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We will shut down now
Sorry for your inconvenience
I'll keep you updated on the progress
And another one
We started another instance, which is still a work in progress, that is why it will not yet be available on the main bot, but here it is: @actuallyunusablegroupagreebot
The clown car
There are a few more new bots you can use as of right now to create polls (with a shared database :D)

πŸ“Š Do you need your old polls?
It would be a lot easier to just delete all polls and start over. That way the main bot could be restored to its full glory very fast...
Who needs their polls stored in @groupagreebot/all the other instances?

I need them! [100-200]
┆ Don't delete my polls!

I don't need them [200-300]
┆ Feel free to delete them

πŸ‘₯ 300-500 people have voted so far

🚫 This poll is closed...
Quick news
I am currently working on an update that will bring the old polls back and simultaneously trying to figure out what to do with our beloved board poll type...
To implement it again requires me to change a lot of things and I am currently thinking about making that a seperate bot because of the differences, but I haven't decided yet.

Stability has also improved a lot in the last days, the new bots had some downtime in their first days, that is now fixed too

There are also a few new instances, including


I am working as hard as I can to bring the bot back to glory, stay tuned for more news and check the repo for hourly progress
By the way, 50.000 people have already used one of our new bots :D

Thank you for all your support, see you soon!
Moar news
Just a quick little update:
Board will be back.
A lot of you asked us in our support chat as well as our group to keep board as part of the main bot. And we will do that. It will take some time since I have to re-do the whole thing but that should be done by the end of next week.

As you might have noticed the new bots still have some downtime, whenever a bot is not responding to you, hit us up @wjclub, so we can fix the issue and remove its cause (for the programmers: the bot deadlocks, and we have no mechanism to detect that externally yet).

Thanks for bearing with us and see you (hopefully) soon on the main bot. ;D
Even more news
⚠ Sign and share this petition for keeping the Internet free of censorship: https://www.savetheinternet.info ⚠

So here are some @groupagreebot news:
Board is half-done, merge of old polls is half-done, API limiting is half-done. That sums it up for todays progress. I really wanted to bring board back today, but that will take at least until Wednesday, I ran into some issues (as expected) that need to be fixed first...

I am trying my best to squeeze out that extra little free time to work on the bot, but I am still studying computer science which takes up a significant amount of time...
Please excuse the major inconveniences we caused you in the last couple of months. It's going to be a fresh start, I promise.

Also if you have other creative ideas for instance names hit us up @wjclub to submit your name suggestions. We want to have at least 100 instances to spread the load and keep everything smooth.

Have a great week
browny from @wjclub
Another round of news
So I got the board poll type to work in a testing environment (actually last Wednesday ;D) and the load balancing is also almost done. Yes I am still working on it and no there is no eta yet. But I will try to bring you board back as soon as possible to our currently active bots before importing old polls and ironing out the translations and other details.

As for new instances (yes we have new ones...), they are

Yes this might seem like a weird collection of nonsense and that might be true but these were the ideas we could come up with...
If you have other suggestions as for what a nice botname could be check out the poll in @wjclubchat :D

Happy polling
browny from @wjclub
Short status update:
- More bots broke while moving them to another host. Work is done though to bring them back.
- We are studying and in the middle of our exam phase - please don't expect much output in the next few weeks, there are higher priorities right now.
- In case you are curious about something, contact us: @wjclub
So this channel has been a little silent in the last couple of days... We both had exams, but now we are back.
And tomorrow (Sun Aug 05 2018) at 11:00 UTC I (browny, dev of @groupagreebot) will host a livestream where I code on our beloved GroupAgree Bot and answer some of your questions. Make sure to tune in at https://www.twitch.tv/events/pE0ve1ApTUmWVt0B2_2NKA (or join in on https://twitch.tv/wjclub).
Get your IDs
@getidsbot is (preliminarily) back for a revenge! Jonas has some major features up his sleeve just waiting to be implemented, so stay tuned!
What is going on
@groupagreebot and its cousins have been inactive for the past few days and have also been acting strange in the last couple of months since we last worked on it.
We are working on a fix which will hopefully be available tomorrow and be stable for at least the next few days until we are able to work on it again.
There is currently no solution available and we are not able to answer all the support messages so sorry if you didn't get a reply from us...

Thank you for your patience

The WJClub Team
We are back
Kind of.
The bots are working again (if they don't please just send "bot down" to @wjclub)

Sorry for the inconvenience
More updates (including board) coming soon

browny from @wjclub
Hey there!

@getidsbot is back. We re-integrated some old features, go test him and tell us, what you think about it at @wjclub.

Edit: Yes, it has ID age enabled :)

@countdownmebot is being shut down soonish.
It still consists out of two ugly PHP scripts and it bugs me all the time having this zombie laying around. _Maybe_ there will be a replacement sometime in the future.

Also expect downtime of the following bots: @segoeuibot, @returnjsonbot, @janusbot.
For those who are still around and wondering: WJClub is currently not maintaining any bots.

If they work: Great!
If they don't: Sad, but that's life.

Running those bot's happens in our spare time. As we moved on to other things in life, they were left behind.
Enjoy what's running, but please don't expect us to fix any issues.
