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The admins of this channel are NOT the initiators of this PEACEFUL MARCH. This is a grassroots movement.

Represent yourself, your family and your people in a professional and appropriate manner.
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One of our activists went on a sticker run in the Long Island area.



πŸ“£πŸDon't forget to join Our Gab:

Join the WLM NY Chat or contact @Wetworks1 to begin the vetting process:

Forwarded from Sugar Tree Legion
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This weekend, in collaboration with t.me/WLM_USA_NEW_YORK2 , our Legionaires held a color guard and cleaned stones at an American Revolution burial site to honor our people & Nation's founding sons. We must rekindle pride in our folk by honoring the memory of our heroes, standing together & speaking out against anti-White propaganda!

The system we face wishes to erase the pride European descendants share in our history. In order to fight back, we must expose their tactics through information and honor our people through positive action in their service!

Join our chat or contact t.me/SugarTreeAdmin to get involved TODAY after vetting!

Rekindle our pride, remember your roots, stand for OUR PEOPLE.

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πŸ“ŒWLM is celebrating it's 3 year anniversary!

This pro-White, legal, & anonymous initiative that has held activism events for 35 months straight was set up to revive our Racial Consciousness and regain our Honor as a People. Through our hard work, WLM has become one of the biggest pro-White forces at street level, and countless groups have spiralled off our efforts.

We speak through ACTION. We build power through ACTION. We achieve the 14 through ACTION.

You are not alone. Join a tribe. Join WLM.

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πŸ“ŒApril 20, 2024 - Happy birthday, WLM!

3 years ago, WLM brought to the table something that was needed: organized, anonymous, explicitly pro-White action at street level.

This elegant approach to securing a future for White Children has resonated rapidly with White people of good faith. After reading
the manual, many have understood the new culture put forward: strength, loyalty and readiness.

Since then, WLM has become the biggest street level pro-White effort globally. With days of action every month, and the help of existing groups who have joined arms for the Race, we are attracting Whites who understand this is a life-long battle.

It all relies on us. Together until the end, 14 or nothing!

Join at

πŸ“Œ A quick recap of how we got to 20,000 strong pro-Whites on Telegram.

The idea
》WLM is a decentralized, legal, explicitly pro-White global initiative that is based on meritocraticy and freedom of expression
》It puts forward a culture of elegant, pro-White action that resonates with Whites and particularly with White fathers
》It's purpose, laid out in the manual, is to create local pro-White efforts that use the manual to spread the goal
》Like White cells in a human body, we are spreading the pro-White cure against the anti-White cancer.

The goal is simple - the 14 words.

As any meritocratic, shared accountability initiative - this is entirely a shared success. Honor to all who contribute!

@wlmcontactbot to do your part!

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On April 20th, WLM NY Joined our brothers in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey for a flash demonstration in Scranton, PA to celebrate the third birthday of our movement.



πŸ“£πŸDon't forget to join Our Gab:

Join the WLM NY Chat or contact @Wetworks1 to begin the vetting process:

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πŸ“ŒWe do what we do because we love our Race.

We must continue to expand, and do so in the honorable manner that has allowed WLM to grow into the biggest, most consistent explicitly pro-White effort at street level globally.

Our people resonate with our message:
Β» To be part of the Race, you must be an activist
Β» Make White Babies
Β» White Unity at every opportunity

The activists that fight for our survival and sacrifice their time to spread the cure against the anti-White cancer must forever be remembered and honored!

In spite of little amplification from news outlets and other channels, we continue to do what we do best: pro-White action every 3rd Saturday of every month until we win. You can help by simply spreading our message and rewarding our actions through shares.

@wlmcontactbot to get involved.

πŸ“ŒAuslΓ€nder Raus!
White countries for White People!

We stand in full support with the young White People of Europe who are fighting against the destruction of their Race and Honor.

No surrender! 14 or nothing!

HD version

@wlmcontactbot to get involved.
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πŸ“ŒWe must be eternally grateful for the efforts our pro-White brothers and sisters put in for our people.

With each pro-White action, we grow to love our folk in struggle - not for any other reason other than because we are linked and united by honor. We will win because we will never tire fighting for our family. Our victory is shared and our heroes will forever be honored.

When pro-Whites meet, we trust and recognize that every single person bearing the flame of the White Race does so for the collective good, rather than any self-gratification.

