Keys To Knowledge
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Fiqh & Usul al-Fiqh benefits:
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After reading our first post on #K2KLibrarytips in tafsir, alot of you requested more tips/advices. Bismillah...

The student focuses on acquiring books (that are suitable for their level and taught by their teachers) as advised by the Muhaddith Sh. Muhammad Ali Aadam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله,
واعتنين بجمع كتب إما ... تشترين أو تستعر لا ذما
Give great attention to gathering (beneficial) books by either buying or borrowing and there's nothing wrong with the latter.

This means your library will constantly expand throughout the years; it's important to keep your books organized and arranged in a manner that is convenient and easily accessible.

Annual or biannual (twice a year) inventory checks/library rearrangements are crucial (preferably during school breaks or weekends so you can take your time)...This will allow you to become reacquainted with those books you may have forgotten you own. This isn't necessarily applicable to larger compilations, but it's certainly the case with those small independant treaties/one vol. explanations (I will expound on this point when I organize the aqeedah/miscellaneous section - in shaa Allah).

If you have a family, then rearranging your library is a really good bonding experience as it gives you the opportunity to explain and introduce certain books to your spouse and (older) children. Also, your little kids are always eager to help so it becomes a great moment to show them the importance of knowledge. I'm sure we all have memories of helping our parents when we were small and how it left an impression on us even until today. Leave that same impact on them in shaa Allah.

This can also be a reminder of knowledge's responsibility. Feeling the actual weight of these books and will tire you out...but you'll remember that knowledge is much weightier and it can lead to a person's success or destruction (Allah make it a proof for us). No doubt you will be motivated and strive even harder. There are other benefits I hope I can share in future posts بفضل الله.

Due to lack of space, I had to separate my hadith section into two different portions. In the photo are only explanations for the 6 books of Hadith.

#K2KAdvices #K2KStudyTips #K2Kbooktips
In continuation of our #K2KLibrarytips #K2Kbooktips series...

From time to time you'll find nice small 1-volume works that peaks your interest about a particular subject. They are not mutoon (texts that are gradually studied in order to understand a science), nor their explanations, nor books normally taught by the Mashaykh. Instead, they are independant research works written on various topics.

With mutoon (& the above mentioned types of books), you will naturally review its content on a daily-weekly-monthly basis. But with these types of books, honestly, you won't pick them up often (or at least as often as mutoon).

Knowing that, how should we interact with these books & extract the most benefit? Whenever you buy these types of books, read them completely before placing it on your bookshelf. Because these books are fairly small, & they usually expound on one or few points within a bigger science, you're able to read & digest all of the material within a day or more.

Extract the benefits and write them in your "main explanation book" of that particular text you have studied/are studying with a teacher. In your main book, quote the passage of benefit - either fully or partially - and write the reference for further reading.

Although you probably won't pick up that book again for a while, you're still able to benefit from the gems you gathered from it everytime you do your regular review of mutoon & its explanations.

Here is an example of the above with a text we studied during the mahad days. This matn was given out during an intensive course on al-Waraqaat, Usul al-Fiqh. The book is structured in a way that allows you to take notes and it also includes the explanation by Jalalud-Deen al-Mahally رحمه الله. So as our Shaykh was explaining, I wrote down the benefits he shared. I then went home and gathered benefits on each topic from other sources.

Some time after the course, I came across this small book entitled النكرة وعمومها عند الأصوليين وموقف القرافي من ذلك. This book is around 100 pages & only focuses on the discussion of one or two subjects mentioned in al-Waraqaat.

So I read the book and extracted the beneficial points I came across, then wrote them down in my sharh al-Waraqaat with the references. From that moment until now, I have picked up that smaller book only a few times. Normally that would be a waste, however, because I wrote down the benefits in my main explanation of al-Waraqaat, I am still able to benefit from that book's content on a regular basis.

In my view and based on my limited experience, this is the best method in benefiting from these small independent written works. Wallahu 'alam. I pray Allah will allow someone to implement and benefit from this advice.

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices #Knowledge #Books #Ilm #Read #Understand #Memorize #Rinse & #Repeat
Two advices for students in different stages seeking Islamic knowledge:

1. There's no such thing as "#freetime" when it comes to the student of knowledge. The phrases, "I don't have anything to do", "I'm bored" doesn't exist in the #student's speech.

Whenever classes or plans are cancelled, there are always personal studies to catch up on.

