ዝክረ ቅዱሳን ማኅበረ ቅዱስ ዳዊት - ዘብሔረ ጎንደር (ዲ/ዮርዳኖስ አበበ)
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በዚህ ቻናል ዲ/ዮርዳኖስ የሚያስተምራቸው ወቅታዊ እና የነገረ ቅዱሳን (ዝክረ ቅዱሳን ትምህርቶችን ከእርሱ በመቀበል እናስተላልፋለን):: "ፍቅር ያጌብረኒ ከመ እንግር ዜናሆሙ ለቅዱሳን"::አባ ጊዮርጊስ ዘጋስጫ /መጽሐፈ ምሥጢር/
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ዝም ዋሻ
እንኳን አደረሰን

ዛቲ ይእቲ ደብረ ጽላልሽ መካነ ልደቶሙ ወዕረፍቶሙ ለከዋክብት ብሩሃን

=>ይህ አቡነ ታዴዎስና የፈጠጋሩ አቡነ ማትያስ በዘማ ሴት (የንጉሥ ሚስት) የተወረወሩበትና ለክብር የበቁበት ገደል (ቅዱስ ሥፍራ) ነው፡፡

=>ይሔው እግዚአብሔር ሲፈቅድ  ከደጃቸው ደረስን፡፡ የዕረፍታቸው (የሰማዕትነት ዕለታቸው)፡፡

=>ይህ ቅዱስ ሥፍራ ግን ኮከበ ከዋክብት #አቡነ ተክለሃይማኖትን ጨምሮ አእላፍ ቅዱሳን የተወለዱበት ነውና ክብሩ ድንቅ ነው!

"" ከጻድቃኑ በረከትን ያሳትፈን! ለእግዚአብሔርም ክብር ምስጋና ይሁንና! ""
Dn Yordanos
ዝክረቅዱሳን ማኅበረ ቅዱስ ዳዊት

"ፍቅር ያጌብረኒ ከመ እንግር ዜናሆሙ ለቅዱሳን"::/የቅዱሳንን ዜና(ታሪክ) እንድመሰክር ፍቅር ያስገድደኛል::
       አባ ጊዮርጊስ ዘጋስጫ /መጽሐፈ ምሥጢር

† እንኳን ለቅዱሳት አንስት ሶፍያ ወአዋልዲሃ: ኦርኒ ወማኅበራኒሃ እና ለሊቁ ቅዱስ ጐርጐርዮስ ነባቤ መለኮት ዓመታዊ በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ፤ አደረሰን። †

† በስመ አብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐዱ አምላክ አሜን! †

† ቅድስት ሶፍያና ልጆቿ †

† በቤተ ክርስቲያን ታሪክ ታዋቂ ከሆኑ የእናቶቻችን ስሞች "ሶፍያ" ቀዳሚው ነው:: ቃሉ በጥሬው ሲተረጐም "ጥበብ (ጥበበ ክርስቶስ) Wisdom of God" ማለት ነው:: ከጻድቃንና ከሰማዕታት ወገን በዚህ ስም የተጠሩ እናቶች አሉ::

ከእነዚህ መካከል አንዷ የሆነችው በዕለቱ የምናስባት እናት ቁጥሯ ከሰማዕታት ነው:: ዋናው ዘመነ ሰማዕታት ከመጀመሩ በፊት የነበረችው ቅድስት ሶፍያ ከሕግ ትዳር 3 ሴቶች ልጆችን አፍርታለች::

ስማቸውንም:- ጲስጢስ (ሃይማኖት) : አላጲስ (ተስፋ) : አጋጲስ (ፍቅር) ስትል ሰይማቸዋለች:: እንደሚገባም በሥርዓቱ አሳድጋ እድሜአቸው 9 : 10 እና 12 ሲደርስ ለሰማያዊ ሙሽርነት አጭታቸዋለች::

በዘመኑ "ክርስቶስን ካዱ" የሚል መሪ ተነስቶ ነበርና ቅዱሳቱ በመድኃኒታችን አምነው : ጣዖትን ዘልፈው አንገታቸውን ሰጥተዋል:: ክብረ ሰማዕትን : ሃገረ ክርስቶስንም ወርሰዋል::

††† ቅድስት ኦርኒ ሰማዕት †††

††† "ኦርኒ" ማለት በምሥራቃውያን ልሳን "ሰላም" ማለት ነው:: ቅድስቲቱ አርበኛ የዘመነ ሐዋርያት የቤተ ክርስቲያን ፍሬ ስትሆን ተወልዳ ያደገችውም በቀድሞው የሮም ግዛት ውስጥ ነው::

