World Vision Singapore Prayer Channel
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Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness.
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
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16 Dec

In Taikkyi, Myanmar, education was hard to access as children had to travel long distances over poorly maintained roads to reach the nearest school. The few existing schools were old and ill-equipped. Poor families found it difficult to continue to afford school books and uniforms. Hence, many students dropped out of school. To supplement her family’s income, Myo’s eldest daughter (pictured in red) dropped out of school, intending to work in a garment factory.
In 2019, World Vision started building early childhood care centres, equipping them with teaching resources, and fostering community support for education in an area comprising 10 villages in Taikkyi. While child-friendly places of learning were thus made more accessible and conducive, the community now needs to reckon with setbacks to educational progress brought on by civil and political unrest, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, pray that God will keep the families and children of Taikkyi resilient and safe in the face of difficult circumstances. Pray that children may be blessed with opportunities to continue to learn and grow, even though returning to school may not be imminently possible, so that their future prospects won't be jeopardised, and their childhoods may be reclaimed.
17 Dec

Tomorrow is International Migrants Day.

With ever increasing numbers of migrants moving throughout the world, 18 December has been declared as a day to celebrate the role of migrants and the contribution they have brought to development. Migrants contribute their knowledge, networks, and skills to build stronger, more resilient communities.

According to global estimates in 2020, there were around 281 million international migrants in the world, which equates to 3.6 per cent of the global population. Over five decades, an increasing number of migrants have been forced to leave their homes due to a multitude of complex factors.

Today, pray for God’s protection and mercy over vulnerable migrant communities, who have migrated not out of choice but desperate need. Pray that countries will learn to show love and compassion to migrants, and treat them with dignity and respect.
18 Dec

Millions of girls and boys in the world’s poorest places are facing devastating secondary impacts from the pandemic. Our online youth conference taking place next week, which is titled "Aftershocks: Childhood in the New Normal", seeks to provide youths a chance to discover how they can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and youth as they cope with the aftershocks of the global pandemic.
Participants will gain insights into how World Vision's field practitioners and youth leaders have been helping vulnerable communities in different countries, and learn about the invisible threats the pandemic poses to children, from the mental health struggles of refugee children to child rights violations. The learnings from the online conference will prepare participants to go on to plan and develop projects that will empower children and youth from Cambodia, the Philippines, or Vietnam.

Today, pray that the program will be a transformative and enriching experience for the participants. As this international community of cause-driven youth come together for the Youth For Change Conference, let’s pray for God to work in our midst and that the participants will be challenged to take action to help vulnerable children and youth in Asia to recover from the pandemic.
19 Dec

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬

Singapore is ranked the second most expensive city in the world, and Asia’s costliest place to live in. With the potential electricity price hike, as well as the rise in household refuse collection fees in 2022, the increased cost of living is a cause of concern, especially for low-income households and families facing new financial difficulties due to the pandemic. Pray today for God's comfort and reassurance on families contending with increased anxiety about the higher cost of living. Pray for His merciful provision and guidance upon them, even when the economic situation appears bleak, for everything we have and need comes from Him.
22 Nov

As we enter the final week of Advent, and approach the day that commemorates the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, let us continue to reflect on the Word of God. Today’s reflection on hope is an excerpt from a recent World Vision Advent Prayer Gathering.
Luke 1:26-38 shows us the scene where the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she, a virgin, would give birth to a son, Jesus, the One who would bring hope to all of mankind. But what does hope mean, and how do we remain hopeful in these current times?

Our times of prayer each day are moments to connect with God, hear from God, and bring our inner frustrations and sorrow to God. It is important that we do not rush through our lamenting to find hope. Because it is through the process of lamenting, that we will discover the seeds of hope in our distress. It is through our brokenness and empty-handedness that we can actually start to understand what hope means. Hope shines through when we recognise that what’s not in our hands to control is always in the sovereign hands of our Lord. Hope is not something that we have despite our situation. Instead, we have hope in the midst of our situation because of what Christ has done, and because, whatever our circumstances may be, He remains enthroned at the right hand of the Father.

In times of crisis, we are bearers of that hope and grace from God to those who still do not know Him.

And so today, let us pray that as we continue waiting for the second coming of Christ, we will renew our hope in our Lord, and be bearers of this hope and grace to the rest of the world.
21 Dec

Breastfeeding is the single most effective intervention to save children’s lives – 823,000 child deaths could be prevented each year by scaling up breastfeeding globally. However, breastfeeding rates are still too low due to the lack of support for working mothers.
In Cambodia, working mothers rarely breastfeed their children due to the lack of time. As part of World Vision’s work in Puok district, community health workers are trained to promote breastfeeding in their community. Through the programme activities conducted by the health workers, mothers like Channy learn about the importance of breastfeeding, healthy practices, nutrition, hygiene, and sanitation. Despite being a working mother at a local primary school, Channy (pictured) continued breastfeeding her children until they were two years old.

