🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Mapping Hebron's Apartheid –

The primary intention of the project is to give users an objective tool with which to form their own opinions about the situation. The interactive map, using easy-to-understand graphics, creates a simple tool that sheds light on this very complex social and political reality. In highlighting the facts, the project aims to bring international attention to the apartheid policies occurring specifically in Hebron while still reflecting the reality facing The West Bank as a whole.

The interactive map, using easy-to-understand graphics, creates a simple tool that sheds light on this very complex social and political reality. In highlighting the facts, the project aims to bring international attention to the apartheid policies occurring specifically in Hebron while still reflecting the reality facing The West Bank as a whole.

#Apartheid #Palestine #Hebron #Mapping #maps
Interactive map - Btselem

The essence of the apartheid regime in place between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is to promote and perpetuate the supremacy of one group over another. B'Tselem works to change this reality, recognizing that this is the only way to realize a future in which human rights, liberty and equality are guaranteed to all human beings living here, Palestinians and Jews alike


#Apartheid #Palestine #colonisation #maps
March 2023 Demolition and Displacement Report - #ICAHD

There are four categories of #Demolitions :
Punitive demolitions: Houses demolished as punishment for the actions of people associated with the houses.
Administrative demolitions: Houses demolished for lack of a building permit. This happens in Area C and in East Jerusalem, under exclusive Israeli authority, though prior to the existence of Areas A, B & C it occurred in other areas as well.  It is important to point out that in almost all cases, Palestinians have no choice but to build "illegally" as permits are rarely granted
Land-clearing operations/Military demolitions: Houses demolished by the IDF in the course of military operations for the purposes of clearing off a piece of land (for whatever reason), achieve a military goal or to kill wanted persons as part of Israel’s policy of extrajudicial executions
Undefined demolitions: These include mainly demolitions resulting from land-clearing operations and removal of Palestinian populations

ICAHD video illustrating demolitions in the Jerusalem area between 2004 and 2021.

See our monthly Demolition and Displacement Reports for details - ICAHD https://icahd.org/2020/03/14/monthly

More than 131,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished in Israel and the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT)
 since 1947.
In 2022, ICAHD analysis revealed that over 926 structures were demolished and 953 people displaced in the OPT with a further 28,255 people directly affected.
In 2021, 3004 structures were demolished in the Negev/Naqab – 431 homes and 2553 agriculture and livelihood structures
.View maps here.

#Demolitions #displacement
#maps #AreaC #AreaA #AreaB
Removing Borders, Erasing Palestinians: Israeli Population Maps after 1967
How Israeli population cartography incorporated Palestinians through the very act of erasing them.

The borders that intrude into the bedroom also split towns in half and sever them from their surrounding regions. The construction of the infamous Wall within the West Bank has created enclaves in Barta’a and western Bethlehem. Despite officially being part of the West Bank, these Palestinian towns are left on the Israeli side of the Wall, which functions as a de facto new border on the ground. The border has literally moved around them. It is as if Canada built a wall around northern Vermont and then told the residents that they were all now illegal squatters on Canadian soil.

#history #cartography #maps
Maps, Technology, & Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine - Al-Shabaka – 2020

The practice of mapping in Palestine-Israel has long been an exercise in power, imperialism, and dispossession. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Zena Agha examines how Palestinians have been excluded from maps of their own land from the British Mandate to today, and explores ways that Palestinians can – and do – reclaim maps as a means of resistance. 

WATER RESOURCES MAPSApplied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) –

#Water #maps
Fact Sheet: Israeli Surveillance & Restrictions on Palestinian Movement | IMEU – 2021

The Israeli government closely monitors the communications and movements of millions of Palestinians in the occupied territories (West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza), who have lived under Israeli military rule since 1967, and inside Israel, making Palestinians one of the most surveilled people in the world. 
This mass surveillance is part of a complex web of control Israel has imposed on Palestinians, particularly in the occupied territories. This system of control includes restricting the physical movement of people and goods, dividing and isolating Palestinian cities and towns from one another and the outside world, and suppressing freedom of speech on and offline.
The following fact sheet provides an overview of Israel’s methods of surveillance and physical control over Palestinians in the occupied territories

#RedWolf #BlueWolf #Pegasus #Biometrics #FacialRecognition
#surveillance #Report #Occupation #Apartheid #maps
Mapping Apartheid 6 Digital Initiatives Reclaiming the Palestinian Map - 2020

Mapping Palestine and its systemic erasure, are more relevant and more important than ever.

See other - - > #maps
🇵🇸 Mapping Genocide

UN official: Israel has shifted from ‘indiscriminate’ killing of civilians to ‘organized killing’ in Gaza

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt (@FranceskAlbs): "ALARMING. Phase II of #GazaWar (see @EpshtainItay), risks to push the exhausted Gaza population to the border with Egypt & into #deportation to Sinai. This may result in the largest #ForcibleTransfer of Palestinians in a long history of forcible transfers of Palestinians." | nitter

#Palestine #Gaza #OPT #InternationalLaw #IDP #NewNakba #Refugees #ForcedDisplacement #UN #UNSR #EthnicCleansing #Genocide
#maps #Leaflets #Egypt #Sinai
Dec 1, 2023 · 10:47 AM UTC
🇵🇸 UNOSAT Gaza Strip Agricultural Damage Assessment - November 2023

The decline in the health and density of the crops can be observed due to the impact of activities such as razing, heavy vehicle tracking, bombing, shelling, and other conflict-related dynamics. The analysis takes into account the damage that affects both active crop fields, fallow lands, and a multitude of household gardens. UNOSAT analysis shows that the agricultural extent in the Gaza Strip is estimated to be 185 sq. km, accounting for approximately 50% of the total area of Gaza. Compared to the average of the previous 6 years, approximately 15% of the arable land in the Gaza Strip has exhibited a significant decline in health and density in November 2023..

#Gaza #Agriculture #Maps #Satelite #UNOSAT #DATA
#Destruction #Desolation #Food
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Palestinians' Sacred Right of Return – Salman Abu Sitta

This edited audio is from a paper prepared by Professor Salman Abu Sitta as a speech to present to the Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine held in Johannesburg, South Africa on May 10-12, 2024. Images have been added by If Americans Knew. To read or listen to the full speech

#AbuSitta is the founder and president of the Palestine Land Society, London, dedicated to the documentation of Palestine’s land and People.

He is the author of six books on Palestine including the compendium “Atlas of Palestine 1917- 1966,” English and Arabic editions, the “Atlas of the Return Journey” and over 300 papers and articles on the Palestinian refugees, the Right of Return, and the history of al Nakba and human rights.

He is credited with extensive documentation and mapping of Palestine’s land and people over 40 years. His widely acclaimed memoir "Mapping my Return" describes his life in Palestine and his long struggle as a refugee to return home.


Defeating the zionist master plan of dividing the West Bank in two and taking over the entire territory will require that solidarity activists put their bodies on the line to defend threatened Palestinian communities.


#Maps #Palestine #Occupation #Colonisation #Apartheid #WestBank #OPT #Passia #JerusalemMasterPlan