World Vision Singapore Prayer Channel
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Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness.
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
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2 Dec

As a result of drought and food insecurity, children in Biyacado, Somalia, are unable to attend school. Families rely on rain and pasture for their animals, and when such resources dry up, parents take their children and move away, causing children to drop out of school. In addition, even if a child is about to attend school, hunger pangs result in them being sent home for feeling ill. Loss of nutrition not only stunts physical growth, but has aftereffects that stunt a child’s intellectual capacity and social skills.

Today, pray for the children of Somalia, that they will receive adequate food and water aid, and that they will be able to continue attending school. Pray for equal access to education no matter where a child might be, so that they can learn, grow, and achieve their fullest potential.
3 Dec

In Central Malawi, Ireen, 9, (green) and her friends, Alesa, (yellow dress) and Lodina, (striped shirt) walk for unclean water two or three times a day, for a total of about 6km. The walk is challenging, with drops of 300 feet from the hills to the stream bed, and hazards such as snakes and hyenas along the route. For children like Ireen, the gift of clean water near their home would allow them to go to school without the need to collect water from faraway sources daily. A clean, safe water source will also protect children and communities from illnesses, especially in the midst of the pandemic. Thankfully, Ireen’s prayers were answered in August 2020, when drillers finally struck clean water near her village.
Today, we thank God for the 3.4 million who have gained access to clean water in 2020 through World Vision’s work, so that children such as Ireen and her friends are able to live free of the burden of water scarcity, and attend school to learn and grow. We pray for those who still live in need of clean, safe water sources, that they will receive timely help, so that all children will have the opportunity to live and grow to their fullest potential.
4 Dec

A quarter of the world’s children live in countries affected by conflict or disaster. Every day, 37,000 people are forced to leave their homes. Conflicts and disasters devastate lives. Refugee children can be separated from their families, orphaned, left to fend for younger siblings, and exposed to exploitation through labour, sexual abuse, or recruitment into armed groups. As part of our emergency response operations, World Vision works to provide food assistance; access to healthcare, nutrition, and water; as well as child-friendly spaces for children to continue learning and growing.

Today, pray for children who have been forcibly displaced. Pray that God may equip humanitarian agencies to help protect children from illness and violence in refugee camps. Even as they face an uncertain future, may child refugees and their families come to know the hope of God.
5 Dec

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬

We thank God for the easing of social gathering measures in the past weeks. As we continue through this transitional period, there have been many concerns about the new COVID variant and rising case numbers.

Today, pray for a smooth transition period and for God’s divine guidance to rest upon the leaders of our country, that they may be empowered to make decisions that will help our community and our economy to recover. We pray also for protection and safety, and ultimately trust in the loving sovereignty of our Father, as we navigate the evolving public health situation while awaiting new information about the virulence of the Omicron variant.
6 Dec

As we head into the second week of Advent, let us continue to reflect on the word of God. Today’s devotional on Luke 2:8-21 comes from Bradley Thompson from World Vision International.
God’s solution for salvation was a baby born in a manger in Bethlehem, to a young couple under challenging circumstances. Throughout Scripture, we see God using the most unlikely solutions to deal with the situations His people faced: He promised Abraham and Sarah, a barren and old couple, that they would have descendants like the stars in the sky (Gen 15:5). God used a slave named Joseph to save Egypt in a time of severe famine (Gen 41:41). He called Samuel, David, and many others, all at a very young age, to transform nations. God also sent His Son to be born of a young woman. This child would grow up to demonstrate the heart of God’s love and grace to all humanity. In His wisdom, God uses humble methods to channel His transforming grace.

Today, let us pray that despite all that is happening in the world, we will not become bitter and hard-hearted, and instead choose to have childlike faith and hearts. May we have absolute trust in God’s sovereignty and methods in all situations, and be continually in awe of His wisdom, power, and love.
7 Dec

Afghanistan’s children face a fast-moving humanitarian crisis that is putting millions of lives at risk. After years of conflict, more than 5.5 million people have been displaced and the impact on children is devastating. Malnutrition and hunger are widespread, with 2.7 million people facing starvation. Half of all children under 5 – approximately one million children – are acutely malnourished, and food insecurity is on the rise as 40% of crops were lost due to drought this year.

Today, let us pray that children in Afghanistan may experience the love and protection of God. Please also pray that through World Vision's Afghanistan Emergency Response, we may continue to reach communities with life-saving essentials such as clean drinking water, hygiene resources, emergency food aid, and access to emergency health and nutrition services.
8 Dec

Speech impaired since birth, Kabita had struggled with her education, and her father worried about what the future would hold for her without the skills to support herself. Through child sponsorship, Kabita has been equipped with tailoring skills to earn an income and support herself.

Around the world, one billion people live with a disability, and 80 per cent of them are in developing countries. People with disabilities can be excluded from many parts of community life, not only because of their impairments, but also due to societal barriers that limit how they can be part of what happens around them.

Today, pray for World Vision to be able to meet the needs of people with disabilities, and to empower them and their communities to break free from poverty. Pray also for God to break down barriers in communities and families, so that they will extend love and acceptance to people with disabilities.
9 Dec

Udai and his siblings are among more than 12.4 million Syrians who have fled the armed conflict, a little over half of whom are displaced within Syria. In mid-2019, the U.N. refugee agency counted 5.6 million Syrian refugees and asylum seekers who are still living outside their country because of the violence and instability. In the cries of suffering, God’s heart is broken by injustice and oppression.

Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, World Vision has assisted more than 6.4 million children with activities aimed at ensuring that children are protected from harm and violence, and displaced people have food, household economic support, and access to essential services and shelter.

Today, pray for God to bring hope and transformation to people in the harshest places in our world. Pray also for God to establish the work of World Vision across Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon to support refugees and those who are internally displaced.
10 Dec

Today is International Human Rights Day. This year’s Human Rights Day theme relates to 'Equality' – “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”

Successive financial and health crises have had long-lasting and multidimensional impacts on millions of young people. COVID-19 is putting 85 million more children at risk of violence. Isolated in unsafe homes, sent to work or pushed into early marriage, millions of boys and girls could be facing physical, emotional and sexual abuse as a result of the pandemic. Unless their rights are protected, including through decent jobs and social protection, the “COVID generation” runs the risk of falling prey to the detrimental effects of mounting inequality and poverty.

Pray that God will fill all people with His love and that we will recognise the inherent dignity of every individual, for we are all created in the image of God. Pray that in His grace and mercy, God will grant justice and peace to those who are oppressed and treated unfairly.
11 Dec

From adapting to a new normal to transiting to endemic living and everything in between, 2021 has been nothing short of tumultuous. Christmas may look and feel very different for most because of how COVID-19 has changed and restricted the way we celebrate and gather in Singapore.

However, a glimpse into the Christmas season around the world highlights a stark contrast between the realities experienced here and outside Singapore. The pandemic has claimed many lives and worsened hunger in East Africa. Countries such as Ethiopia, Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen have been afflicted by conflict on top of the pandemic, and Central America and Haiti were hit by natural disasters while battling COVID-19.
In spite of all the frustration, we remember that God’s faithfulness is at the core of the Christmas story and, as Christians, it’s our story too in difficult times. We pray for God’s compassion during times of immeasurable distress for the people who need it most, and that His light will shine through this Christmas and bring hope to all (Isaiah 9:2).
12 Dec

Prayer for Singapore 🇸🇬

As the world grapples with the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, let us pray that Singapore's government may be led in the wisdom of our Lord to take effective precautions against the potential spread of the variant, especially as more people start to travel with the expansion of the VTL. Pray that we may all continue to show, to one another and to the most vulnerable members of our society, the same compassion, generosity, and supportive spirit that pulled us through during the height of the pandemic. Above all, we rest in God’s sovereignty amidst the global uncertainty, and remember that He is in control of the situation worldwide and in Singapore.
13 Dec

As we move into the third week of Advent, we continue to reflect on the Word of God. This week’s devotional on John 1:1-3, 19-27 comes from Harold Segura from World Vision Latin America and Caribbean Region.
This Advent season, the world is looking for hope. John’s testimony “bearing witness to the light” is stated to the religious authorities from Jerusalem, explaining that he was baptizing the people as a form of preparatory ministry, as a forerunner to the Messiah. In what ways can we follow John’s example to bear witness to the light of Christ in the world?

Firstly, if Christ is to be at the centre, we must take a back seat to God. Our words and actions should point to Christ instead of to ourselves. Secondly, like John’s example, it is important to define what we are as well as what we are not. We are God’s fellow workers (1 Cor 3:9), servants of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:1), farmers in the Kingdom (James 5:7), witnesses to the work of the Spirit (Acts 1:8). But we are not the Messiah, and we should always be pointing to Him. Lastly, if Christ is at the centre, the results of our efforts are in His hands too. We depend on His generous, abundant grace.

Today, let us reflect on the qualities of light and how it can warm, energize and illuminate, yet also expose and surprise. How does God’s light penetrate the darkness in our own lives? What can we do to allow His light to shine through us for the people around us to see more of Him and less of us? Let us pray that we will continually trust in God and turn to Him, letting His light shine through us as we do the work and fulfil the purposes that He has ordained for us.
14 Dec

In the Central African Republic (CAR), young people like Odre (not pictured) have been living through cycles of conflict, instability and chronic poverty for decades. Odre used to be part of the Anti-Balaka militia until the election of the transitional government in the CAR. As he had no more reason to fight, he decided to return home. However, this proved more difficult than he had imagined as people were afraid of him for being part of the militia.
World Vision started working in CAR at the peak of the conflict in March 2013. More than 13,000 children and adolescents have been exploited by armed groups and face ongoing risk of being injured or killed. Through the support of World Vision and the community members led by their leaders, the children were rescued, rehabilitated and enrolled in peace clubs. To attract children, who were at risk of being recruited by armed groups, World Vision supplied Peace Clubs with play material, including slides and swings. This provided children with a safe space to play and also share their learning from the Peace Clubs with other children.

Today, we pray for God to remove any underlying social tensions in communities that may prevent children from building trust with one another, as well as to restore relationships with their caregivers and community.
15 Dec

More than 700 million people – one in 10 people in the world – live in extreme poverty on less than US$1.90 a day. The poor are often excluded from economic opportunities as banks are less likely to grant loans to them due to their lack of collateral or credit history. This would hinder the poor from improving their economic situation, such as by starting and growing a small business.
Microloans have helped businesses like Mrs Hue’s (in pink) poultry farming grow. The increase in income has allowed her to provide nutritious food for her three daughters as well as pay for their school fees.

Through World Vision's economic empowerment projects, families like Mrs Hue’s are provided access to temporary food and cash assistance, savings groups, training and marketing expertise, to allow them to embark on business or gain employment.

Today, pray that these economic opportunities would allow families to enter their local markets, and break the cycle of poverty. Pray also that the microfinance and savings groups would uplift and transform the entire community they are in.