Workers Party of Britain
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Economically radical with an independent foreign policy — common-sense socialism led by George Galloway and Deputy leaders Andy Hudd, Chris Williamson, Peter Ford.
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George’s response to Crispin Flintoff on how Aaron Bastani conducted himself in the interview with the #BBC on #Labour #AntiSemetism under #Corbyn

"Bastani swallowed the false premise hook line and sinker and was sunk from there on in…

…I would have said: "But it isn't endemic in the Labour Party; you're just making that up."

Watch the full interview here:
Forwarded from George Galloway
Media is too big
These #nuclear weapons were on their way to #Glasgow, which would become a heap of smoking ash

As I came up the motorway I overtook a convoy of death, at least 30 British military vehicles guarding lorries containing nuclear weapons. The Bob Dylan song Masters of War came into my head

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Forwarded from Kalima Horra London
#Germany in Crisis?

Thu 8 Nov 7pm GMT
Give your views live

a @MayadeenEnglish show Hosted by @georgegalloway

Robert Oulds
Charles Kelly
J. Michael Seyfert

#EU #UkraineRussianWar #energybills #NordStream #US
Forwarded from Rachel Blevins
Media is too big
Elon Musk's 'Twitter Files' Show How The Platform Used Censorship Tools For Political Gain

“One executive would write to another: ‘More to review from the Biden team.’ The reply would come back: ‘Handled.’”

The first installment of the ‘Twitter Files’ is giving insight into the platform’s drastic increase in censorship, catering to the demands of US political elite…


Follow for more news: @RachBlevins

Join the conversation: @RachBlevinsGroup
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Here George provides four pieces of essential advice to those 'of the left' on standing their ground when interviewed by the BBC and other mainstream media platforms... #SocialistAnyDay

Watch in full:
Forwarded from George Galloway
#SUNDAY Join me for The Mother of All Talkshows!

With guests Natali Morris, Clinton Morris of The Redacted Inc, Jeff Monson and Eisa Ali

LIVE on all platforms

🇺🇸 PT 11AM - ET 2PM

#UkraineRussiaWar #QatarWorldCup #MeghanHarry #USA
We're filming today for two Workers Party pieces, one on social media and the other on imperialism. We've got great speakers, former soldiers, YouTubers, ex-Labour MP Chris Williamson, members & friends. Anyone can join in. If you'd like to participate in a panel, get in touch. Call 0333 335 5782 or email
The Labour Party is remembered for governing during the creation of our NHS. We should also not forget the horrors of imperialism they imparted during the same period.
Forwarded from Going Underground
OTD in 1948, 14 members of Britain’s Scots Guards stationed in Malaysia massacre 24 unarmed civilians in Batang Kali and set fire to the village.

Britain was fighting to keep control over Malaysia, against the communist-led effort to liberate Malaysia from British colonial rule.
Save the date. #Feb25 in 2023.
Forwarded from George Galloway
Tickets available for The Mother Of All Talk Shows Roadshow in #Sunderland on Tuesday 7th February 2023.

After the recent success of the first roadshow in Stockport. Avoid disappointment and book yours now!
Forwarded from George Galloway

"Is Twitter a better place since Elon Musk took over?”
Final Results
Media is too big
Activist Jack Watson considers why our corporate media and the elites in our country blame Russia for our problems.
Media is too big
Masterclass from George on how to handle mainstream media, here involving #CathyNewman #Channel4.

Achievements of Respect Party is proof change is possible outside the confines of traditional parties ruling Britain.

#WorkersPartyGB #MSM #C4
Unite general secretary, Sharon Graham hailed a ‘top-notch’ victory for 1,200 unionised Rolls-Royce employees in Goodwood, West Sussex.

Workers scored a 10% pay offer along with a £2k bonus.

This is their biggest union victory since the site opened.

This followed threats of strike action in the wake of an unprecedented wave of national industrial unrest unseen in decades. Terrified of the prospect of a strike by workers, emboldened by nationwide strike action and the solidarity enjoyed by striking workers, Rolls-Royce buckled and opted out of open conflict – for now. The scale of the pay victory exemplifies the importance of increased union activity for all workers in Britain, underpaid and undervalued.

The Guardian estimates that 417,000 days of work were lost to strike action last October alone, the highest since November 2011 with just under 1m days lost over strike action. Trade union statistics indicate that we may see over 1m days lost due to strike action, the highest number since July 1989, late in Thatcher’s long war against the trade union movement.[1]

The victory of Rolls-Royce workers demonstrates the importance of workers exercising their collective power – the power to withdraw one’s labour and threaten profit margins – as a habit rather than as a last resort.

Power unexercised is fictional power. Only when trade union activity rises can workers secure better pay and conditions across the country, especially when strike action originates in sectors of strategic importance such as transport and communications.
Such an increase in union activity weakens the class enemy and undermines their ability to strike back against organised workers.

This increase in union activity indicates a return to a more vigorous and bitter terrain of class warfare in the country. We must not mourn this development but rejoice, our class is finally remembering how to stand on its own two feet and fight back against the erosion of our living conditions by the capitalist class. This is how we end the cost of living crisis.
In November, investigative journalist with The Grayzone, Kit Klarenberg exposed how lobby group, the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (iSAGE) influenced Britain’s policy decision making during the Covid pandemic.[1]

iSAGE played a crucial role in advocating for the wave of lockdowns putting the population (all except the political class who enjoyed the infamous Christmas booze-ups of Westminster) in a state of social isolation.

Klarenberg puts forward the case that iSAGE, established by David King (a pundit for the liberal anti-worker Guardian and former chief scientific adviser for war criminal Tony Blair) was founded with the mission statement to ‘force greater transparency in the official SAGE’. Such a call for greater transparency was also made at the time by the Guardian.

The rise of iSAGE was received with warmth by the establishment. The former iSAGE member and whistleblower, Allyson Pollock said that the group moved away from the initial prerogative of transparency and started to make policy recommendations by its own volition.[2]

The Daily Telegraph alleges iSAGE is run by a clique of liberal anti-Russia conspiracy theorists called The Citizens.[4] The Citizens consists of regular Guardian contributors like David King and the founder of The Citizens, Carole Cadwalladr, individuals both complicit in NATO’s ongoing drive to war against Russia and China. The Citizens is also heavily financed by global imperialist regime-change network, Luminate which has financed The Citizens to a tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars.[5]

Such extensive links might discredit iSAGE’s claim to being an “independent” organisation but are also illustrative of the motivations of iSAGE’s policy recommendations.

Klarenberg in his piece demonstrates that the policy recommendations put forward by iSAGE are part of a broader state security operation of greater population control, an essential prerequisite for war time. I recommend readers take the time to check out the sources listed below.