The #Tālib creates a schedule for their daily #studies. For the one who wishes to become successful, #time must be dedicated every day towards memorizing, revising, reading new material and heart softerners (raqaa'iq)/motivators. #Sincerity and #consistency are key in this affair. K2K's motto:

إن ترد أن تنال الفلاحْ ... فعليك بالصدق والإلحاحْ

"If you want to attain #prosperity,
Then upon you is #persistence and sincerity."

These meanings are affirmed in the Texts, like the Hadith,

احرص على ما ينفعك واستعن بالله ولا تعجز

"Be diligent in what will benefit you,
Seek Allah's assistance (includes sincerity),
And do not tire/give up (includes consistency)." (Muslim)

2. For those in the beginner stages, take a little bit at a time - you're not going to become Shaykhul Islam overnight. One of the major reasons why people burn out in studying is due to putting too much on their plate, stretching themselves too thin. Start with what you can, be consistent, & increase little by little.

Ibn Shihab Az-Zuhri رحمه الله once said,

من رام العلم جملة ذهب عنه جملة وإنّما العلم يطلب على مرّ الأيام واللّيالي

"Whoever aims to acquire knowledge all at once, it will leave him all at once. Rather knowledge should be acquired over the passage of days and nights."

And as ابن النحاس once said رحمه الله,

اليوم شيء وغدا مثله ... من درر العلم التي تلتقط
يحصل المرء بها حكمة ... وإنما السيل اجتماع النقط

"Today, a few pearls of knowledge are acquired and tomorrow is similar; through which one attains by it wisdom. Certainly the floods (strong consistent currents in reference to consistent solid studying ultimately) gathers issues of #knowledge."

#ilm #K2KAdvices #K2KStudyTips #K2KMotivation #Adab #Mannerisms #Islam #Quran #Sunnah #Salaf

For more advices:
Part I

As you progress in your studies, you will come across numerous benefits in many sciences. It is important to record all of it & organize them appropriately. The longer you're in this career, you'll realize the importance of this.

However, this may be difficult in the beginning stages due to being unfamiliar with what exactly to write down & how to arrange.

This is exactly why we seek the advice of those who are successful in their respective fields: to learn the proper method of attaining proficiency. Why do people spend their hard earn money to buy books written by millionaires about business? Obviously so that they can mimic their habits & produce the same - if not - even better results. The same concept exists when seeking Islamic knowledge, فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون "Ask the people of remembrance if you do not know" (an-Nahl)

So, how do you record benefits & what do you record?

Listen to the Muhaddith of Makkah, Sh. Muhammad Ali Aadam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله وشفاه when he said,

واجتهد في درسها معلقا … نفائس الدرس وخذ ما ينتقى
وحل ما يشكل واحرصن على … كتب الفوائد وجهدك ابذلا
وأرشد الرفقة للفوائد … إياك والبخل من العوائد

“Apply yourself in studying while recording/annotating the invaluable lessons you’ve come across in your studies (lectures & readings); capture the best of it.

(Note down/)Scrutinize obscure issues of knowledge, strive in recording (those) benefits, & exert your efforts in doing so.

Guide your companions towards those fawā'id (by sharing & showing the correct method of seeking knowledge),& beware of being stingy with those benefits."

There is much to discuss here & I will have to make another post, but for now I want to highlight a few points:

1. Write down anything you don't understand. You should have a journal specifically dedicated to issues you don't comprehend. Whenever you come across a scholar you can ask them, or even answer yourself months/years later.

2. Compile any benefits you've come across into a booklet & always reference. Perhaps you read something 10 years ago & can't find the reference. If you wrote it down in your "daftar" it will always be with you & no time is wasted trying to search for it again.

3. Learn how to summarize a science & organize its topics. This only comes as a result of in depth understanding & plenty of practice until you get it right. Dedicate a notebook for a science or matn/poem. Gather all the masā'il w/ their evidences & details. Start off simple, then add as you progress/restudy a text.

If you want to invest in your Islamic education and learn how to learn knowledge properly, consider joining our course, "The Pupil's Guideline/Manual in Seeking Islamic Knowledge" starting this Wednesday إن شاء الله. Details on our website:

Join us:
#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices
There are various mannerisms the student must learn & observe when attending lectures. Executing these etiquettes is considered to be venerating & respecting knowledge, & also a means of obtaining barakah in your studies.

