Forwarded from White Lives Matter Official
Media is too big
📌We do what we do because we love our Race.
We must continue to expand, and do so in the honorable manner that has allowed WLM to grow into the biggest, most consistent explicitly pro-White effort at street level globally.
Our people resonate with our message:
» To be part of the Race, you must be an activist
» Make White Babies
» White Unity at every opportunity
The activists that fight for our survival and sacrifice their time to spread the cure against the anti-White cancer must forever be remembered and honored!
In spite of little amplification from news outlets and other channels, we continue to do what we do best: pro-White action every 3rd Saturday of every month until we win. You can help by simply spreading our message and rewarding our actions through shares.
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
We must continue to expand, and do so in the honorable manner that has allowed WLM to grow into the biggest, most consistent explicitly pro-White effort at street level globally.
Our people resonate with our message:
» To be part of the Race, you must be an activist
» Make White Babies
» White Unity at every opportunity
The activists that fight for our survival and sacrifice their time to spread the cure against the anti-White cancer must forever be remembered and honored!
In spite of little amplification from news outlets and other channels, we continue to do what we do best: pro-White action every 3rd Saturday of every month until we win. You can help by simply spreading our message and rewarding our actions through shares.
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
📍 TICINO is active!
🔥Nuovi attivisti in Ticino si sono uniti ai nostri ranghi e stanno iniziando a promuovere le 14 parole su tutto il territorio nostrano!
📉La nostra cultura e situazione demografica in Svizzera è in continuo declino mentre i crimini, l'immigrazione di massa e la degenerazione della società stanno seguendo l'andazzo di tutti gli altri paesi Europei.
⏳Siamo ben lontani dal degrado che si trovano di fronte i nostri vicini Europei, situazione che in maggioranza non hanno votato a favore ma che è stata imposta contro il loro consenso dall'UE.
⌛Abbiamo la possibilità di aumentare la consapevolezza della situazione per la nostra gente prima che sia troppo tardi.
Per conoscere meglio i nostri ideali e obbiettivi leggi il manuale presentato qui sotto ⬇️
💪🏻 Sei interessato a combattere tramite attivismo anonimo per il TUO futuro e quello dei TUOI figli? Unisciti a noi contattando @WLMContactBot o commentando questo post.
🇨🇭A l'è dura da manda giò
🔥Nuovi attivisti in Ticino si sono uniti ai nostri ranghi e stanno iniziando a promuovere le 14 parole su tutto il territorio nostrano!
📉La nostra cultura e situazione demografica in Svizzera è in continuo declino mentre i crimini, l'immigrazione di massa e la degenerazione della società stanno seguendo l'andazzo di tutti gli altri paesi Europei.
⏳Siamo ben lontani dal degrado che si trovano di fronte i nostri vicini Europei, situazione che in maggioranza non hanno votato a favore ma che è stata imposta contro il loro consenso dall'UE.
⌛Abbiamo la possibilità di aumentare la consapevolezza della situazione per la nostra gente prima che sia troppo tardi.
Per conoscere meglio i nostri ideali e obbiettivi leggi il manuale presentato qui sotto ⬇️
💪🏻 Sei interessato a combattere tramite attivismo anonimo per il TUO futuro e quello dei TUOI figli? Unisciti a noi contattando @WLMContactBot o commentando questo post.
