🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Israel Experiments on Palestinians With Ai-Powered Gun at Checkpoints – MintPress - 2022

Palestinians argue the remote-controlled gun has a more sinister intention than the army is letting on. “Israeli security companies use Palestinians as training objects,” Amro said. “The Israeli army practices their new technology [on Palestinians] to check if it’s working or not, then they sell it to other countries.”

Smart Shooter is the company behind the newly-installed weapon. According to its website, the Israeli arms manufacturer uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision to turn traditional firearms into smart weapons. The company’s slogan boasts “one shot, one hit”, indicating its target detection capabilities are so precise they’re able to hit moving objects with incredible accuracy.

Currently, Smart Shooter has several agreements with foreign militaries across the world.

#AI #Technology #SmartShooter #Apartheid #Palestine #Arms #ArmsBusiness #business
#Experimentation #NATO

🇵🇸 Revealed: The Munitions U.S. Supplied Israel for Gaza War - National Security & Cyber - Haaretz

Tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells, thousands of bunker-buster munitions and 200 kamikaze drones , these are just some weapons and ammunition Israel has asked the U.S. for since the beginning of the war in Gaza.

An internal Pentagon document revealed by Bloomberg on Wednesday details the requests made by "a senior Israeli leader" in late October. The list also includes 2,000 Hellfire laser-guided missiles for Apache gunships and 36,000 rounds of 30mm ammunition for its cannon.

#Palestine #Gaza #WarCrimes #Genocide #Israel #US #Arms #Weapons #Amunition
🇵🇸 These Are Western Countries Aiding Israel’s Genocide in Gaza – Mint Press

Since Israel’s war on Gaza began in October, several rights groups have initiated legal proceedings regarding arms exports to Israel.

On Nov. 6, Palestinian human rights organizations, #AlHaq, #AlMezan Center for Human Rights, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (#PCHR) launched legal action in the Federal Court of Australia to access all arms export permits that have been granted to Israel since Oct.7.

#Arms #Weapons #ArmsImport #Israel #Nato #US #EU #Australia #WarCrimes #ComplicityOfWarCrimes #ComplicityOfGenocide #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #Genocide #Palestine #Gaza
22/11/2023 #Sipri
🇵🇸 US explicitly involved in committing war crimes against civilians in the Gaza Strip | EuroMed HR Monitor

Geneva – In a new statement following the revelation that the United States has supplied Israel with 100 2,000-pound “bunker buster” bombs since the start of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip on the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor condemned the US action.

The aforementioned weapons are fortification-piercing bombs, with a warhead (BLU-109) that is known for its ability to deeply penetrate fortified structures before detonating and causing significant casualties among civilians. As such, their use is strictly forbidden in civilian and residential areas, Euro-Med Monitor said.

Video source : footage of civilian house targeted by a " bunker buster" missile/ bomb, Gaza on the morning of 04/12/2023

#Palestine #Gaza #US #USA #Israels #IOF #Arms #Complicity #USWeapons #Weapons #BunkerBuster #Bombs
#WarCrimes #BLU109 #Genocide #InternationalLaw
🇵🇸 Dutch rights groups take government to court over arms to Israel | Middle East Eye –

Human rights groups are challenging the Dutch government in court, arguing it is complicit in alleged Israeli violations of international law in Gaza by supplying F-35 fighter jet parts.

The suit, brought by Oxfam Novib, PAX and The Rights Forum, comes after a Dutch newspaper reported that the government allowed a delivery of the components despite foreign ministry lawyers warning that Israel was committing serious violations of humanitarian law.

The components, made by the #US-based #LockheedMartin, are stored at a warehouse in the #Netherlands and then shipped to #Israel and other countries.
"The government allowed itself to be blackmailed by Israel and the US - at the expense of Palestinian lives," The Rights Forum has said.

#Complicity #Holland #Dutch
#WarCrimesComplicity #Israel #Genocide #WarCrimes #Gaza #Liability #InternationalLaw
#F35 #US #USweapons #IOF #Court #Arms
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Gaza is a weapons lab for the arms industry w/Antony Loewenstein | The Chris Hedges Report

Whether it's drone technology or the infamous Pegasus spy software, Israel has long developed and refined repressive technologies used by governments around the world by testing them on Palestinians. Antony Loewenstein, journalist and author of The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the disturbing links between Israeli Apartheid, the arms industry, and global repression of civilian populations.

Previous post with Anthony Loewenstein 1 | 2

#Palestine #Irsael #Arms #AIA #AI #Technology #ArmsTrade #Drones #Book #Author #ArmsIndustry #AnthonyLoewenstein #Surveillance
🇵🇸 To Save Gaza, She Breaks Into Israeli Drone Factories | Declassified UK

Palestinian activist Huda Ammori risked going to prison for breaking into Israeli drone factories in England. She tells Declassified about her campaign to kick Israel's largest arms firm, Elbit, out of Britain, Palestine Action's marathon six week trial and her acquittal.

Why I risked prison to shut Elbit down : The co-founder of Palestine Action writes about her and fellow activists’ acquittal by a UK court for attempting to close down the Israeli arms firm’s operations in #Britain.

#Gaza #IOF #Drones #Elbit #Arms #UK #Activist #Activism #Diaspora #PalestineAction #Resistance #HudaAmmori
🇵🇸 Washington lifts 'hold' on shipment of 500lb bombs for Israel | The Craddle

The US government has lifted a two-month hold on shipments of 500-pound bombs for Israel, according to US officials who spoke with Reuters on 10 July.

In early May, the White House announced a hold on a shipment of 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs to Israel, citing “concerns” these would be used to flatten Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinians had taken refuge at the time.

On detonation, a 500-pound bomb can severely harm or kill anyone within a 20-meter radius, according to the Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA). A 2,000-pound bomb has a destruction radius of 35 metres.

#Gaza #Genocide #Arms #Bombs #US #Civilians