Among the student's code of conduct is knowing how to sit & behave in lectures. Some of them are:

-Sitting close. ibn Jamaa'ah رحمه الله said those seats are reserved for the elders, long time students of the Shaykh, & those w/ the most knowledge.

-Not moving often, as mentioned by Ali ibn Abi Talib رضي الله عنه:

"When (the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) spoke, those present bowed their heads in such a manner, as if birds were sitting on their heads. (They did not shift about, as birds will fly away on the slightest move)." (Ash-Shamaa'il)

-Giving full attention to the Shaykh & avoid busying oneself w/ other things like phones, playing w/ pen, or even beard. Do not be distracted by anything else in the lesson and focus on the teacher.

-Do not extend feet out towards the Shaykh.

-Turn pages softly w/o making noise & causing disturbance. Sh. Muhammad Ali Aadam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله said,

لذاك كان الشافعي إذ جلس ... لدى الإمام مالك نجل أنس
تصفح الأوراق بالرفق لكي ... لا يؤذي الشيخ فيوصف بغي
"For that reason, when Shāfi'ee would sit with Mālik bin Anas, he would softly turn the pages so as not to harm Mālik (by causing disruption w/ unnecessary sounds) & avoid being described as ignorant (b.c. lack of manners)."

These are just a few & there are many!
We will discuss them in detail in our course, "The Pupil's Guideline/Manual in seeking Islamic Knowledge" إن شاء الله. Register today:

We had an intensive seminar today at the University & a friend snapped & sent me this picture. May Allah reward him with good for inspiring this post & also allow him to receive good deeds for everyone who benefits from this.

#knowledge #islam #Quran #Sunnah #Allah #ilm #Makkah #K2KAdvices #K2KStudyTips
Keys To Knowledge
Couple points of reflection:

1. #Allah has made the means of seeking #knowledge extremely accessible, we just have to put in the effort. This is a fairly new series on Umdatul Ahkaam explained by Sh. Salih al-Usaymee حفظه الله. The #Shaykh is an #Imaam in #Riyadh and teaches these classes every Wednesday night. Being that I live in #Makkah and not home at the time of the lecture, I’m unable to attend live - both in person and online.

Normally, in the past, that would be a lost benefit. However, because of internet and recordings, all of us can still benefit from the people of knowledge even in our own homes. #Alhamdulillah, so what’s our excuse?

2. #Subhanallah, I recall when I first attempted to improve my listening skills; I would listen to short arabic clips by Sh. Salih #Fawzaan حفظه الله (who speaks clearly, eloquently and relatively slow). However, I was only able to make out a few words at the time and it was frustrating.

Ahamdulillah, but I didn’t quit, kept at it, and بفضل الله eventually got a hang of it. Now years later I find myself listening to lectures with double the speed... laa ilaha ill Allah. I don’t say this out of arrogance or self amazement وأعوذ بالله من ذلك but just trying to #motivate myself and others to keep struggling on this path. #Wallah it maybe hard at first, but with du’aa, constant renewal of intentions & persistence you will see improvement over time... Don’t take my word for it, try it out and witness for the poet said,

يا ابن الكرام ألا تدنو فتبصر ما ... قد حدثوك فما راء كمن سمعا

“O child of the noble, will you not draw closer so as to clearly see what they have relayed to you? For the one who witnesses something himself is not like the one who just hears about it.”

#consistency #dayindayout #K2Kmotivation #k2kadvices #k2kstudytips
Accompany those below, on & above your level.

There was an intensive seminar a few weeks back at the Uni. for Hadith students in the masters & doctorates program. In this seminar, the Shaykh جزاه الله خيرا reviewed how to utilize important resources needed to perform takhreej of the ahadith they will use in their dissertations. He also included practical exercises throughout the forum. Although I'm in the B.A. program, I still decided to attend & benefit from the topic & my elders.

As a student, it's important to mingle with others who are on different levels in their Islamic knowledge:

1. Mixing with beginners & non-students is neccessary in order to develop & refine the skill of summarizing & simplifying large complex matters - an essential technique that assists in broadening your understanding of the material. This is also an opportunity to review beginner material that you've studied in the past.

2. Accompanying diligent students on your level facilitates competition in memorizing, reviewing, & understanding of the texts you are currently studying. It also sharpens your mind when debating. As our Sh. Muhammad Ali Adam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله said,

ورافق النبيه في المذاكره ... لكي يفيدك لدى المناظره
Keep company with the sharp and attentive in reviewing, so that he could benefit you in (& prepare you for) debates. Meaning, those review sessions become a training ground to prepare you for any possible debate(s) you may find yourself in the future.