🇨🇭A l'è dura da manda giò
Forwarded from WLM_USA_ALABAMA
Media is too big
You've got to ally with other pro-White groups and put aside differences. Ego, self interest, and petty inter-group politics and conflicts serve absolutely no purpose and those that continue to foment such things simply do not see the big picture. Arguably they are in this for other reasons and not for those reasons which are truly Pro-Whitel. As a people we are in so such condition to indulge these immature short sighted divisions. Your allegiance should only be to the White race and not limited to a specific group, label or organization! 14 Always! @wlm_usa_alabama @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial @wlmcontactbot
I přes nepřízeň počasí vyrazili čeští WLM aktivisté do terénu v mnoha městech po celé naší zemi. ⚡
S nutností postavit se na obranu našeho lidu tak bylo seznámeno mnoho z těch, kteří doposud stojí stranou. ⚔️
Pokud nejste aktivní součástí komunity bojující za existenci a budoucnost naší rasy, napomáháte jejímu úpadku a postupnému zániku. ☠️
Zapojte se i vy do našich řad, splňte povinnost vůči vlastnímu lidu a nasměruje ho do zlaté budoucnosti. ☀️
Kontaktujte @wlmcontactbot, nebo napište do komentářů pod tento příspěvek. 🙋🏻
Připojte se také do našeho chatu. ✍️
I přes nepřízeň počasí vyrazili čeští WLM aktivisté do terénu v mnoha městech po celé naší zemi. ⚡
S nutností postavit se na obranu našeho lidu tak bylo seznámeno mnoho z těch, kteří doposud stojí stranou. ⚔️
Pokud nejste aktivní součástí komunity bojující za existenci a budoucnost naší rasy, napomáháte jejímu úpadku a postupnému zániku. ☠️
Zapojte se i vy do našich řad, splňte povinnost vůči vlastnímu lidu a nasměruje ho do zlaté budoucnosti. ☀️
Kontaktujte @wlmcontactbot, nebo napište do komentářů pod tento příspěvek. 🙋🏻
Připojte se také do našeho chatu. ✍️
Media is too big
📌This Saturday marked 41 consecutive months of pro-White activism by WLM. Regardless of circumstances, the heroes of the race continue to do the activism that matters. Real life, positive, encouraging and future-looking engagement with other healthy Whites is the only way forward.
As activists, the future of the White Race is in our hands. We must shape it into a positive, self-sustaining future that is rooted in the 14 words.
As an activist, ask yourself: are you able to make a compelling case in favor of the 14 words in front of an audience of unknown people?
The only topic is the 14 words. We will always be active every 3rd Saturday of every month, indefinitely, even if the internet went down.
Get involved at @wlmcontactbot.
As activists, the future of the White Race is in our hands. We must shape it into a positive, self-sustaining future that is rooted in the 14 words.
As an activist, ask yourself: are you able to make a compelling case in favor of the 14 words in front of an audience of unknown people?
The only topic is the 14 words. We will always be active every 3rd Saturday of every month, indefinitely, even if the internet went down.
Get involved at @wlmcontactbot.
📌 [ACTION BEFORE ELECTIONS] As stated in the WLM Manual, this initiative goes beyond the apparent political landscape and seeks to secure the existence of our people first and foremost. We also state that we will always be in favor of whatever action or policy that would help White People.
Given there are upcoming elections in White Countries, we are raising the alarm regarding what these elections should be about: White Interests. Currently, politicians are largely anti-White. We must change that. Pressure on!
Use this template to print and paint banners with our message and get it under the eyes of our people.
To join the fight for the 14 words, message @wlmcontactbot.
Given there are upcoming elections in White Countries, we are raising the alarm regarding what these elections should be about: White Interests. Currently, politicians are largely anti-White. We must change that. Pressure on!
Use this template to print and paint banners with our message and get it under the eyes of our people.
To join the fight for the 14 words, message @wlmcontactbot.
Forwarded from White Lives Matter Official
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📌Live: chants of a "White Europe" from Warsaw, Poland.
Media is too big
📌 Again, WLM took to the streets to keep the flame of our People alive, across Europe and the United States.
For us, our race is an extension of our family. Other healthy White people are like siblings to us, as we recognize a common destiny ordained by our blood and shared history.
Our purpose is to revive our Racial Consciousness and, together, secure a future for our White Children.
Activists are involved because their heart commands so - not because of any exoteric reward. For what is the biggest reward of all if not the ability to raise your children in a loving society, that cherishes honor and a will to continue its own glorious existence?
Our activism is positive because a positive White future must be fought for. Activism is fun, really fun - and whitepilling. But above all, it is the only way to 14!
Honor to all pro-White activists! Take part at @wlmcontactbot.
For us, our race is an extension of our family. Other healthy White people are like siblings to us, as we recognize a common destiny ordained by our blood and shared history.
Our purpose is to revive our Racial Consciousness and, together, secure a future for our White Children.
Activists are involved because their heart commands so - not because of any exoteric reward. For what is the biggest reward of all if not the ability to raise your children in a loving society, that cherishes honor and a will to continue its own glorious existence?
Our activism is positive because a positive White future must be fought for. Activism is fun, really fun - and whitepilling. But above all, it is the only way to 14!
Honor to all pro-White activists! Take part at @wlmcontactbot.
We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.
We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.
We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.
Our track record speaks for itself at @wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
X - follow us on twitter
We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.
We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.
We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.
Our track record speaks for itself at @wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
X - follow us on twitter