2024 香港人生存消息報導
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612三週年 9國港人接力集結 各地集會日程

反送中運動迎來三週年,惟香港的一切集會、遊行已被政府全面禁止。離散世界各地的香港人接力傳承歷史的記憶和抗爭的意志,將在 6 月 12 日分別於英國、澳洲、加拿大、美國、日本、台灣、德國、瑞典、新西蘭等地,最少三十多個城市舉行集會,紀念當年香港人所流的血和淚。

#同文 集合各地集會日程,讓海外港人可一文看清。

#612三週年 #反送中 #反送中運動 #逃犯條例 #英國 #澳洲 #加拿大 #美國 #日本 #台灣 #德國 #瑞典 #新西蘭 #海外港人 #集會 #遊行
2024 香港人生存消息報導
【三週年】日本 6.12 活動預告 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區 https://lih.kg/iFaLQT #願粹我命、捍衛我城、全民自救、打破宿命 #抗爭到底,至死不渝 @A202001020 https://t.me/+UR_G9n75Xohr8bNX

「光復香港 拒絕低頭」 612集會
主辦:Stand with Hong Kong Winnipeg
地點:Canadian Museum for Human Rights

「如水再聚 莫失莫忘」612集會
主辦:Halifax-Hong Kong Link
地點:Public Gardens (Front Gate)

「如水再聚 莫失莫忘」墨爾本集會
主辦:Victoria Hongkongers
地點:State Library, Victoria

「如水再聚 莫失莫忘」612三周年集會
主辦:HKIA Brisbane
地點:Reddacliff Place

「如水再聚 莫失莫忘」默站抗議
主辦:Adelaide Stand with Hong Kong
地點:Rundle Mall

「如水再聚 莫失莫忘」集會
主辦:Yellow Power NZ
地點:Bridge of Remembrance 追憶橋

「香港時代革命3年 戦いつづけろ」抗爭3年東京遊行
主辦:Stand with HK at JPN、香港の夜明け、Act in HK、Lady Liberty HK

「兄弟爬山 繼續努力」旗海遊行

「兄弟爬山 繼續努力」抗爭集會

#612 反送中 #英國 #美國 #加拿大 #澳洲 #新西蘭 #日本 #台灣
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hong Kongers, especially those seeking refuge in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #EvilCCP #Ta
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hong Kongers, especially those seeking refuge in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #EvilCCP #Ta
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hong Kongers, especially those seeking refuge in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #EvilCCP #Ta
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hong Kongers, especially those seeking refuge in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #EvilCCP #Ta
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hong Kongers, especially those seeking refuge in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #EvilCCP #Ta
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hong Kongers, especially those seeking refuge in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #EvilCCP #Ta
【初選47人案|全球港人號召周末集會聲援民主派 「初選無罪,打壓可恥」】

世界各地港人團體近日號召於周六(15日)舉辦集會,聲援因初選案被控的民主派人士,集會地點包括 #英國#美國#加拿大#澳洲 以至 #台灣 等。聯合主辦集會的團體表示初選無罪,期望所有離散各地的港人參與今次活動,聲援受政治逼害的47名被告以至其他在囚者。

今次集會大部分以默站形式進行,以 #三藩市 的集會為例,主辦方表示希望召集47名參加者戴上面具,一方面象徵初選案被捕的47名被告,亦表達「47人可以是我們任何一個」的訊息。他們亦計劃在默站期間,向途人講解港區國安法及初選案,呼籲參加者攜帶文宣、標語或旗幟出席。

#初選47人案 #海外港人 #港區國安法 #港人集會 #初選無罪 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站