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📝Kadastr yig‘majildi — obyektning ko‘chmas mulk obyektiga bo‘lgan huquqlarni shakllantirish, hisobga olish va keyinchalik davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazish uchun zarur bo‘lgan kadastr suratiga olish, texnik xatlovdan o‘tkazish va pasportlashtirish, maxsus tekshirish va tadqiqotlarning, sifat va qiymat jihatdan baholashning hujjatlari, materiallari va ma’lumotlari elektron jamlanmasi.



📝Cadastral passport — is a collection of electronic documents and data that is essential for establishing, registering, and transferring property rights to immovable property, as well as for obtaining a cadastral plan necessary for valuation, technical error correction, and identification. It includes documents, materials, and information related to special inspections and investigations, as well as documents and materials for evaluating the quality and value of the property.

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Geografik obyektlarga nom berish va ularning nomlarini o‘zgartirish to‘g‘risidagi takliflarning davlat ekspertizasi — geografik obyektlarga nom berish va ularning nomlarini o‘zgartirish to‘g‘risidagi takliflarning qonunchilik talablariga muvofiqligini aniqlashga qaratilgan hamda Kadastr agentligi tomonidan o‘tkaziladigan toponimik, etnografik, lingvistik, kartografik va boshqa tadqiqotlar majmui.



📝State examination of proposals for naming and changing names of geographical objects - aimed at determining compliance with legal requirements of proposals for naming and changing names of geographical objects, as well as toponymic, ethnographic, carried out by the Cadastre Agency , a set of linguistic, cartographic and other studies.

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🇺🇿Koordinata asosi — koordinatalardan foydalanib joyning o‘rnini ta’riflash imkonini beruvchi ma’lumotlar yig‘indisi.



🔴 A coordinate base is a set of data that allows you to describe the location of a place using coordinates.

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✔️Mahalliy koordinatalar tizimi - bu davlat hududining cheklangan qismiga nisbatan o'rnatilgan shartli koordinatalar tizimi bo'lib, bu erda uning koordinata boshi va koordinata o'qlari yo'nalishlari davlat koordinata tizimining koordinata boshi va koordinata o'qlari yo'nalishlariga nisbatan mos keladi.



✔️The local coordinate system is a conditional coordinate system established in relation to a limited part of the state territory, where its coordinate origin and coordinate axes orientations are aligned with respect to the coordinate origin and coordinate axes orientations of the state coordinate system

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✔️Tuman bo‘ysunuvidagi shaharlar — aholisining soni, qoida tariqasida, kamida yetti ming kishi bo‘lgan, sanoat korxonalariga va rivojlangan infratuzilmaga ega bo‘lgan aholi punktlari.



✔️Cities under the district are settlements with a population of at least seven thousand people, industrial enterprises and developed infrastructure

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✔️ Geografik obyektlar — Yerning hozirda yoki o‘tmishda mavjud bo‘lgan hamda muayyan o‘rnashgan joyi bilan tavsiflanadigan, kelib chiqishi tabiiy yoki sun’iy bo‘lgan yaxlit va nisbatan barqaror hosilalari.



✔️Geographical objects are integral and relatively stable formations of the Earth that exist now or in the past and are characterized by a specific location, of natural or artificial origin.

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#kadastr_sohasida_atamalar #atama

✔️ Respublika bo‘ysunuvidagi shaharlar — O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi palatalarining qarorlari bilan aniqlanishi mumkin bo‘lgan, strategik ahamiyatga, yirik sanoat korxonalariga va rivojlangan infratuzilmaga ega, shuningdek istiqbolli iqtisodiy va madaniy markazlar bo‘lgan aholi punktlari.



✔️ The cities under the republic are settlements that can be determined by the decisions of the chambers of the "Oliy Majlis" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, have strategic importance, have large industrial enterprises and developed infrastructure, as well as promising economic and cultural centers.

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✔️Servitut — begona yer uchastkasidan cheklangan tarzda foydalanish huquqi


✔️ Servitude - right to limited use of alien land plot

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✔️Kadastr raqami – yer uchastkasi, bino, inshoot va ko‘p yillik daraxtlarning o‘ziga xos, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi hududida takrorlanmaydigan alohida raqami hisoblanadi va ushbu raqam ko‘chmas mulkni shakllantirishda qonun hujjatlarida belgilangan tartibga muvofiq beriladi va ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazilgan huquqning yagona obyekti sifatida mavjud bo‘lishi davrida saqlab qolinadi.


✔️Cadastral number is a unique number of a land plot, building, structure and perennial trees, which cannot be repeated in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and this number is issued in accordance with the procedure established by the law in the formation of real estate and is preserved during the existence of a single object of the registered right.

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✔️Kapital bino va inshoot — obyekt barpo etilishi uchun yer uchastkasiga mulk, ijara yoki doimiy foydalanish huquqi mavjud bo‘lgan, zarur ruxsat beruvchi hujjatlari olingan hamda muqim muhandislik kommunikatsiyalari o‘tkazilgan (zarur bo‘lganda), shaharsozlik normalari va qoidalariga rioya etgan holda maxsus moslashtirilgan (chuqurlashtirilgan va boshqa holatdagi) poydevorlarga o‘rnatilgan qurilish tizimi.


✔️Capital building and structure - for the construction of the object, there is ownership, lease or permanent use rights to the land plot, the necessary permitting documents have been obtained, and fixed engineering communications have been carried out (if necessary), in compliance with the norms and rules of special urban planning. a construction system installed on adapted (deepened and otherwise) foundations.

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