇵🇹🇷🇺🇺🇦 Online, footage has appeared of a drone that was apparently used to attack the over-the-horizon radar system "Voronezh-DM" near Armavir. It turned out to be the Portuguese-made Tekever AR3 drone.

You may recall that last summer, when we first wrote about the Ukrainian Armed Forces actively using Portuguese drones, various Portuguese media outlets sent us refutations. They claimed the information was false and that the Portuguese had not transferred the latest UAVs to Ukrainian formations. But as can be clearly seen, the "Tekevers" are now being used for strikes on strategic Russian targets as well.

The AR3 is the junior version of the Tekever family. They are more mass-produced, which is why they were used as kamikaze drones. The enemy also has modifications of the AR5 - more advanced drones with improved reconnaissance equipment.
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🇬🇧🇷🇺 On Britain's Struggle for Antarctic Resources

Against the backdrop of news from crisis regions, an interesting anti-Russian campaign in the British media is going almost unnoticed.

Experts from the UK Environmental Audit Committee stated in May that Russian scientists allegedly found oil and gas reserves of over 500 billion barrels in the Weddell Sea in Antarctica in 2020.

However, the statement had no documentary or even witness evidence. Nevertheless, this was enough for major Western media to start spreading the narrative that Russia is planning geological exploration, which is prohibited by the Antarctic Treaty.

🔻What actually happened?

The Russian research vessel "Akademik Karpinsky" has been studying the structure of the Earth's crust in the seas of Antarctica for several decades. One of the many tasks of the research, which is carried out annually, is the assessment of the oil and gas potential.

Based on indirect signs, scientists can only assume in which layers of the Earth's crust there could have been favorable conditions for the formation of oil. To confirm the hypothesis, expensive research and drilling are required, for which the "Akademik Karpinsky" is simply not equipped.

🔻Why are the British raising the alarm now?

By accusing Russia of searching for oil in Antarctica, Britain is actually forming an information background for its territorial claims in the area where the alleged oil and gas-bearing region is located.

After the British statement, the authorities of Chile also hastened to send officials to their Antarctic base to once again assert their claims to the territory.

📌 The Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits the exploration and extraction of resources in Antarctica, does not yet have an expiration date, but none of the interested countries want to be left with nothing when the war for resources begins.

Russia, firmly entrenched in Antarctica, causes discontent among its Western colleagues. The research vessel "Akademik Karpinsky", which is already 40 years old this year, may be inferior to Western ships in terms of novelty, but at the same time it receives high-quality seismic data that are valued in the global scientific community.

Therefore, the sanctions imposed by the West have not bypassed the "Akademik Karpinsky", which repeatedly faces problems in the ports of call: third countries refuse to refuel the vessel.

🔻The "sensation" that began to be promoted in the UK in May is just another pretext to increase pressure on Russian scientific institutions and try to oust Russia from Antarctica.

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