📡Guardians of Hong Kong aka BeWater HK
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HK Authorities Propose Real Name Registration and #HealthCode System like China's

Hong Kong's Secretary for Heath #LoChungMau said on July 11, 2022 that the government had plans to introduce a three-colour ‘health code’ system in the city, bringing the app in line with China's system.

It would be an additional function to #LeaveHomeSafe, the government's COVID contact-tracing app. Lo mentioned that reference was sought from the health code systems used China. He also claimed that it was important to implement real name registration.

[Editor's note: Since the LeaveHomeSafe app has been made compulsory by the authorities in Hong Kong, many citizens expressed concerns over its privacy issues. The health code system in China has been long regarded as a #MassSurveillance campaign of the #ChineseCommunistParty government.]

Source: InMediaHK.net #Jul11

see also:
LeaveHomeSafe app has built-in facial detection module, Hong Kong government admits

Down with the live-with-COVID believers (Satire)

#PrivacyBreach #Freedom #Authoritarianism
China's WPS Office Software Accused of #Censorship and Lockup Users' Files

#WPSOffice, a Microsoft Office-like software released by China's company #Kingsoft, has recently been exposed for allegedly censoring content and locking users' files for sensitive words, prompting criticism.

Users have reported that WPS Office actively detects the contents of documents stored on computer drives and in the cloud. A file will be locked whenever sensitive words are found, which would be released only if the user files official complaints to the developer. The software locked a novel of more than 1 million words in one case. The author said the pieces have never been shared with anyone, questioning whether the WPS official had been peeking it without permission.

The official response from WPS was that the file contained illegal links, which is why it was banned, stressing that the user's privacy always comes first.

However, the WPS statement seems to make matters worse, and the general public is not at all convinced, with some questioning, " How do you know the document has an illegal link? Only if you peek at it!"

Source: The Liberty Times #Jul12


#China #ChineseSoftware #PrivacyBreach