3. Associating with those above your level incites & inspires you to progress in your studies. These gatherings exposes you to different resources & advances your insight & perception of numerous issues.

At the end of the day, be around those who you will either benefit from or you're able to benefit them.

Ibn Jamaa'ah al-Kinaany mentioned in Tadhkiratus-Saami',
الذي ينبغي لطالب العلم أن لا يخالط إلا من يفيده أو يستفيد منه
"What is necessary for the seeker of knowledge is to not mix with anyone except those who benefit him or those who seek benefit from him."

Wallahu alam.

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices #Knowledge #UQU #KitaabwaSunnah #Quran #Sunnah #Islam
Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali
To my reverts on Eid... Today is a hard day...Trust me, I know...but if you wish to never feel like this again then I advise you to make knowledge your true friend and Allah, at no time will you feel lonely again.

1. Learn the Quran, memorize & review it - you'll never feel alone.

"...O Allah, make the Qur'an the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress."

2. Learn #Hadith, memorize & review it - you'll never feel alone.

Nu’aym b. Hammad – “[‘Abdullah] ibn al-Mubarak would lengthen his stays at home, and he was asked, ‘you remain at home for long periods, do you not feel lonely?’ – he responded, ‘how can I ever feel lonely whilst being w/ the Messenger ﷺ and the Companions, and their Followers?” (i.e reading studying their narrations and biographies.) → Shu’ab al-Imān – 1654 | Imam al-Bayḥaqi [Edition: ar-Rushd]

3. Make it a point to learn Arabic so that you can enjoy the companionship of these texts.

If you're a revert and would like to start learning Arabic as a second language, PM me and I'll give you free access to our Madina Book 1 course. The only prerequisite is the ability to read Arabic.

Contact me: +966 54 416 2996

Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali
🕋 Makkah al-Mukarramah حرسها الله
🗓 1st of Shawwal, 1440 (6/4/2019)

#Sunnah #ilm #light #Reverts #EidMubaarak #Eid1440 #Eid2019 #Shawwal #K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices
Keys To Knowledge
Last summer I posted a few books I had the opportunity to read/study during the mahad days to build vocab (like مقامات الحريري and the صور من حياة الصحابة series).

Another resource we used was portions from the works of Abu Uthman al-Jaahidh (255h), most notably from his book entitled al-Hayawan. He was blessed with an amazing ability to express himself in an astonishing fashion. His works are gems for those wishing to progress in their arabic comprehension. The only major issue is that he was an adherent of the mu'talizah creed, rather he was among their leaders! So if you're well grounded in aqeedah and have someone to go over his works with, jump on the opportunity إن شاء الله. Just bear in mind that it isn't for beginners. In the photo is a 2 vol. set gathering many of his works along with brief explanation.

#K2Kbooks #K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices
One of the blessings of teachers is that they share gems you may not find on your own except after long periods of reading & research.

Among the hardest aspects of reviewing Quran is mastering what is known as المتشابه اللفظي. This is when verses in different places have similar wordings with the addition, subtraction, or replacement of a word or two. Example:

In Surah al-An'aam, Allah says:
وَلَلدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لِلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ أَفَلا تَعْقِلُونَ

In al-Araaf He says:
وَالدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لِلَّذِينَ يَتَّقُونَ أَفَلا تَعْقِلُونَ

In Yusuf He says,
وَلَدَارُ الآخِرَةِ خَيْرٌ لِلَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا أَفَلا تَعْقِلُونَ

Notice any differences? They look the same, right? Except that the first verse says للدار, the second one is الدار, and the third says لدار. Another difference is the usage of اتقوا in Yusuf instead of يتقون.

An excellent Shaykh will point out these differences & may even go beyond to explain the reason(s) behind it. This usually occurs at the stage known as التثبيت after one has memorized the Quran.

Anyways, in relation to the post...most of the time when the words لهو and لعب show up together in the Quran, the word لهو always precedes لعب. Ex:

وَمَا هَٰذِهِ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا لَهْوٌ وَلَعِبٌ
Notice how لهو is mentioned first?