There are no class struggles, petty squabbles or childish behavior - pro-Whites must win, and even if the odds were against us - we must give our all because the alternative is death.

We choose LIFE. Long live the White Race!

Light the flame with us at
@wlmcontactbot. Next event is 17th August!

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πŸ“ŒWLM activists took to the streets for the 40th consecutive month to propagate the most important of messages: White People must continue to exist, and in order to do that, we must remain absolute majorities in all of the countries we have built.

The WLM approach of stripping away any political or peripheral topics from our message and strictly focusing on the 14 words resonates well with healthy Whites that are there in the street to meet us.

A crucial aspect of the information war in this age is that while online the anti-Whites have monopoly over social media platforms, in real life we are stronger and our voices resonate more.

We are re-gaining our Racial Consciousness from the ground up, and, with enough willpower, we will be able to normalize our message.

No surrender! Promote White Activist culture! Join us every 3rd Saturday of every month in legal & anonymous activism at

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πŸ“ŒThis Saturday marked 41 consecutive months of pro-White activism by WLM. Regardless of circumstances, the heroes of the race continue to do the activism that matters. Real life, positive, encouraging and future-looking engagement with other healthy Whites is the only way forward.

As activists, the future of the White Race is in our hands. We must shape it into a positive, self-sustaining future that is rooted in the 14 words.

As an activist, ask yourself: are you able to make a compelling case in favor of the 14 words in front of an audience of unknown people?

The only topic is the 14 words. We will always be active every 3rd Saturday of every month, indefinitely, even if the internet went down.

Get involved at

WLM Activist Manual 3.0 - Copy.pdf
681.5 KB
πŸ“ŒWLM Activist Manual 3.0 seeks to simplify previous versions and bring closer attention to what WLM is about:
legal, positive, pro-White activism focused on the 14 words, done every 3rd Saturday of every month of every year.

WLM is about appealing to healthy Whites and bringing our struggle into an over-ground culture rather than under-ground subculture.

Our strategy is simple: "We want to be ambassadors for the 14 words through how we think, act, look and speak."

Our code of conduct reads: "There is already an abundance of β€œgroups” out there that do edgy miscellaneous activism, but there wasn't an initiative dedicated specifically to reaching normal folks who would otherwise not be receptive to esoteric nationalist & racial explicit messaging. You cannot shout edgy internet phrases in real life and expect people to instantly resonate with it. What we want to promote is the 14 words in the most approachable fashion possible."


πŸ“Œ [ACTION BEFORE ELECTIONS] As stated in the WLM Manual, this initiative goes beyond the apparent political landscape and seeks to secure the existence of our people first and foremost. We also state that we will always be in favor of whatever action or policy that would help White People.

Given there are upcoming elections in White Countries, we are raising the alarm regarding what these elections should be about: White Interests. Currently, politicians are largely anti-White. We must change that. Pressure on!

this template to print and paint banners with our message and get it under the eyes of our people.

To join the fight for the 14 words, message

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πŸ“Œ Again, WLM took to the streets to keep the flame of our People alive, across Europe and the United States.

For us, our race is an extension of our family. Other healthy White people are like siblings to us, as we recognize a common destiny ordained by our blood and shared history.

Our purpose is to revive our Racial Consciousness and, together, secure a future for our White Children.

Activists are involved because their heart commands so - not because of any exoteric reward. For what is the biggest reward of all if not the ability to raise your children in a loving society, that cherishes honor and a will to continue its own glorious existence?

Our activism is positive because a positive White future must be fought for. Activism is fun, really fun - and whitepilling. But above all, it is the only way to 14!

Honor to all pro-White activists! Take part at


We are going towards our fourth year of existence as an initiative with the same consistency: legal, anonymous, pro-White activism on every Saturday of every month.

We are grateful for being part of the most righteous of struggles: securing a future for our children. We are happy to see that other, formerly "country" focussed groups have now adopted an explicitly pro-White stance and that pro-White slogans are normalized.

We also want to thank our online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words:
@CIG_telegram, @PrivSecGoy, @friendlyfather, @frens_chan, @BellumActaNews, @europa_the_last_battle_blu_ray and others.

Our track record speaks for itself at
@wlm_events. Please forward this on for all Whites to know!

@wlmcontactbot to get involved.

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