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The United Nations formally established the International Day To Combat Islamophobia in 2022.

A "phobia" is a medical term meaning irrational fear. It is considered a mental disorder. The word "Islamophobia" is used to silence voices that are critical towards (Political) Islam.

@CSPIIorg scientifically analyzes Islamic doctrine's foundational texts (Koran, Sira, and Hadith) that deal with non-Muslims (Kafirs) to understand its impact on non-Islamic (Kafir) civilizations.

Such exercise yields the following numbers:
- 51% is about how to treat Kafirs (non-Muslims) = Political Islam
- 33% is dedicated to jihad
- 9% is anti-Jewish (in comparison to 7% of Hitler's Mein Kampf)

You can learn why we use the term "Political Islam" here:

The application of Islamic political doctrine has resulted in more than 270,000,000 Kafir victims (1). No historical records exist of victims of the "jihad of purification" (2) within the Islamic community itself, but the almost 45,000 violent jihadi attacks since 9/11 (3) have caused a high number of casualties (4).

Therefore, it is ethical and rational to raise awareness about Political Islam as well as to reject its division of the world into Muslims and Kafirs, who are called the “worst of all creatures” (Koran 98:6) (5).

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📖 Doctrinal quotes:

(5) Koran 98:6 "Lo! those who disbelieve, among the People of the Scripture and the idolaters, will abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created beings."

📚 Sources:

(1) Tears of Jihad,
(5) Pickthall, Marmaduke. 1930. The Meaning of The Glorious Koran, An Explanatory Translation, New York: Alfred A Knopf.

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Created by @CSPIIorg
Allah's Messenger told them, "We will let you stay on thus condition, as long as we wish." So, they (i.e. Jews) kept on living there until `Umar forced them to go towards Taima' and Ariha'.”

4. Sira Ibn Ishaq, p. 515.


6. Hadith Muslim Book 19 Hadith 4294 ”…the Messenger of Allah … would say: …Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah… If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them…”

7. Hadith Bukhari, Volume 4, book 53, Hadith 386 “…Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); "

8. Hadith Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, Hadith 388 “Narrated Juwairiya bin Qudama at-Tamimi: We said to `Umar bin Al-Khattab, Jo Chief of the believers! Advise us." He said, "I advise you to fulfill Allah's Convention (made with the Dhimmis) as it is the convention of your Prophet and the source of the livelihood of your dependents (i.e. the taxes from the Dhimmis.) "


Pickthall, Marmaduke. 1930. The Meaning of The Glorious Koran, An Explanatory Translation, New York: Alfred A Knopf.

Khan, Muhammad M. 1997, The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari: Arabic-English. Riyadh: Darussalam.

Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Nisapuri. 2009. Mokhtaser Sahih Muslim. Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui. 1st edition, edited by Mika’il al-Almany. The Vista Publishing House.

Guillaume, A., The Life of Muhammad. Ibn Ishaq. 1982. London: Oxford University Press.

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Koran 18:80 (Arberry) “As for the lad, his parents were believers; and we were afraid he would impose on them insolence and unbelief;”

11. Sahih Muslim Book 19, Hadith 4457 “…The Messenger of Allah used not to kill the children, so thou shouldst not kill them unless you could know what Khadir had known about the child he killed, or you could distinguish between a child who would grow up to be a believer (and a child who would grow up to be a non-believer), so that you killed the (prospective) non-believer and left the (prospective) believer aside.

12. Koran 2:217 (Arberry) “They will question thee concerning the holy month, and fighting in it. Say: 'Fighting in it is a heinous thing, but to bar from God's way, and disbelief in Him, and the Holy Mosque, and to expel its people from it -- that is more heinous in God's sight; and persecution is more heinous than slaying.' They will not cease to fight with you, till they turn you from your religion, if they are able; and whosoever of you turns from his religion, and dies disbelieving -- their works have failed in this world and the next; those are the inhabitants of the Fire; therein they shall dwell forever."

13. Koran 8:36 (Pickthall) "Lo! those who disbelieve spend their wealth in order that they may debar (men) from the way of Allah. They will spend it, then it will become an anguish for them, then they will be conquered. And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto hell,"





Pickthall, Marmaduke. 1930. The Meaning of The Glorious Koran, An Explanatory Translation, New York: Alfred A Knopf.

Arberry, Arthur John. 1996. The Koran Interpreted: A Translation. A Touchstone Book. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Khan, Muhammad M. 1997, The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari: Arabic-English. Riyadh: Darussalam.

Abul Husain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Nisapuri. 2009. Mokhtaser Sahih Muslim. Translated by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui. 1st edition, edited by Mika’il al-Almany. The Vista Publishing House.

ROT: Keller, Nu ha Mim. 1997. Reliance of the Traveller: Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law. Amana Publications.

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Jihad Is More Than Violence

Published on CSPII website here:

The word “jihad” is clearly defined in Islamic doctrine, unlike other confusing words such as “Islamism,” “extremism,” “fundamentalism,” or “terrorism,” which have no doctrinal basis. Jihad means effort or striving. The aim of jihad is to establish the whole world as Islamic with the use of violent as well as non-violent means. Jihad comprises 31% of primary Islamic doctrine: 9% of the Koran, 21% of the Hadith (Bukhari) and 67% of the Sira. (1)

Mohammed was not very successful in spreading Islam until he became a jihadi. After 13 years of preaching, he had only 150 followers. When he died, all of Arabia was Islamic. It was jihad that brought Mohammed to power.

Jihad has had a significant influence on history and the world’s political landscape. The Middle East, Turkey, Egypt and North Africa were transformed from Christian civilizations into an Islamic civilization. For seven centuries, Spain and Portugal were under Islamic rule. Eastern Europe, particularly the Balkans, were under Islamic rule. Over the last 1400 years, at least 270 million Kafirs were killed by jihad. (2)

A common defense of jihad is that it has two forms: the greater jihad (inner spiritual struggle) and the lesser jihad (war against the Kafir or non-Muslim). Bukhari’s Hadith has around 1400 hadiths about jihad. Only 2% of those 1400 are about something other than violence. 98% of the jihad hadiths are about violent acts against the Kafir. (3)

It is important, however, to remember that although violence against the Kafir is an important part of jihad, jihad is multi-faceted. Jihad against the Kafir can be carried out in many ways (4), such as through money, speech, eliminating critics, influencing politicians and Hijra (Islamic political migration). To make the differences in types of jihad clear, adjectives can be used to form terms such as violent jihad, financial jihad, etc.

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📚 Sources:
(4) (The Guide on How to Understand and Discuss Political Islam, page 27)

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