Once a Shaykh of mine pointed out that there are a total of 4 exceptions where you'll find لعب before لهو. He mentioned two lines of poetry & made us memorize them:

إذا ما قد أتى لعب ولهو ... وكم من موضع هو في القرآن
فحرف في الحديد وفي القتال ... وفي الأنعام منها موضعان

In Surah al-Hadid (20), al-Qitaal aka Muhammad (36) and 2 places in al-An'aam (32 & 70).

Subhanallah, that was the first & only time I heard of that benefit and years later I have just found these lines in Tafsir al-Qurtubi 8/424.

This is one of the fruits of having teachers: they simplify the path. You're able to obtain more benefit in a shorter amount of time as oppose to if you were to study all by yourself (which also has its own additional harms and barriers).

Don't embark on this road without an experienced knowledgable guide who can show you the right path, its shortcuts and also protect you from the potholes, wild beasts, and numerous harms along the way.

For more benefits 👉

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices #K2K #Knowledge #ilm #Quran #shareknowledge #barakah
Anyone with baking experience knows that you have to follow the exact recipe, step by step, with its precise measurements. Make one mistake and you'll still have a cake, but the taste and look will be totally off.

The same idea can be applied to seeking knowledge. When it comes to embarking on this sacred journey, there is an ancient code of conduct abided by Ahl-ilm. The first and most important is memorizing the Quran.

Sh. Muhammad Ali Aadam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله beautifully said,

ولتبدأن من الدروس بالأهم ... ثم بما يلي من العلم الأعم
فاحفظ كتاب الله بالتجويد ... صبر عليه النفس بالتعويد
قد كان ذا أهم عند السلف ... إذ كان هديهم لمن جا يحتفي
بطلب العلم ولم يحفظ فلا ... يعلمونه وعاد خجلا

Begin with the primary lessons followed by the most common science. (First,) memorize the Book of Allah with Tajweed and habitually make the soul patient with that. This was most significant to the Salaf. It was their guidance to not teach anyone who arrived to seek knowledge and did not (complete) memorization of Quran. Thus, they would return (back to their land/people/home) ashamed.

Memorizing Quran has numerous benefits that will assist the student for the rest of their lives. It is seriously impossible to enumerate, so I'll suffice with 7 that come to mind right now that directly relate to seeking knowledge:

1. It develops honest sincere love for Allah and the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. This motivation will drive you day and night, even through exhaustion.

2. It softens the heart. How could the Paradise, Hellfire, and Hereafter not do so?

3. It teaches patience and consistency. Days and nights of repetition prepare you for what lies ahead in studying the other sciences.

If you cannot be patient with reading, memorizing, recalling, and understanding the perfect words of Rabbul Alamin, how successful do you think you'll be with regular (sometimes even extremely confusing) books?

4. It enriches and opens up the mind. Many educated parents have their children read often in order to heighten their sense of thought. What type of effect do you think reading, memorizing, understanding, and implementing the Book of Allah has on a person?

5. Your reliance in Allah and humility will increase.

6. You will truly realize the meanings of لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله and سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا

7. It protects you against wasteful people and actions & you recognize the extreme importance of time. 5 minutes means much more now.

*Note that some of these are only applicable to those who memorize with understanding.*

You can begin seeking knowledge without memorizing the entire Quran, but just like a cake that is missing a step or correct measurement, the end product won't be as fruitful.

For more benefits 👉

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices #K2K #Knowledge #ilm #Quran #shareknowledge #barakah
Jaami' al-Uloom wal-Hikam by ibn Rajab رحمه الله. This is one of the essentials that you'll constantly utilize throughout your life.

As the years go by, no matter how many times I review and restudy both the abridged and full version of this book, I always come across more benefits and leave with a deeper understanding than before.

A student should never think "Oh, I already studied that book" then leave it to collect dust.

Instead, that book should be studied and restudied again until its contents are fully embedded within your being. As the years go by you'll notice positive improvements in your comprehension of the material.

It is always better to perfect a few vital texts in every science than to own a huge library and master nothing.

The student must recognize which books are:
-memorized, studied, and reviewed often (these books are reviewed on a monthly/bi-monthly/yearly basis)
-primary and secondary material that are used to support those main books
-for research of topics you're unaware of
-imaan boosters, heart softeners, etc.
-leisure reading

If a person doesn't categorize his books or know how to, then it is like what ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said,

الجهل بالطريق وآفاتها والمقصود يوجب التعب الكثير مع فائدة قليلة
That ignorance of the correct path, the harms/barriers along the way, and of the intended goal will necessitate much exhaustion with little benefit.

I ask Allah to grant us beneficial knowledge, aameen.

