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3.0 This channel is for XRP Ripple, Gesara Nesara, Q.F.S. discussion, not for political news but blue chip cryptos only. Disclaimer: We are not offering financial advise in this group, we are only documenting our journey and experiences.
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Chris Larson just got his humanity card revoked in my opinion, he supposedly just donated $1 million worth of XRP to Kamal Harris according to XRP 007. I don’t think you could make that shit up.
I always smelled some green blood, now it’s official
Dear friends, join us for a transformative 1-hour Guided Yoga Session in the calming environment of the Energy Enhancement System (EESystem).

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EE system Over The Top testimonial, it is testimonials like this that will shake the foundation of the medical industry!!

What we have here transcends the miraculous—these testimonials are earth-shattering, they are the kind of undeniable truths that can reshape the world. This is pure, unfiltered, irrefutable evidence, slapping down any remaining shred of doubt. The power behind these stories could—and should—be enough to dismantle the medical industry as we know it, to tear apart the very foundation of those who would seek to control us.

Humanity, united, possesses the strength to topple those who seek to undermine our existence: the medical industry, the cabal, the IRS—all of them. We are calling on you, the digital warriors, to take your stand. Because together, with unbreakable conviction, we are unstoppable. And in the end, nothing can triumph over the force of Humanity. God wins!

Folks going forward all of our videos are gonna be on rumble, we are literally sabotaging every single video that we have on YouTube channel one with the 50,000 subscribers, we have no choice. We are on two strikes. They hit me with one more strike, and I’m gone.
I just got off the phone with Nino Rodriguez and he suggested I do that and I agree. It’s a small price to pay to keep my channel.
Alright, listen up.

I had no choice, ya see? Had to take down 99% of my vids on YouTube Channel 1—yeah, that’s right, https://www.youtube.com/@xrpqfsteam1776. The heat's gettin' real, the war's on, and I’m one of the top guys on their radar. So yeah, I wiped out 99.8% of all my stuff, just like that. Clean slate.

But don’t think I’m disappearin'—nah, I’m droppin' a new vid on Rumble real soon. It’s gonna spell it all out, my whole plan, my method to the madness. Yeah, I’m a madman with an agenda if ya didn’t know, movin’ like a real gangster. They got no chance of figurin' out my moves, not in 500 years, college degree or not.
In the meantime don't forget to follow me on Rumble if you haven't subscribed yet click the link below.

Join us Live with Kristen Arcana Shores today at 2 PM EST


"Friends, I must share the most astonishing development! Picture this: I’m recording a podcast with none other than Ron Partain and Nino Rodriguez, the reigning heavyweight champion of the world, and as we’re engaged in lively discourse, Nino reveals that a certain 'Miller'—yes, at a rally for Donald Trump, no less—was apprehended under the suspicion of a potential attempt on Trump’s life.

My immediate reaction? Hold on a moment! Could he possibly mean…Ben Miller? Yes, that Vem Miller, with whom I once shared a most intriguing podcast session! Unbelievably, both Ron and Nino echoed my shock. 'No way!' they exclaimed.

Now, do I think for a moment that Vem was actually planning such a deed? No, absolutely not! He’s far too entrenched in his convictions to even consider such an act. Quite the twist in events, though, isn't it?"

"While this individual isn't exactly a close friend of mine—more of an acquaintance—we did record a podcast together, which I’ve linked below. Based on my experience with him, he doesn’t strike me as someone who would attend a Trump rally with any intent to harm. In fact, he’s very pro-Trump, as I think this video will demonstrate."
I know Vem, he is not the kind of guy that would go shooting Donald Trump. That is a fact I hope they’re not trying to railroad this kid.