CoinDogs - Game
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CoinDogs is a social game✌️

Choose & Breed a Dog, personalize it, train it, share it, and race your virtual CoinDog for fun to win a lot of gifts!
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🧐 What are the gold coins next to a dog?

Gold coins displayed next to a dog represent profit the dog made from racing and breeding.

🧐 What are 0 gen dogs?

0 gen dogs are dogs whose parent is the Satoshi Unicorn. Young zero gen dogs are great dogs for racing. Older zero gen dogs make great parents for breeding low generation high-performance racing dogs.

🧐 My dog is sad and slow to breed—how can I make them happy?

After a period of inactivity, or extensive racing, dogs will generally get sad and even depressed. There are easy ways to make them happy again so they can run and breed fast again:

🐶 Show them love. Share their profile page on Facebook by clicking on the heart button.
🐶 Get them a new accessory. A pair of new sunglasses is all it takes to make your dog happy.
🐶 Breed them with other dogs. After a puppy is born, both parents will be happy.
🐶 Introduce them to Satoshi the Unicorn. When you own Satoshi, all of your dogs are happy!

Start your race right now

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​​Do you have a passion for online games and wanna get your own dog?

CoinCogs will become a perfect combo for your entertainment and enthralling pastime 😉

Breed your own puppy for activity and stable passive income 👌

🐶 Select one breed to be a Mom
🐶 Select one more breed to be a Dad
🐶 Get your own perfect puppy racer



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🧐 Do you offer an affiliate program?

We offer an invite based program. You can share a link with your invite code in social media, forums, blogs etc. When a person joins the game using your invite code, they will see your dogs more prominently, making your dogs more likely to earn income for you.

🧐 How many breeds of dogs are available?

There are currently 20+ of the most popular dog breeds available, plus a Grey Wolf and several special non-dog characters.

🧐 I got an ugly dog—Now what?

As in real life, sometime DNA combinations will produce a dog that is not the best looking. With 6+ trillion possible DNA variations in our game, there are bound to be some uglies. Maybe you can get some accessories and decorate your dog to make them look pretty. Who knows, maybe they're great on the racetrack—you should try!

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