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices
Ibn Rajab said about Ibn al-Qayyim's unjust imprisonment رحمهم الله,

"...During the duration of his incarceration, he was busied with reciting, contemplating and reflecting over the Quran. As a result, much good opened up for him..." الذيل على طبقات الحنابلة ١٧٣/٣

Once you recognize the vastness of knowledge you realize the importance of time. You're cognizant of every moment...every second matter where you're located...or how you're feeling...

Our beloved Sh. Muhammad Ali Ādam al-Ityoobi حفظه الله once said,

فالعلم حقا إرث الأنبياء ... فابذل له الوقت بلا استثناء
Knowledge is truly the inheritance of the Prophets, so exert every moment in acquiring it without exception.

This has been the consistent advice & practice of the scholars for centuries.

Once acquiring knowledge becomes a true lifestyle/mindset - and not just a fashion trend online - you'll see that there is no time to participate in or even think about the latest social media gossip/debates/attack of another's honor.

It comes to the point where even certain friendships & gatherings must be sacrificed/limited. There are a multitude of books & subjects that must be memorized, learned, reviewed, researched, debated, implemented, etc. So then ask yourself, where is the time for X, Y, & Z?

May Allah grant us all success in this life and the Next, may He grant us barakah (consistent increased blessings) in all that we do, and accept from us all فإنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه.

Keep striving, only a little remains...
#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices #Knowledge #ilm #K2K
#K2KStudyTips: Professional Book Binding.

Bookbinding comes in handy whenever:

A. A book is out of print & not in circulation.

It doesn't make sense to bind new books already available in the bookstores due to the major price difference between both. Also, the quality of many modern day books is already superb as is.

B. Fundamental lecture series that have been transcribed & uploaded online.

This allows you to find any gem mentioned in the lecture with its exact or close to exact wording. You're able to find that benefit quickly as opposed to listening to the whole audio all over again. This comes in handy when listening & doing chores at the same time. is an invaluable resource for students as it has audios of tons of lessons (without the fitna on YouTube) & sometimes its transcriptions.

C. Your books are tattered and falling apart.

If you decide to bind a book, be sure to find a skilled experienced expert in the field. It'll cost a little extra but it is well worth it. There are alot of imposters who bind books but skip many steps. The end product is disastrous & it gets worse overtime. (Some signs to look for: how clear are the letters on the side, the binding (is it glued or stitched), is the cover binding done smoothly or do you see cracks & deformities, & much more...)

I never thought that the quality of a book mattered as much, but it truly does. Cream colored pages doesn't strain your eyes as fast as white colored pages when you're reading for hours on end. The thickness of the paper is important so that the ink doesn't seep through the page & it also helps to ensure that the letters are written nicely & ligably. As a student you'll open the book often throughout your life, so it's important for the binding to hold up.

You don't want to spend extra time trying to fix a book you bought when you could have used that same time for memorization/revision/studying etc. Designs on the sides of the pages gives it a more antique look & is pleasant to the eyes. #K2KAdvices

✍️ Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
🕋 Makkah al-Mukarramah حرسها الله
🗓 The Month of Allah, al-Muharram 25, 1442 (9/13/2020)
🗝 Keys To Knowledge |
Spent the night reorganizing my Tafsir, Ayāt al-Ahkām, Ulūm al-Quran, & part of my dictionary section.

The student should use the summer/winter breaks to rearrange their library and do inventory check.

I've written a few posts on this before. Use the hashtag #K2KLibrarytips to find it and more.

Man, the only thing that beats spending time with books is being under the feet of scholars and walking at their side. May Allah fill our time with beneficial knowledge that draws us closer to our Lord.

I pray this photo motivates someone to study.

#K2KStudyTips #Quran #Tafsir #Knowledge

For more benefits 👉
Every semester you should have written goals you want to achieve by the time finals come around.

If you simply select to memorize and perfect 1 matn or mandhumah each semester in every science, by the end of your BA you will obtain a tremendous treasure outside of your Uni. studies/classes with the Mashaykh.

It doesn't take much of your time as well. Simply heading to the masjid you can easily memorize 1 line, 1 couplet, 1 hadith, then practice it on your way back. Take advantage of these "little moments" as they add up.

Make sure to write down what you want to memorize for those 4-5 months and post it on your wall for motivation. Mark off the days to feel a sense of accomplishment.

