CoinDogs - Game
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CoinDogs is a social game✌️

Choose & Breed a Dog, personalize it, train it, share it, and race your virtual CoinDog for fun to win a lot of gifts!
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How Well Do Dogs See At Night?

A lot better than we do, scientists say

🧐 Dogs have evolved to see well in both bright and dim light, whereas humans do best in bright light.

🧐 Dogs have many adaptations for low-light vision. A larger pupil lets in more light.

🧐 But the canine’s biggest advantage is called the tapetum. This mirror-like structure in the back of the eye reflects light, giving the retina a second chance to register light that has entered the eye.

🧐 The tapetum also causes dog eyes to glow at night.

CoinDogs are ready to race regardless it's daytime or nighttime😉

Start playing right now 👉

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