Alchemy with Amanda Official ⚜️ Flow State πŸ’žπŸŒΉπŸ’‹πŸ‘‘
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Energy Practitioner πŸ’œ Alchemist ⚜️ Psychic πŸ‘ Astrologer β˜† Quantum Soul Level Healing & Shamanic Medicine - Heyoka Medicine Woman - Shamama Lobo 🐺
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Where in your life do you find yourself feeding the most energy?
Look to what a β€œregular” day looks like for you.  
Do you spend much of your time in physical pursuits?
Or perhaps you spend a lot of time in meditation, journeying and practicing your energy work & Quantum Realms visitations?
Doing other things that brings you joy and love into your heart & life?
And other enjoyable things like learning and mastering a new skill, practice or expanding your knowledge base?
Or do you find yourself focused too heavily on the 3D, and the material β€œto-do” lists, chasing the next dopamine hit?  
Or jumping down the next rabbit hole in one of the many Matrices you may find yourself on any given day?
Remember, you are in control of the reality you will experience.
This does not mean to disassociate from the stark realities of what is unfolding in the 3D. What it does mean is to choose wisely which spectrum and frequency you wish to operate from and make β€œyour norm”
Realising that whichever energy you feed is the energy that will expand, this can either be a beautiful consuming or your worst nightmare depending on the polarity you wish to neutralize at.
With the Astrological energies we have been experiencing these past 2 – 12 years (depending on which time line you have joined us at) and the energies we will be coming into these next few months it really is imperative – if you haven’t already – to get in tune with yourself and master how you wish to be β€œfeeling” on any day during your day to day.
This is not about positive thinking or any of that fluff and woo bypassing nonsense.
This is about being a Hermetic Alchemist – one who sees the potentialities, and choses to be the cause not the effect in any instance they wish to enter into.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for reading.
Visit Alchemy with Amanda at via my BIO LINK to schedule your 1:1 Session today. It is time to realign and create your Highest Truth.
Follow @alchemywithamanda_official777 today
13D & above love, always,
Amanda L Darch
30 Nov 2021
"You are the Author, the Architect, and the Director of your life. What are you co-creating with the Divine?"
- Amanda L Darch
#alchemistactivation #alchemy #cocreation #divineplan #soultruth #pathoftheheart
Roll with it beautiful Soul, triple down on the Self care & nurturing - whatever that looks like for you - the waves of this Eclipse are going to be hitting us randomly over the next few months.

So remember this post when you feel you have been plummeted back into the abyss even after you've broken the surface for air and feel you are on the rise.

This Eclipse Full Moon energy will be revisited multiple times until a mini reprieve - for some - at the Leo New Moon later this year. (Intuitive hit earlier today)

Considering this energy will be similar to a carousel on fire, or random bungee jumps head first into murky waters of the ick emotions - in the high times, remember to celebrate your growth as you are progressing along the ascending spiral.

No one is exempt from this.

However it is our levels of consciousness, awareness & presence which will determine how this next cycle will be experienced for us. Internally & thus manifested externally.
So be gentle with yourself & others.
Communicate when you need space to avoid blow ups.

Breathe, move, and journey along on the multiple dimensions of consciousness as many times as you need to continue exalting yourself. Dance, running, boxing, extra sleep, and water. Along with writing out all that is pinballing in your cerebral space will assist in easing the pressure during the heavier waves.

Decide & choose to let it be easy for you.

Let it be easy, because you've worked hard up until now. Now is the space in time to flow with the path of least resistance. In order to do so, you must relinquish control in absolute faith & Trust of the Divine plan attempting to unfold in your life.

Blessings always

#fullmooneclipse #scorpiofullsupermoon
Longer Share 🌹πŸ₯°πŸ’ƒ The Mission in this life is to return to yourself. This needs to be your first priority.

It is in the journeying back to you remembering your Divine wholeness, which becomes the Mission of lightning the path for others to find their way back home.

To Self.

To the Heart.

All paths of the Heart lead us Home.

To seeing our truest Divine natures, in being all of ourselves.

Unapologetically, with grace and humility for we have succeeded in our first mission.

The Mission back to Self.


Giggling like a kid doing these - it feels like ages since I took some pictures of myself. And for this Virgo New Moon I was guided to do a mini ritual and card pull for myself for a change & have a dance around. So who am I to argue πŸ˜†πŸ₯°πŸ’ƒ

This afternoon's energies were like trying to tune into a distorted radio station, extremely dense energies to navigate, and I was guided to do the Virgo New Moon video during the New Moon itself. I asked why, and the message I received back from my Higher Self was:

'You don't like to listen or read others interpretations of the Moons & Transits do you?'

I was like, 'No, absolutely not. I want to have my own experience and do my own chart interpretations'

My Higher Self: 'Exactly, and this is why a Magician is never late, you're allowing your online families to do the same. So record the video during the New Moon & they can receive it after they've had their own experience'


So there you have it family.
Going forward, all New & Full Moon videos will be recorded the day of and during. And I'm being told now, if they are ever out early, it's for good reason, like a heads up. πŸ˜‡

I hope you've been enjoying the lighter energies since the Moon reached it apex at 18:17 AEST today (27th Aug) and I trust all your prayers and intentions have been received by Divine Higher Order for supporting you in your beautiful co-creations. πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ™Œ

Love & New Moon Blessings beautiful Soul



#divinemission #soulmission #pathoftheheart #newmoonmessages
#lalunatoldmeso #newmoon #Astrology #virgoseason #virgonewmoon #higherself #divineplan
Your Life & Path Of The Heart Will Not Always Make Sense To Everyone Around You, & More Often Than Not, You Will Experience Many Chapters Where You Will Be Challenged To Continue On Forward, Solo.

There Will Also Bce Many Chapters Where You Will Lose All Sense Of Meaning & Direction & Knowing Of Which Steps Are Required To Take Next.

These Chapters Are When Your Faith, Trust, Fortitude, Patience, Commitment, Love & Devotion Will Be Tested The Greatest.

These Are The Chapters That Create Your Brilliance, Remind You Of The Truth Of Your Heart, & The Greater Divine Plan Attempting To Be Birthed & Co-Created With & Through You.

These Chapters Are What Are Required In Order To Release The Anchors Of The Past - In All It's Shapes & Forms. To Realign To Our Higher Divine Truths And Heal & Transmute The Old Paradigms Which Our Ego Mind Is So Fearfully Clinging Too.

These Chapters Support Us In Self Mastery, & Magick.
Surrender Into Them, & Allow Them To Clear Your Way.
The Future You Are Desiring Is On The Otherside Of The Fears & Stories That You Hold On To.

What If, Just For Today, You Forgot All You Thought About Your Past?

What If, Just For Today, You Gave Yourself Permission To Be A Divine Blank Slate, Awaiting You To Write Your Desired New Future Into Reality?

What If, Just For Today, You Forgave Yourself For Every Past 'Slight,' 'Fault,' Or 'Mistake' You Hang Over Yourself?

What If, Just For Today, You Allowed & Told Yourself, It Is Safe To Be Happy, It Is Safe To Feel Light As A Feather?

What If, You Promised Yourself To Remember These Frequencies Daily?

You Are The Only One Who Can Create Your Reality.
Use Your Frequencies Wisely, And Choose Happiness πŸ₯°πŸ’ƒπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈβš‘οΈπŸŒΉπŸ’š

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Thank You For Being Here πŸ™Œ

Thank You For Staying True To Your Path πŸ¦…

So Much Love & Blessings

#dailydoseoflove #dailymotivation #selfmastery #alchemy #divineplan #pathoftheheart #frequencyofoperation #bebold #beallofyou