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices
A person who only takes his/her books as their teacher will have many mistakes in both their pronunciation and understanding.

It is ascribed to Imam ash-Shafi'ee and others that they said,

من كان شيخه كتابه؛ فخطؤه أكثر من صوابه
Whoever's teacher are their books then their mistakes will outnumber their correct statements.

This is due to them reading books in the paradigm of their own understanding, and not within the lense and context of the author's intent.

Even when it comes to reading and memorizing - be it Quran or mutoon - you must have a Shaykh who listens and corrects your recital/reading! If the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم recited to "a teacher" i.e. Jibreel عليه السلام, then what about us?

This knowledge is an inheritance that must be taken from the mouths of those who possess that treasured bounty.

Texts produced by reputable trustworthy scholars are not free from errors. No one from mankind is infallible in this regard.

al-Khateeb al-Baghdādi mentioned in موضح أوهام الجمع والتفريق a narration from Ibrahim b. Ismail b. Yahya al-Muzani in which he said:

لو عورض كتاب سبعين مرة لوجد فيه خطأ، أبى الله أن يكون كتاب صحيحا غير كتابه

If a book was inspected a multitude of times, by Allah, a mistake would surely be detected therein. Allah rejected for there to be a book free of errors except His.

Some said,لا يوجد كتاب إلا وفيه نقص سوى كتاب الله

There is no book found except that there is some type of flaw therein - except the Book of Allah.

And ibn Rajab mentioned القواعد الفقهية:
يأبى الله العصمة لكتاب غير كتابه
Allah has refused for there to be infallibility in any book besides His.

How many times has a student recited from memory to his teachers, word for word as it is in the book, only to hear the response:

ما هكذا يا سعد تورد الإبل
"Not like that!"

Even though the mutoon series published by Sh. Abdul-Muhsin al-Qāsim حفظه الله is the best available work out there today- والله أعلم- many times we find tiny mistakes in the print here and there. Make sure you always try to recite to a teacher before you commit anything to memory.

#K2KAdvices #K2KStudyTips

Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
🕋 Makkah al-Mukarramah حرسها الله
🗓 18th of Jumada II 1443 (1/21/22)
🗝 Keys To Knowledge |
💎 A valuable advice one of my Tafsir professors shared with me جزاه الله خيرا.

He said that as a Tafsir specialist, it is important to have an extensive Tafsir library, and be adept in knowing how to navigate through it by learning the style and merit of each work and author.

For example, if you wanted to know the statements of the Salaf, you wouldn't return to Tafsir Sa'di but instead Tafsir at-Tabary, ibn Atiyyah's al-Muharrar, Tafsir ibn Abi Hatim, Suyuti's ad-Durr, etc.

If you wanted to read discussions related to Fiqh rulings derived from the verses you wouldn't goto Tafsir ibn Juzay but instead ibn al-Araby's Ahkaam al-Quran, or al-Qurtuby's al-Jāmi', etc.

If you wanted to know details related to Arabic grammar, or anything related to Arabic, you would return to Abu Hayyan's al-Bahr, or as-Sameen's ad-Durr, etc.

For Balāgha: Tafsir Zamakhshari with at-Teeby's commentary, ibn Ashur's at-Tahrir, etc.

Summary of the verses' meaning: Tafsir Tabary, Tafsir Sadi, al-Mukhtasar, etc.

And the list goes on...

The point is that every Tafsir is distinguished with its own virtue, so it is important for the budding Muffasir to know how to utilize these tools at his disposal.

📸 Here is a picture of my humble tafsir section.

🤲 O Allah, I only post this to motivate my brothers and sisters in their studies, so fill their hearts with desire to study!
O Allah, grant us all barakah in all of our affairs.
O Allah, allow us all to learn beneficial knowledge in order to implement and convey the meaning of His Words as it was intended, aameen.

#K2KStudyTips #K2KAdvices

Abu Awzaa'ee Abdus-Salaam al-Makki al-Hanbali وفقه الله
🕋 Makkah al-Mukarramah حرسها الله
🗓 20th of Jumada II 1443 (1/23/22)
🗝 Keys To Knowledge |
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I advise my brothers and sisters whenever you study a subject, give it your all the first go.

Memorize, summarize, make flow charts - do whatever helps you to cement the science/topic in your heart.

When it comes time to review, all you'll need is to dust off the engraving.

Just came across these notes I made from a while back and it was like I found a treasure chest, subhanallah.

#K2KStudytips #K2KAdvices