xX Auto Like Xx
535 subscribers
78 photos
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36 links
like4Like && AddMeFast Collect points automatically and in an easy way.


ِContact : https://www.facebook.com/xAutoLikex
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How to update chrome
The auto like Extension has been approved on the Microsoft Store. If you are using the Microsoft Edge browser, you can download the Extension from the Store😘
It has been fixed that the extension does not work on Instagram likes
due to changing the coordinates of the button
This media is not supported in your browser
Hello my friends
I'm working on version 2.3
verification of the "Likes" or "Follows" button before closing the work window will be deleted
Because this verification causes a problem for many, the extension stops working for 5 minutes.
Due to slow internet, it will be delayed to convert the button from dislike to like
This way the problem occurs and the extension stops working
In version 2.3, extension will only stop if points are not calculated more than 5 times in a row from like4like or addmefast
In this case, the extension will stop working for 5 minutes so that your account is not banned for unaccounted-for tasks
Autolike Extension Like4like And Addmefast
New Additions 2.3:
- verification of the "Likes" or "Follows" button before closing the work window will be deleted.
- The task opened in the pop-up window has been canceled and made as before in a new window.
- When the window is closed, the extension will wait a second or two before pressing the confirm button.
- Fix some bugs.

How update extension
📌 Important Note:
Instagram Like will not work
Do not tire yourself, work on Instagram follow-up and the rest of the sites
Instagram has updated the post link 😢😢
I will not be able to do anything now and I cannot download a new update because of the long time in reviewing the extension by the Chrome Store.
Looks like I'll have to delete the extension from the Chrome Store and go back to the previous one by downloading
For ease and speed of updating and fixing problems
In this way, every time I do a new update, I have to wait 3 to 7 days for the store to approve the new update
Hello friends, I have uploaded a new version to the Chrome Store, which will be available to you as soon as the review is completed
I fixed Instagram and it will work fine for you
I do not know how long the review period is, but it is most likely 3 days
Version 2.3.1 has been approved on the Chrome Store
New Additions 2.3.1:
- Fix instagram Like.
- Fix some bugs.
Facebook has added a new anti-bot feature
But the matter has been bypassed. A new update will be uploaded to the Chrome Store after completing maintenance on all other sites.
I would like to remind new people that the extension is not responsible for accepting or not accepting tasks generated by the addmefast or like4like website. Even if you work manually, you will often encounter such messages.
Instagram Like has been fixed, you can work now
Good luck
Hello my friends
Sorry for the absence again due to circumstances beyond my control
I have updated the extension and it will be accepted in the Chrome Store after a few days and become available for download

You will be notified as soon as the addition is released on the store
Unfortunately, my friends, I have to delete the extension from the Chrome Store because I earn nothing from it, only cents. Frankly, this is annoying and I need a source of income. You can vote on a solution to the matter in a way that satisfies me and you
anonymous poll

Monthly subscription $2 – 28
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 72%

Monthly subscription $3 – 11
👍👍👍 28%

👥 39 people voted so far.
xX Auto Like Xx pinned «Unfortunately, my friends, I have to delete the extension from the Chrome Store because I earn nothing from it, only cents. Frankly, this is annoying and I need a source of income. You can vote on a solution to the matter in a way that satisfies me and you…»
The add-on has been updated to version 2.3.4. The problem of the add-on stopping has been fixed
Good luck to everyone
مرحبا اصدقائي تم حذف الاضافة من متجر كروم
للاسف كانت تجربة فاشلة تماما وهذا بسبب اللغة وعدم القدرة على التواصل مع الاشخص
انا افكر في جعل الاضافة فقط باللغة العربية وجعها باشتراك شهري بمبلغ رمزي 2 دولار
لان الكود مجاني يتطلب اعلانات وكثير من الناس لا يستطيع التعامل مع الاعلانات
وقد جربت وظع الدعم المادي ونزع الاعلانات للاسف عام كامل ولا احد قام بدعمي لان كل شخص يريد فقط الربح بشكل مجاني
اتمنى اقتراحاتكم حتى اقوم باعادة برمجة اضافة جديدة
بتوفيق للجميع
يممكنك مراسلتي على البريد الالكتروني او على صفحتي على الفايس بوك
The extension has been re-uploaded on the Chrome Store, awaiting approval. Thank you to everyone who private messaged me and encouraged me. Sorry, my friends, because I was very angry because of my problems. I put a short link to exe.io because I do not want to make the extension paid only. Many people cannot pay money if it is You have a problem skipping the link. All you have to do is watch the explanation of how to skip the exe.io website. The extension will be available in the Chrome Store when it is approved and will be developed further in the coming days. Good luck to all of you.❤️