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🔥2019-2021 yillar Grammar dan studentlar tayyorlardim

Ba’zi student larimni natijlariga qarangchi Grammadan nechta xato qilishgan ekan?💣
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Eski bir studentim haqida aytib bermoqchiman Grammar ni yaxshi active qilgan edi. Har doim o’tilgan mavzularga gaplar tuzib , mashqlarni barajarish orqali Grammar ni active qo’llay olar edi . Shuning uchun ham speaking dan 7 olgandi
🔥One word from cause/effect wordlist

🙂to bring about

•Rampant corruption brings about the downfall of the government.

🙂lead to

• Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.

🙂stem from

•Most people's insecurities stem from something that happened in theirchildhood.

🙂give rise to

• Heavy rains have given rise to flooding over a large area.

🙂result in

• Regular exercise can result in a general diminution in stress levels.

🙂contributed to

• Several factors, including changes in diet and lifestyle, have contributed to the increase in childhood obesity.

🙂have a impact on

• Exam nerves often have a significant impact on student performance

🙂to be brought about

• High levels of crime are brought about by poverty
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Now it is time to reveal my secrets and give you tips about ielts academic reading.

I am gonna start with the simplest rules that almost every teacher says like Learn vocab, enrich ur lexical resource as much as u can, because believe or not ielts reading is made especially to check ur vocabulary.

Secondly, work on your mistakes. Even if you do 100 reading tests a day, u will get no improvement at the end of a day, trust me! Because, unlike listening, it is all about the quality of the work that u have done, but not the quantity! So the thing u have to do is analyze ur mistakes after u have finished the test with someone whose reading skills are better than u, probably ur teacher)))

Third, if ur exam is coming, work on the specific types of questions like multiple choice, true false etc. u can find them on Google just using English language and a number of clicks……

Fourth, and most importantly, when you have an exam or just a mock test, try to READ at least one passage by translating it ideally, pay attention read, do not do the questions.

Fifth, pay special attention to choosing a book, try to do the level which is higher than your current one, and in the exam it will feel easier, don’t restrict urself with Cambridge books and embrace out of format books as well.

Sixth, don’t rush. I have several times seen some guys who have perfect translating ability but can’t get more than 30 due mainly to hurrying when trying to get the correct answer, particularly with multiple choice and heading questions. As well as don't register until u feel u r totally ready.

Seventh, be ready for everything, no one can know what kind of reading questions are waiting for them on the exam, it might be easy, it might be difficult, or u might have done it already. Just as a tip, don’t panic and lose urself when you see something you haven’t waited for
Introductions: paraphrasing the question

The process by which plastic bottles are recycled


:#1: sets of stages (where are they happening)

#2: raw materials +++ equipment//machinery (complex// sophisticated or simple // unsophisticated // specialized)

(#3: Time)

(#4: people)

Overall, it can be seen that the process can be divided into three main stages: preparation of the plastic bottles for reprocessing, recycling them and the production of different types of products using the recycled material.  Also, while manual labor is needed, the process is a complex one, which requires a range of specialized equipment.


First, plastic bottles thrown into recycling bins are collected by a special truck, which delivers them to the recycling facility. There, the plastic bottles are sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable ones, with the former then being compressed into blocks so that the they can be crushed. After being washed, the crushed plastic goes through a special machine, which turns plastic into pallets. At this point, these pallets are heated to form raw material, which in turn, can be used to produce different every-day items, ranging from plastics containers and stationary to clothes.

Written by me
Habits & normality

❤️‍🔥be used to +verb (ing) or noun

❤️‍🔥to talk about situations who are familiar to or normal for someone and which they therefore do not find strange or difficult

I’m used to getting up early so I don’t find it difficult

⚡️I wasn’t used to living in a hot country so I had a few problems at first

🔰be/ get accustomed to + verb (ing ) /noun

⚡️Eventually they got accustomed to working for a large organization

⚠️tend + infinitive (with to)

⚡️to talk about things that people usually do or that usually happen or are true

♻️The weather tends to be cold at this time of the year

♻️We tend to have dinner at about 7

⚠️have a tendency + infinitive (with to)

⚡️with the same meaning as tend; often used when the speaker disapproves of or dislikes something

♻️Ali has a tendency to blame other people for his own mistakes

⚠️to have a habit of + -ing

⚡️to talk about things that people often do especially when these things are considered bad

♻️I'm afraid I have a habit of forgetting people's names
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Overall 7
Abbos juda mehnatkash bola . Abituriyentlik paytida ham juda yaxshi o’qirdi

⚡️To have a whale of a time = vaqtni ajoyib o'tkazish

I met with my close friends and We had a whale of a time

⚡️to get on like a house on fire
- kim bilandir yaxshi chiqishish

I have known him for 5 years we get on like a house on fire .

⚡️ To think outside the box =kreativ o'ylash

I usually read a lot of books to think outside the box

⚡️To make one's day = kimnidir xursand qilish

When my friend surprised me with homemade chocolate chip cookies, it really made my day.

⚡️Around the clock = to'xtovsiz , kun-u tun

Ali is studying English around the clock nowadays
Speaking Keith @zafarsobitovv.pdf
2.2 MB
I highly recommend this book for learning vocabulary for speaking and analyzing sample answers which are given in this book
😎Let alone

📌Bu bog’lochi speaking da ko’proq ishlatidi va ma’nosi naroqda tursin degani

📝let alone + noun / verb (ing)

❤️‍🔥I don't watch TV programs, let alone sports programmes

(Sport ko’rsatuvlari naroqda tursin, tv ko’rsatuvlarni ko’rmayman)

❤️‍🔥I can't afford a bike, let alone a car

(Mashina naroqda tursin, velosped sotib olishga qurbim yetmaydi)

❤️‍🔥I can't ride a bike, let alone drive a car.

📝Conjuctions mavzusi kuni sizga hammasini batafsil tushuntiraman
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Menga listening dan 6 dan 8,5 ga chiqishga yordam bergan podcast lar


🙂ESL podcast↙️

🙂All English↙️

🙂Mel Robbins↙️

🙂Fluency ↙️

🙂Muhammad Hijab↙️

🙂Jordan Peterson↙️

🙂Piers Morgan↙️

🙂Andrew Tate↙️


🙂Marc Anderson↙️
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Media is too big
January 1st