Today, pray for families around the world to recognise the importance of breastfeeding in raising healthy and well-nourished children. Pray also for God to grant added strength to families struggling to make ends meet, so that they may have the time and energy to take care of their children from a young age.
22 Dec

Jordan is one of the largest refugee host countries in the region and has been responding to the Syrian crisis since the start of the conflict. As refugee camps host a large influx of refugees, a provision of adequate sanitation services is crucial to protect the wellbeing of Syrians living there.
To promote personal hygiene behaviours among children, World Vision conducted a Sesame Street project in Azraq Refugee Camp, which allows children to learn about general health awareness and oral health through lovable Sesame Street characters. Nine-year-old Saif (pictured) loves learning about personal hygiene from the project. “Every time I learn something new, I teach it to my family. I have two sisters, and I show them how to properly wash their hands to keep the germs away.”

Today, pray for the physical health of all Syrian refugees, that they will have access to proper sanitation. Pray also that God would use the Sesame Street project to empower even more children to improve their personal hygiene habits, as well as instil a willingness in them to share this awareness among their family members.
23 Dec

Super Typhoon Rai, one of the strongest storms of 2021, wreaked havoc in the Philippines. More than 400,000 people are now displaced, and the death toll is on the rise.

In the words of a member of World Vision’s emergency response team in Bohol in the country’s Central Visayas region:

The sound of the wind is like an airplane taking off. It's so loud and so strong. The trees surrounding our place are uprooted.

Immediate need is drinking water since sources are also affected.

Drinking water and gasoline are scarce already and people are panick buying to secure stocks for their families especially that Christmas is fast approaching.
Please pray for World Vision’s emergency response operations as our field teams work to meet the most urgent needs of children and their families through the provision of food, potable water, hygiene kits, emergency shelter, and psychosocial first aid, among other forms of support.

At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has already brought the poorest in the Philippines to the brink of despair, may we as the Body of Christ respond to share God’s love and blessings with the most vulnerable children, so that, even amidst the loss and death wrought by the typhoon, the hope of Christmas may be kept alive in their hearts.
24 Dec

In a sermon themed on Christmas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote:

The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, who look forward to something greater to come. For these, it is enough to wait in humble fear until the Holy One himself comes down to us, God in the child in the manger. God comes. The Lord Jesus comes. Christmas comes. Christians rejoice!

On this the last day of Advent, let us pray that the Holy Spirit may prepare our hearts to celebrate the Hope of Christmas, grounded in the truth that God assumed our humanity and was born into our world, racked with sin and suffering, to secure our redemption as the Light of the world.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

In a year that has been unsettled by conflict, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been essential for us to hold fast to Christ as the reason and source of our security, hope, and joy.

It is my sincere hope that this Christmas will serve as an opportunity for you and your loved ones to celebrate afresh our Father's love in Christ and His unfailing ability to save.

Please also remember the vulnerable children and families whom we serve in your prayers during this season. Christmas will no doubt look and feel very different for the baby born in a refugee camp, the girl who doesn't know when she can return to school, the boy who sleeps with a rifle next to him, and the family who doesn't know when their next meal will come. Pray with us that they too may be blessed with the knowledge of God's hope and love, and of His promise to bring peace, restoration, and renewal through all that He has accomplished in Christ.

On behalf of all of us at World Vision Singapore, let me wish you a Merry Christmas. May this be a joyful season for you to remember and celebrate how our Lord Jesus Christ came into the world as light, so that whoever believes in Him may not remain in darkness (John 12:46).

Lilian Chung
National Director
World Vision Singapore
26 Dec

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬

For many of us, Christmas has provided a valuable opportunity to share Christian hospitality with loved ones who don't yet know their Father in Heaven, and to introduce them to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Whether through invitations to Christmas services, festive meals with family and friends, or heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones about the fear of isolation or the purpose of living as we reflect on the end of the year, God has mercifully blessed us with the privilege of planting seeds of biblical hope during this Christmas season in the lives of those whom He has brought us into relationship with.

Today, let us pray that God may continue to water and nourish these seeds, so that all who have heard the gospel of Christ for the first time this Christmas may come to know the hope, peace, and love that God graciously offers through His only begotten Son.
27 Dec

As we begin this week, let us meditate on these words of encouragement. Today’s reflection comes from World Vision Philippines.
Exodus 33:15
“Then Moses said to Him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”

Moses was convinced that without God’s presence in his life, it was useless for him to attempt anything. When he spoke face to face with the Lord, he was saying, “Lord, if your presence is not with me, then I’m not going anywhere. I won’t take a single step unless I’m assured you’re with me!“

Moses knew it was God’s presence in Israel that set the people apart from all other nations. This is true for us as believers today. The only thing that sets us apart from the world is God’s being “with us” – leading us, guiding us, working His will in and through us.

Today, let us pray for God to quieten our hearts, as we take a moment to come before Him and dwell in His presence. Pray for God to grant us the same deep desire as Moses for His presence to lead and guide us in everything that we do and seek to embark on in 2022.