A park is in the northwest of the town
A park stands in the northwest of the town
A park is situated in the northwest of the town
A park is sited in the northwest of the town
A park is located in the northwest of the town
A factory was built in the north
A factory was constructed in the noth
A factory sprang up in the north
The old stadium was demolished
The old stadium was knocked
The old stadium was pulled down
The trees were cut down
The trees were chopped down
The trees were cleared
The farm was replaced by a factory
The farm gave way to a factory
The factory made way for a factory
The car park was expanded
The railway was extended
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Kecha instagramda bir inson yozdi. Sizni ko’p foydangiz tekkan tavsiya qilgan kitoblarizi o’qib chiqqanman yozda course ingzda qatnashgandim . Jahon tillarida o’qiysiz kelganizda ayting dedi. Ularga ertaga borishimni aytib nomerimni berdim . Bugun ertlab bir kitoblar olib kelibdilar universitet oldida turib: kanalizni o’chirishizni yoki yo’qolib ketishizni xohlamayman deb kitoblarni beridilar. Shu kitoblardan 2 tasi mana . Mazza qilib o’qiyapman . Lekin xursand bo’ldim 3 yildan beri kuzatar ekanlar
Ammo siz IELTSni savol turlari bo’yicha emas, mavzulashtirgan holda o’rganishingiz kerak. IELTSda ko’p takrorlanadigan mavzu turlari:
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Oldinlari studentlarim natijasi kanalga joylasam edi . Chunki Toshkent viloyatida dars beraman va manga reklma hech qachon kerak bo’lmagan. 0 dan ya’ni beginner level dan to advanced gacha IELTS savol turlariga qanday yondashishgacha o’zim tayyorlayman. Shu uchun manga B2 bo’ladimi yoki C1 hammasi qadrli chunki buni beginner dan mehnat qilgan odamgina biladi. Studentlarimni hamma natijalari uchun alohida kanal ochib tashlab qo’yaman.
The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats
Pre-selling is advantageous to both customers and stores Taking a stroll after long exhausting day is beneficial
There are many benefits to eating a lot of vegetables
One of downside of managing company is that you are often under the pressure
Running is positive change in your life
There are many positives of running
One of downside of eating fast food is that you may become fat
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Hozirgi darajangiz
Anonymous Poll
Keling bugun siz bilan IELTS reading passage va savol turali haqida gaplashamiz.
IELTS reading savol turlarini biz 3 ta bo’lsak bo’ladi:
😎 Savollari matn ichida qanday kelishligiga ko’ra. Masalan true, false, not given savol turlarining javoblari matn ichida har doim ketma-ket ketadi .
🔥 Quyidagi savol turlarining javoblari har doim matn ichida ketma-ket beriladi va bular
True/False/Not Given
Yes/No/Not Given
Short Answer Questions
Multiple choice
Matching Sentence Endings Sentence Completion
🔥 Quyidagi savol turlaring javoblari esa ko’pincha lekin har doim emas ketma-ketlikda beriladi va bular
Note, Table, Flow-chart, Diagram Labelling Summary Completion
🔥 Quyidagi savol turlaring javoblari hech qachon ketma-ket kelamaydi, ya’ni ularning javoblari matn ichida aralashgan holda beriladi va bular
Matching Headings
Matching Information (Which paragraph contains the following information)
Matching Features (Names, Theories, Years)
Multiple Choice (5 or more options)
IELTS reading savol turlarini biz 3 ta bo’lsak bo’ladi:
True/False/Not Given
Yes/No/Not Given
Short Answer Questions
Multiple choice
Matching Sentence Endings Sentence Completion
Note, Table, Flow-chart, Diagram Labelling Summary Completion
Matching Headings
Matching Information (Which paragraph contains the following information)
Matching Features (Names, Theories, Years)
Multiple Choice (5 or more options)
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Words related to Ramadan
🕌 1. Pray - ibodat qilmoq
• I should pray 5 times a day
🕌 2. Faith - iymon, ishonch
• I have great faith in God
🕌 3. Worship - sajda qilmoq
• Muslim people worship only one God.
🕌 4. Practise - ado qilmoq
• People can practise their religious activities in any countries.
🕌 5.Fasting - ro'za tutishlik
• Fasting is an obligation for each Muslim.
🕌 6.Accept - qabul qilmoq
• Duas of parents, teachers and visitors are directly accepted by Allah.
🕌 7.Mosque - masjit
• I usually go to a Mosque every Friday.
🕌 8.Do good deeds - yaxshilik qilmoq
• I always try to do good deeds as much as possible.