ምንም ዛሬ ያለ ትውልድ ቢዘነጋት ቅድስት ኦርኒ ተወዳዳሪ የሌላት ሰማዕት : ሐዋርያዊት : ድንግል ናት:: እርሷ ውበቷን : ንግሥናዋን : ክብሯን : ሃብቷን : ወጣትነቷንና ያላትን ሁሉ ስለ ፍቅረ ክርስቶስ ሰውታለችና ክብርት ናት::

በ1ኛው መቶ ክ/ዘመን መጨረሻ አካባቢ ከሮም ቤተ መንግስት የተወለደችው ቅድስት ኦርኒ እስከ ወጣትነቷ ድረስ ክርስቶስን ልታውቀው አልተቻላትም ነበር:: ምክንያቱ ደግሞ ንጉሡ አባቷ ጣዖትን ማምለኩ ነበር::

ንግሥት እናቷ ምንም ክርስቲያን ብትሆንም ስለ ክርስትና ልትነግራት አልደፈረችም:: ይህን ብታደርግ የሚደርስባትን መከራ ታውቃለችና:: ግን ደግሞ ውስጥ ውስጡን ትጸልይላት ነበርና ፈጣሪ መንገዱን ሊከፍት ጀመረ::

መምለኬ ጣዖት አባቷ ሰው እንዳያያት ቤተ መንግስት ሠርቶ : 12 ሞግዚቶችን መድቦ ጣዖት ከፊቷ አቁሞ ለዘመናት ዘጋት:: የሚገርመው ግን መልኳን እንዳያይ በበር ሆኖ የሚያስተምራት ፈላስፋ ተቀጥሮ ነበርና የዚህ ሰው ማንነቱ ነው::

መምለኬ ክርስቶስ ደግ ሰው ነበርና ፈሊጥን ይሻላት ገባ:: በዚህ መካከል ቅድስት ኦርኒ ራዕይን ታያለች:: የቤቷ መስኮቶች ተከፍተው ሳሉ በስተምሥራቅ ነጭ ርግብ : የዘይት (የወይራ) ዝንጣፊ ይዛ ገብታ : ከማዕዷ ላይ ጥላው ወጣች::

እርሷን ተከትሎ ቁራ በምዕራብ ገባ:: እባቡን ማዕዷ ላይ ጣለው:: በ3ኛው ደግሞ ንስር ገብቶ አክሊል ትቶላት ወጣ:: ቅድስቲቱም እየገረማት አረጋዊ መምህሯን "ተርጉምልኝ" አለችው::

††† እርሱም:-
"•ርግብ=ጥበብ (መንፈስ ቅዱስ)
•ቁራ=ክፉ ንጉሥ
•ንስር=ድል ነሺነት (ልዑላዊነት)
•አክሊልም=ክብረ ሰማዕታት ነው" ብሎ ተርጉሞ : ክርስቲያን ሆና ይህ ሁሉ እንደሚደረግ ነግሮ ተሰናበታት::

እርሷም ስትጸልይ ቅዱስ መልአክ ተገልጦ አጽናናት:: ያጠምቃትና ያስተምራት ዘንድም ሐዋርያው ቅዱስ ጢሞቴዎስን ልኮላታል:: ሐዋርያውም የቤተ መንግስቱን ግድግዳ ሰንጥቆ ገብቶ : ለሰማያዊ ሙሽርነት የሚያበቃ ትምህርትና ጥምቀትን ሰጥቷት ሔዷል::

ቅድስት ኦርኒም የአባቷን ጣዖታት ቀጥቅጣ ሰብራ ከአባቷ ጋር ተጣላች:: እርሱም "እገድላታለሁ" ብሎ በእንስሳት ጅራት ላይ ጸጉሯን ሲያስር እንስሶቹ ደንብረው : እጁን ገንጥለው መሬት ላይ ጥለው ገደሉት:: ቅድስት ኦርኒ ግን ጸሎት አድርሳ አባቷን ከሞት አስነሳችው:: እጁንም ቀጠለችለት::

በዚህ ምክንያት በዚያች ዕለት ብቻ አባቷና 30,000 የከተማው አሕዛብ አምነው ተጠምቀዋል:: ቅድስት ኦርኒ ግን ኃይለ መንፈስ ቅዱስ ታጥቃ ክርስትናን ሰበከች:: ብዙም ተሰቃየች:: ንጉሡ ዳኬዎስ : ልጁና ሌሎች 2 ያህል ነገሥታት በእሳት : በአራዊት : በግርፋትና በጦር ፈትነዋታል::

