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BREAKING PROJECTIONS: Trump wins Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia thus far.

Biden will win the States of Massachusetts the District of Columbia the state of Delaware and the state of Rhode Island. Biden also wins in the States of Maryland, New Jersey, and Illinois. Biden wins 3 of 4 electoral votes thus far in Maine.
Non of these states were expected to flip to Trump.

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TRUMP SO FAR 92: Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana,. Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina.

LEANING TOWARDS TRUMP: Florida, Georgia, Michigan Wisconsin and Maine are leaning Trump.

BIDEN SO FAR 119: NY, NY, Vermont, Massac, Rod Island, CT, NJ, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, New Mexico.

LEANING TOWARDS BIDEN: Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, North Carolina.

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TRUMP SO FAR 109: Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana,. Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri and Kansas.

LEANING TOWARDS TRUMP: Florida, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Utah, and Wisconsin

BIDEN SO FAR 129: NY, NJ, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, D.C. and Colorado.

LEANING TOWARDS BIDEN: Minnesota, New Hampshire, Montana, Arizona, Iowa, and New Mexico.

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TRUMP SO FAR 204: Texas, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Missouri, Utah, Kansas Florida, Ohio and Idaho.

LEANING TOWARDS TRUMP: Montana, Iowa, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin

BIDEN SO FAR 226: NY, NJ, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, D.C. Colorado, New Hampshire, California, Washington, Maine, Arizona, Oregon Hawaii, and New Mexico.


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TRUMP TWEETS: "We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Poles are closed!"

"I will be making a statement tonight. A big WIN!"

The presidents tweet comes following Biden speaking live saying, "We feel good where we are. I believe we are on track to win this election."

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GEORGIA- Trump 50.7% Biden 48.1% Seperated by less than 120k votes | 93% in

NORTH CAROLINA- Trump 50.1% Biden 48.7% Seperated by less than 90k votes | 94% in

PENNSYLVANIA- Trump 56.6% Biden 42.2% Seperated by less than 700k votes | 64% in

MICHIGAN- Trump 53.7% Biden 44.7% Seperated by less than 320k votes | 65% in

WISCONSIN- Trump 51.2% Biden 47.3% Seperated by less than 110k votes | 88% in

NEVADA- Biden 50.3% Trump 47.6% Seperated by less than 30k votes | 67% in

ALASKA- Trump 60% Biden 36.2% Seperated by less than 30k votes | 28% in

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Biden has 227 - Trump has 213.

Wisconsin (10 votes) 97% counted: Biden 49.5% -- Trump 48.8%.
Michigan (16 votes) 86% counted Trump 49.4% -- Biden 48.9%.
Georgia (16 votes) 92% counted: Trump 50.5% - Biden 48.3%.
North Carolina (15 votes) 95% Counted: Trump 50.1% - Biden 48.7%.
Pennsylvania (20 votes) 75% Counted: Trump 55.1% - Biden 43.6%
Nevada (6 votes) 86% Counted: Biden 49.3% - Trump 48.7%.

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GEORGIA- Trump 50.47% Biden 48.31% Seperated by less than 112k votes | 94% in

NORTH CAROLINA- Trump 50.09% Biden 48.69% Seperated by less than 80k votes | 94% in

PENNSYLVANIA- Trump 54.08% Biden 44.75% Seperated by less than 500k votes | 64% in

MICHIGAN- Trump 48.88% Biden 49.59% Seperated by less than 37k votes | 96% in

WISCONSIN- Trump 48.94% Biden 49.57% Seperated by less than 21k votes | 95% in

NEVADA- Biden 49.23% Trump 48.59% Seperated by less than 8k votes | 67% in

ALASKA- Trump 61.19% Biden 33.05% Seperated by less than 60k votes | 45% in

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For Joe Biden to reach the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the Presidency, he needs to win any two of the following four states: Arizona, North, Carolina, Nevada, Georgia - or he can win with just Pennsylvania and still afford to loose all of the above four states.

Donald Trump’s pathway to 270 is much more difficult at this point. The president MUST win Pennsylvania AND would need to win any three of the following four states: Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, Georgia.

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YWN update on vote leads as of 8 p.m. ET Thursday:

Georgia (99% in): Trump +3,486

Nevada (89% in): Biden +11,438

Arizona (87% in): Biden +56,547

Pennsylvania (94% in): Trump +63,725

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•PENNSYLVANIA: Trump's lead in Pennsylvania down to 26k.

Trump 3,282,070 49.62%
Biden 3,255,756 49.23%

6,613,789 votes counted

•GEORGIA: Trump's lead in Georgia now under 2k

Biden 2,445,568
Trump 2,447,343

•ARIZONA: Biden’s lead in Arizona down to 46

Biden 1,528,319 50.06%
Trump 1,482,062 48.54%

3,053,134 votes counted,

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The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high Monday, erasing the last of its pandemic losses, after a second drug company announced encouraging progress on developing a coronavirus vaccine. 

Stocks jumped today after Moderna says preliminary trial data shows its coronavirus vaccine is more than 94% effective.

The Dow climbed 1.6% adding 473 points - just 50 points shy of the 30,000 mark.
The S&P 500 rose 1.17% adding 42 points.
The Nasdaq gained 0.8% adding 94 points.

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WATCH: Fox News' Bill Hemmer on Joe Biden's press conference:

"You've been watching what amounts to a bit of a love fest here between the media [and Biden]"

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The Trump administration is expected to cut the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan almost in half to 2,500 by Jan. 15, a U.S. official said Monday.

The order would stop short of outgoing President Donald Trump’s goal to have all troops withdrawn by the end of the year, which had faced opposition from military and diplomatic advisers.

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TEAM TRUMP LAWSUITS: President Donald Trump and Republicans have filed lawsuits in five battleground states to contest the 2020 election.

Here's a quick look at noteworthy lawsuits organized by state:

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NEW POLL SHOWS NETANYAHU SLIPPING BUT RIGHT GAINING SEATS: If Israeli elections were held today, former acting Defense Minister Naftali Bennett’s Yamina party would surge to 25 parliament seats, just three behind the Likud, a new poll published by i24NEWS on Monday night revealed.

And while the race between the Likud and Yamina tightens, the right-wing bloc surged to 70 mandates, leaving the center-left far behind with 33 seats.

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Moderna’s Israeli chief medical officer said Monday that Israel would be among the first countries in line to receive its coronavirus vaccine, hours after the US company announced initial results showing the vaccine is 94.5 percent effective.

“The supply to Israel is expected to come out of the first shipments from the European production line set up in Switzerland,” he told Channel 12. “I hope this happens at the beginning of 2021."

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Prime Minister Netanyahu says he has spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the possibility of purchasing Russia coronavirus vaccine, “Sputnik V.”

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WEATHER: "Iota" is now a Category 5 hurricane with max winds of 160 mph. Iota is the latest Atlantic calendar year Category 5 hurricane on record. Old record was November 8 by the Cuba Hurricane of 1932.

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JUST IN: Airbnb on Monday filed for a $1 billion initial public offering, which is expected to price in December.

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BREAKING: NYT: President Trump asked senior advisers in an Oval Office meeting on Thursday whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks. The meeting occurred a day after international inspectors reported a significant increase in the country’s stockpile of nuclear material, four current and former U.S. officials said on Monday.

A range of senior advisers dissuaded the president from moving ahead with a military strike. The advisers — including Vice President Mike Pence; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; Christopher C. Miller, the acting defense secretary; and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — warned that a strike against Iran’s facilities could easily escalate into a broader conflict in the last weeks of Mr. Trump’s presidency.

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