🕌 9.Commit a sin - gunoh qilmoq
• I always try not to commit a sin as a good Muslim.
Happy Ramadan
🕌 1. Pray - ibodat qilmoq
• I should pray 5 times a day
🕌 2. Faith - iymon, ishonch
• I have great faith in God
🕌 3. Worship - sajda qilmoq
• Muslim people worship only one God.
🕌 4. Practise - ado qilmoq
• People can practise their religious activities in any countries.
🕌 5.Fasting - ro'za tutishlik
• Fasting is an obligation for each Muslim.
🕌 6.Accept - qabul qilmoq
• Duas of parents, teachers and visitors are directly accepted by Allah.
🕌 7.Mosque - masjit
• I usually go to a Mosque every Friday.
🕌 8.Do good deeds - yaxshilik qilmoq
• I always try to do good deeds as much as possible.
🕌 9.Commit a sin - gunoh qilmoq
• I always try not to commit a sin as a good Muslim.
Happy Ramadan
There are mainly 5 types in task 1:
1. Change over time graphs
2. Comparative or Non change graphs
3. Maps
4. Processes
5. Mixed type
1. Change charts include several years no matter what the graph is, bar graph or pie chart, or table
2. Comparative types show one year or no year, meaning you have to compare the given information
3. Maps consist of two or in rare cases one or three maps
4. Processes are the process of smth, how it works
5. Mixed type is a combination of two graphs like
Change + change
Change + comparative
Comparative + comparative
1. Change over time graphs
2. Comparative or Non change graphs
3. Maps
4. Processes
5. Mixed type
1. Change charts include several years no matter what the graph is, bar graph or pie chart, or table
2. Comparative types show one year or no year, meaning you have to compare the given information
3. Maps consist of two or in rare cases one or three maps
4. Processes are the process of smth, how it works
5. Mixed type is a combination of two graphs like
Change + change
Change + comparative
Comparative + comparative
✅Task 1
Changing over time graph quyidagi usular bilan yoziladi:
📈Verb structure
Subject+verb+adverb+ +in +time
The number of people who migrated to urban places rose sharply from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010.
📋Noun structure
There+be+a/an+adjective+noun+in (quantity)
in +time
There was a sharp rise in the number of people who migrated to Urban places from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010
🔰Special verb structure
Writing task 1 da changing over time graphlarni tasvirlash uchun ko'p qo'llaniladi
🔰Bu structure ham xuddi noun structure ga o'xshab ketadi lekin biroz farq qiladi va ular faqat quyidagi fe'llar orqali beriladi
To see/To witness/To experience/To register/To have/To potray/To reveal/To illustrate/To show/To report
Special verb lar quyidagi tarzda keladi:
Subject+special verb+ a/an+adjective+noun
The figure for Uzbekistan witnessed a sharp rise from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010
The price of sugar increased dramatically before registering a slight decrease in 2005
Changing over time graph quyidagi usular bilan yoziladi:
📈Verb structure
Subject+verb+adverb+ +in +time
The number of people who migrated to urban places rose sharply from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010.
📋Noun structure
There+be+a/an+adjective+noun+in (quantity)
in +time
There was a sharp rise in the number of people who migrated to Urban places from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010
🔰Special verb structure
Writing task 1 da changing over time graphlarni tasvirlash uchun ko'p qo'llaniladi
🔰Bu structure ham xuddi noun structure ga o'xshab ketadi lekin biroz farq qiladi va ular faqat quyidagi fe'llar orqali beriladi
To see/To witness/To experience/To register/To have/To potray/To reveal/To illustrate/To show/To report
Special verb lar quyidagi tarzda keladi:
Subject+special verb+ a/an+adjective+noun
The figure for Uzbekistan witnessed a sharp rise from 20 in 2003 to 70 in 2010
The price of sugar increased dramatically before registering a slight decrease in 2005
IELTS yoki multi-level bu shunchaki test tizimlari xolos. Agar general English : vocab va grammar ingiz yaxshi bo’lsa sizda yuqori ball olishda va bu test tizimlariga moslashib olishda hech qanday muomo bo’lmaydi.
Yangi faqat writing yoki speaking da da emas , balki reading va listening da savollarni ishlashda ham Grammarni o’rni katta. Sizda Grammardan muomo bormi? Bor bo’lsa reaction qoldiring
Yangi faqat writing yoki speaking da da emas , balki reading va listening da savollarni ishlashda ham Grammarni o’rni katta. Sizda Grammardan muomo bormi? Bor bo’lsa reaction qoldiring