እርሷ ግን ሁሉን በኃይለ ክርስቶስ ድል ነስታለች:: ሙታም የተነሳችበት ጊዜ አለ:: በመጨረሻም በዚህች ቀን ወደ ሰማያዊ ርስት (ገነት) ተመስጣለች:: በዘመነ ስብከቷ ካሳመነቻቸው ባሻገር 130,000 የሚያህሉ ሰዎች ለሰማዕትነት እንዲበቁም ምክንያት ሆናለች::

††† ቅዱስ ጐርጐርዮስ ታኦሎጐስ †††

††† ቅዱሱ:-
•የዘመነ ሊቃውንት ፍሬ:
•የእንዚናዙ ኤጲስ ቆጶስ:
•የቁስጥንጥንያ ፓትርያርክ:
•የጉባዔ ቁስጥንጥንያ (በ381 ዓ/ም) 3ኛ ሊቀ መንበር:
•ባለ ብዙ ድርሳን:
•የቂሣርያ (ቀጰዶቅያ) ኮከብ:
•ብሩህ ገዳማዊ:
•መልካም እረኛ የነበረ አባት ነው::
መጽሐፈ ቅዳሴውን ጨምሮ በጻፋቸው ብዙ መጻሕፍትና በስብከቱ ከሊቃውንት ወገን "ታኦ(ዎ)ሎጐስ" ተብሎ የተጠራ እርሱ ብቻ ነው:: ትርጉሙም በግዕዙ "ነባቤ መለኮት" ማለት ነው:: በአማርኛም "አንድነትን : ሦስትነትን የተናገረ (ያመሠጠረ) እንደ ማለት ነው:: ቅዱሱ ዛሬ ዕረፍቱ ነው::

††† አምላከ ቅዱሳን ከበረከታቸው ይክፈለን፡፡
በመጽናታቸውም ያጽናን፡፡

††† እንዲህ ኃጢአታችን ጽዋዑን ሞልቶ በተረፈበት በዚህ ዘመን አንዲት ሰዓትም ውድ የሆነች የንስሃ ዕድሜ ናት:: እግዚአብሔር ግን ደግ ነውና ይሔው ጥርን አስፈጸመን:: ባይገባን ነው እንጂ በዚሕች ወር ውስጥ ሚሊየኖች በደዌ የአልጋ ቁራኛ ሁነዋል::

ሚሊየኖችም ለንስሃ ሳይበቁ እንዲሁ አንቀላፍተዋል (ሙተዋል):: እስኪ እርሱ አምላካችን ቀሪውን ዘመን ደግሞ ለንስሃና ለመልካም ሥራ ባርኮ ይስጠን::

††† ወርኀ ጥርን በቸር ያስፈፀመ አምላከ ቅዱሳን ወርኀ የካቲትን እንዲባርክልን እንለምነው::

††† ጥር 30 ቀን የሚከበሩ ዓመታዊ የቅዱሳን በዓላት
1.ቅድስት ሶፍያና ሦስቱ ሰማዕታት ልጆቿ (ጲስጢስ አላጲስና አጋጲስ)
2.ቅድስት ኦርኒ ሰማዕት ( (በ5 ነገሥታት እጅ የተሰቃየች : የሐዋርያው ጢሞቴዎስ ተከታይና ወደ ብሔረ ሕያዋን የተነጠቀች እናት)
3.ቅዱስ ጐርጐርዮስ ነባቤ መለኮት
4.አባ አክርስጥሮስ
5.አምስቱ ደናግል ሰማዕታት (ጤቅላ: ማርያ: ማርታ: አበያ: ዓመታ)
6.ጻድቃነ ዴጌ (የተሠወሩበት)
7.አባ ሚናስ ሊቀ ጳጳሳት
8."130,000" ሰማዕታት (የቅድስት ኦርኒ ማኅበር)

††† ወርኀዊ በዓላት
1.ቅዱስ ማርቆስ ዘአንበሳ
2.ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ መጥምቀ መለኮት
3.አባ ሣሉሲ ክቡር

††† "ለእናንተም ጠጉርን በመሸረብና ወርቅን በማንጠልጠል ወይም ልብስን በመጐናጸፍ በውጭ የሆነ ሽልማት አይሁንላችሁ:: ነገር ግን በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ዋጋው እጅግ የከበረ የዋህና ዝግተኛ መንፈስ ያለውን የማይጠፋውን ልብስ ለብሶ የተሰወረ የልብ ሰው ይሁንላችሁ::" †††
(፩ጴጥ. ፫፥፫)

††† ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር †††
Memhir Esuendale:
#Feasts of #Tir_30

✞✞✞On this day we commemorate Saint Sophia and her daughters, Saint Irene and her followers and the scholar Saint Gregory the Theologian✞✞✞

✞✞✞In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!✞✞✞

✞✞✞Saint Sophia and Her Children, ✞✞✞
=>The name Sophia takes precedence from the names of Holy Mothers who were known in Church history. The word literally means “The Wisdom of God/Christ”. There were also mothers that were called by this name during the Eras of the Saints and the Martyrs/Persecution.

✞And she whom we commemorate today is one of these saints called by this name [Sophia]. The Saint is counted with the martyrs. St. Sophia who lived before the Era of Persecution began, bore 3 daughters from her lawful marriage.

✞And she named them as Pistis [Faith], Alapis (Helpis [Hope]) and Agapis (Agape [Love]). She raised them well and when they reached the ages of 9, 10, and 12, she betrothed them for the heavenly bridal.

✞During their time, because a leader that said “Denounce Christ” rose, the Saints, believing in their Savior, rebuked the idols and gave their necks [to be beheaded]. And they inherited the glory of the martyrs and the Kingdom of Christ.

✞✞✞Saint Irene the Martyr✞✞✞
=>Irene, in the language of the Easterners, means “Peace”. This holy fighter was the fruit of the Church in the Apostolic Age. She was born and raised in the old Roman Empire.

✞Even though she has been forgotten by today’s generation, St. Irene is an unparalleled martyr, apostolic and virgin. She is honored since she has shunned her beauty, princess-hood, glory, wealth, youthfulness, and all that she had for the love of Christ.
✞St. Irene, who was born at the end of the 1st century from a royal lineage, from the day of her birth did not know about Christianity. And the reason was because her father was an idol worshipper.

✞Even though her queen mother was a Christian, she did not dare to teach her about Christianity. And that was because she knew what would happen to her if she taught her. However, in her heart, she used to pray for her thus God started opening ways.

✞Her idol worshipping father so that she would not be seen by anyone built a castle for her, placed 12 maidens and an idol before her and left her for years gated. What was amazing was the identity of the philosopher who was hired to teach her from the gate through an opening, as she was not supposed to be seen.

✞He was a kind man who worshipped Christ and sought ways [to help her know Christ]. While he did that, St. Irene saw a revelation.

✞While her castle’s windows were open, from the eastern window entered a white dove with an olive branch [in its bill] and placed it on the table and left.

✞Following it, a raven holding a snake [in its rostrum] came through the western window and went out after laying it on the table.

✞And the third time an eagle entered holding a crown and placed it on the table and left. And St. Irene wondering about the vision asked her teacher, “Interpret it for me.”

✞And he interpreted for her that
*the dove = the Holy Spirit (Faith)
*the olive branch = baptism (Myron/Myrrh)
*the raven = wicked king(s)
*the snake = tribulation
*the eagle = triumph and
*the crown = the glory of martyrdom. Then he added that all these would come to fruition after she becomes a Christian.

✞Thereafter, when she prayed, a holy angel appeared and consoled her. And he sent her the Apostle St. Timothy to teach and baptize her. And the Apostle entered the castle through the wall (as the Lord had entered through closed doors), taught her that which could enable her to become a heavenly bride, then baptized her and left.

✞After that, St. Irene wrecked and shattered her father’s idols and she quarreled with him. And when he said, “I will kill her” and tried to tie her hair to the tail of horses, they were startled, detached his arm, threw him to the floor and killed him. However, St. Irene prayed and raised her father from death. And she reattached his arm.
✞Because of this, on that day only, her father and 30,000 gentiles believed and were baptized. And St. Irene by the power of the Holy Spirit preached Christianity. And she was tortured much. The Emperor Decius, his son and 2 other kings tried her with fire, beasts, lashings, and spears.

✞Nevertheless, she was victorious over all by the power of Christ. There was even a time when she died and was raised. And finally, on this day, she was caught up into the Heavenly Inheritance (Paradise). During her ministry in addition to those she converted, she enabled and was the reason for 130,000 people to become martyrs.

