Forwarded from 2024香港天氣及風暴追擊 (Since 2017)
#Admin專欄 @windseasonbro #和你寄聖誕咭 3/5 #隨機寄聖誕卡
1) 喺Google map隨機搵一笪地方,例如11 Gladys Rd, West Hampstead, London NW6 2PU英國 ,然後寄出聖誕咭。
2) 內容應包括以下:
—『光復香港,時代革命!』及 『Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times.』
— 叫佢哋上去睇下個Timeline : 了解下香港發生乜事?
— 『Hong Kong is not China’s Hong Kong, Hong Kong is an international city, welcome all of you visit (鳩噏,大家集思廣益下)。
— 『Pls imagine that United Kingdom / Japan is part of China, then you would know why we are keep fighting!』
— 夾雜祝福語句,例如英國就『gods save the queen 』、『I wish you a merry christmas!』
3) 要求對方參與 FreeHK challenge, Twitter 或 Ig tag三個人,每人都留低一句祝福香港嘅說話並 #FreeHK
4) 帶出Welcome to Hong Kong。
1) 喺Google map隨機搵一笪地方,例如11 Gladys Rd, West Hampstead, London NW6 2PU英國 ,然後寄出聖誕咭。
2) 內容應包括以下:
—『光復香港,時代革命!』及 『Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times.』
— 叫佢哋上去睇下個Timeline : 了解下香港發生乜事?
— 『Hong Kong is not China’s Hong Kong, Hong Kong is an international city, welcome all of you visit (鳩噏,大家集思廣益下)。
— 『Pls imagine that United Kingdom / Japan is part of China, then you would know why we are keep fighting!』
— 夾雜祝福語句,例如英國就『gods save the queen 』、『I wish you a merry christmas!』
3) 要求對方參與 FreeHK challenge, Twitter 或 Ig tag三個人,每人都留低一句祝福香港嘅說話並 #FreeHK
4) 帶出Welcome to Hong Kong。
香港民主運動 2019 反送中時序歷程
Hong Kong Democratic Movement 2019 & Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement
This website is to records the event of the democratic movement in Hong Kong on 2019, and describing each event as accurately as possible by attaching news links and video source, hope to help the world understand what is happening in Hong Kong.
Forwarded from Free HK Lunarcard 🎆
我希望各位手足可以喺年三十晚年初一二三 post @freehklunarcard 揮春又好,咭又好,上 Facebook Twitter IG,寫低你嘅新年願望,或者同外國人解釋香港情況,並tag上 #freehklunarcard #fivedemandsnotoneless #freehk #光復香港時代革命 #hongkongisnotchina #wearehongkong #lunarnewyearisnotchinanewyear 等 ,感謝各位!
集中火力年初一,thanks all
集中火力年初一,thanks all
Forwarded from Free HK Lunarcard 🎆
各位,我知道而家大家都係關注 #武漢肺炎 / #WARS ,不過可否應承我,我哋今晚凌晨0時0分大年初一每人喺Twitter / Facebook /IG 寫低你嘅新年願望,或者同外國人解釋香港情況,並tag上 #freehklunarcard #fivedemandsnotoneless #freehk #光復香港時代革命 #hongkongisnotchina #wearehongkong #lunarnewyearisnotchinesenewyear #Theyearofrat 等 ? 感謝各位!
Forwarded from Free HK Lunarcard 🎆
各位,我知道而家大家都係關注 #武漢肺炎 / #WARS ,不過可否應承我,我哋今晚凌晨0時0分大年初一每人喺Twitter / Facebook /IG 寫低你嘅新年願望,或者同外國人解釋香港情況,並tag上 #freehklunarcard #fivedemandsnotoneless #freehk #光復香港時代革命 #hongkongisnotchina #wearehongkong #lunarnewyearisnotchinesenewyear #Theyearofrat 等 ? 感謝各位!
Forwarded from Free HK Lunarcard 🎆
各位,我知道而家大家都係關注 #武漢肺炎 / #WARS ,不過可否應承我,我哋今晚凌晨0時0分大年初一每人喺Twitter / Facebook /IG 寫低你嘅新年願望,或者同外國人解釋香港情況,並tag上 #freehklunarcard #fivedemandsnotoneless #freehk #光復香港時代革命 #hongkongisnotchina #wearehongkong #lunarnewyearisnotchinesenewyear #Theyearofrat 等 ? 感謝各位!
Forwarded from Free HK Lunarcard 🎆
我希望各位手足可以喺年三十晚年初一二三 post @freehklunarcard 揮春又好,咭又好,上 Facebook Twitter IG,寫低你嘅新年願望,或者同外國人解釋香港情況,並tag上 #freehklunarcard #fivedemandsnotoneless #freehk #光復香港時代革命 #hongkongisnotchina #wearehongkong #lunarnewyearisnotchinesenewyear 等 ,感謝各位!
集中火力年初一,thanks all
集中火力年初一,thanks all
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Photos from 1-OCT-20: most hongkongers are freedom loving beings, and we stand with other countries who are fighting against ccp too!
#closethecamps #FreeHK #tibet #eastturkestan #uyghur #india #fuckccp #boycottccp #english #diyms #solidarity
#closethecamps #FreeHK #tibet #eastturkestan #uyghur #india #fuckccp #boycottccp #english #diyms #solidarity
Forwarded from 寶寶CHANNEL
Wir für Hongkong
立即聯署,促請德國政府制裁中國:Link in Bio(附聯署教學及聯署內容全文)⠀ ———————————————————⠀ 【又聯署?簽完咪又係咁?】:⠀ 【德國線今次聯署究竟有乜特別?】:⠀ 【成日話夠五萬就上到國會,係咪氹我架咋】:⠀ ⠀ #wirfuerHKpetition #wirfuerhk #germanystandswithhk #nsl #signforhk…
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集
Forwarded from 777文宣傳播稿件大合集