✞✞✞Saint Gregory the Theologian✞✞✞
=>The Saint
*was the fruit of the Era of the Scholars
*was the Bishop of Nazianzus
*was the Patriarch of Constantinople
*was the 3rd chair of the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople
*had written many works
*was the star of Cappadocia, Caesarea
*was a luminous monastic
*and was a father who was a good shepherd.

✞Because of the numerous sermons he delivered and books he wrote including his anaphora, he is the only one from the scholars that is called “The Theologian”. And it means “the one who speaks about God” which also means “he who spoke about the oneness and threeness of God”. Today is commemorated the Saint’s departure.

✞✞✞ May the God of the Saints grant us from their blessings and may He strengthen us by their steadfastness.

✞✞✞In this era, when sin has filled the cup and is pouring out, even an hour is a precious time for repentance. And as God is gracious, he has helped us complete the Month of Tir. We are not insightful but during this month millions have been hospitalized. And millions have passed away without repentance. May our God bless and grant us the rest of the time for repentance and doing good deeds.

✞✞✞Let us beseech the God of the Saints, who has enabled us to complete the Month of Tir, so that He would bless the Month of Yekatit.

✞✞✞ Annual feasts celebrated on the 30th of Tir
1. St. Sophia and her three daughters (Pistis, Alapis/Helpis, and Agapis/Agape)
2. St. Irene the Martyr (Tortured by the hands of 5 kings, who was the follower of the Apostle Timothy and the one who was caught up to the Realm of the Living)
3. St. Gregory the Theologian
4. Abba Akresteros (Christopher)
5. The Five Virgin Martyrs (Thecla, Maria, Matha, Abeya and Ameta)
6. The Righteous of Dege (The day they became invisible)
7. Abba Minas the Archbishop
8. The 130,000 Martyrs (Followers of St. Irene)

✞✞✞ Monthly Feasts
1. St. Mark the Apostle
2. St. John the Baptist
3. Abba Salusi the Honorable

✞✞✞ “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”✞✞✞
1 Pet. 3:3-4

✞✞✞ Salutations to God ✞✞✞

(Translated by Mhr. Esuendale Shemeles with the permission of Dn. Yordanos Abebe)
ቅድስት ኦርኒ ሰማዕት

+በ5 ነገሥታት እጅ የተሰቃየች :

+የሐዋርያው ጢሞቴዎስ ተከታይና ወደ ብሔረ ሕያዋን የተነጠቀች እናት)

<<በረከቷ በዝቶ ይደርብን።>>

አምስቱ ደናግል ሰማዕታት (ጤቅላ: ማርያ: ማርታ: አበያ: ዓመታ)

<<በረከታቸው ይደርብን።>>

ገሃነመ እሳትን ስናስብ፦

"እመትለድ እምየ፥ ኪያየ ጸኒሳ፤
ተአጽዎ ማኅጸን እምሔሳ፤
ወከዊነ ጾም እምከርሣ፤
መንገለ ቤትክሙ ጻድቃን፥ ፍዳ አእጋርየ ጌሣ፤
ስረዩ ኃጢአትየ፥ ወዘገበርኩ አበሳ፤
እስመ እምኔየ ይሔይስ እንስሳ!" (መልክአ ጻድቃን ዘዴጌ)

እናቴ ጸንሳ፥ እኔን ከምትወልድስ፥ ማኅጸንዋ ጾመኛ በሆነ፥ በተዘጋም በተሻለ ነበር!
የዴጌ ጻድቃን እግሮቼ ወደ መቅደሳችሁ ለሔደበት ፈንታ፤
ኃጢአቴንና በደሌን ይቅር በሉኝ፤
ከእኔ እንስሳ ይሻላልና!

እንኳን አደረሰን!

(ናርጋ ቅድስት ሥላሴ - ጣና)

++"++ ቅድስት ሶፍያና 3ቱ ሰማዕታት ልጆቿ (ዺስጢስ አላዺስና አጋዺስ) ++"++

=>+"+ ለእናንተም ጠጉርን በመሸረብና ወርቅን በማንጠልጠል ወይም ልብስን በመጐናጸፍ በውጭ የሆነ ሽልማት አይሁንላችሁ:: ነገር ግን በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ዋጋው እጅግ የከበረ የዋህና ዝግተኛ መንፈስ ያለውን የማይጠፋውን ልብስ ለብሶ የተሰወረ የልብ ሰው ይሁንላችሁ:: +"+ (1ዼጥ. 3:3)

   <ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር>

ጻድቃነ ዴጌ (የተሠወሩበት)
በረከታቸው አይለየን።
ዝክረቅዱሳን ማኅበረ ቅዱስ ዳዊት
