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EU LAW AT TIPPING POINT. While the highest EU court plays the game of the Merkel regime and auxiliary EU governments by delivering a politically ordered ruling on Muslim “migrant quotas” for relocation to member states against their will and national law, Hungary announces to ignore the decision. This could break the voluntary legal and judicial system of the EU as such. Brussels plays with real political and legal explosives.
The GATESTONE Institute, Soeren Kern, 7.9.2017: “The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission, the powerful executive arm of the European Union, has the legal right to order EU member states to take in so-called asylum seekers, and, conversely, that EU member states have no legal right to resist those orders [...] Many so-called asylum seekers have refused to relocate to Central and Eastern Europe because the financial benefits there are not as generous as in France, Germany or Scandinavia. Hundreds of migrants who have been relocated to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which rank among the poorest countries in the EU, have since fled to Germany and other wealthier countries in the bloc [...] At a September 3 campaign rally in the town of Kötcse, Orbán cited expert predictions that more than 60 million people are expected to make their way from Africa into Europe during the next 20 years — thereby pushing Europe's Muslim population to above 20% by 2030. ‘The Islamization of Europe is real,’ Orbán warned.”
#hungary #ungarn #slovakia #slowakei #poland #polen #eu #europe #greatexchange #grosseraustausch #defendeurope #migration #islamisation #islamisierung #merkelregime #refugeeswelcome #willkommenskultur #law #recht #resist #widerstand
CZECHS WAKE UP, CONFRONTING MERKEL REGIME. Andrej Babis, candidate for prime minister of the Czech Republic: "The West European politicians keep repeating that it is our duty to comply with what the immigrants want because of their human rights. But what about the human rights of the Germans or the Hungarians? Why should the British accept that the wealth which has been created by many generations of their ancestors, should be consumed by people... who are a security risk and whose desire it is not to integrate but to destroy European culture?”
#babis #andrejbabis #ano #czech #merkel #merkelregime #islamisation #islamisierung #greatexchange #grosseraustausch #eu #europe #europa #politik #politics #mutbuerger #widerstand
EUROPE, IT IS A SHAME. Russia Today, 14.7.2018: “Europeans are losing their culture and identity by allowing an uncontrolled migrant influx into the EU, Donald Trump claims. He also blamed the Mayor of London for not doing enough to prevent the terror attacks on the city.
‘Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame,’ Trump told the Sun newspaper in Brussels, before setting off to London to begin his official visit to the UK. ‘I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way [...] The trend, Trump believes, is having an irreversible impact on European and British culture in particular.
‘I think you are losing your culture,’ Trump said, calling on politicians to act quickly to reverse the situation. ‘I think what has happened to Europe is a shame.’
The US president also brought up the issue of numerous terrorist attacks across Europe, especially in London, which suffered from four strikes last year alone. Claiming that London’s first ethnic minority mayor has ‘done a very bad job on terrorism,’ Trump accused Sadiq Khan of being indirectly responsible for allowing the Westminster, London Bridge, Parsons Green Tube station and Finsbury Park Mosque attacks to take place.
‘Take a look at the terrorism that is taking place. Look at what is going on in London. I think [Sadiq Khan] has done a very bad job on terrorism,’ Trump told the British publication. ‘I think he has done a bad job on crime, if you look, all of the horrible things going on there, with all of the crime that is being brought in.’”
#sadiqkhan #merkel #merkelregime #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #greatexchange #umvolkung #defendeurope #fortresseurope #festungeuropa #portichiusi #merkelmussweg #merkelmustgo #remigration #identitaet #identity #reconquista #trump #resist #widerstand
BACK TO AFRICA, WITH LOVE. Socialists kill, populists save lifes. Italy’s coast guard started to return saved migrants to Libyan ports. Breitbart, 23.7.2018: “‘If governments do their job, the dirty business of illegal immigration can be stopped,’ Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini announced Sunday. In an enthusiastic tweet, Salvini, the 45-year-old leader of the League party, said that the Italian Coast Guard had successfully saved the lives of 40 African migrants over the weekend by rescuing them at sea and taking them back to Libya. ‘Willing is being able, I am all in,’ Salvini concluded. Salvini also posted a video on his Facebook page Monday in which he expresses his hope that recent attempts to shuttle migrants across the Strait of Sicily represent the ‘last gasps’ of human traffickers and that this will be ‘the last summer of tragedies in the Mediterranean.’
Curiously, Mr. Salvini’s parting wish coincides exactly with a special appeal made by Pope Francis on Sunday, in which he, too, expressed his wish that the tragic migrant deaths in the Mediterranean would soon come to an end [...] Although Salvini and the pope do not see eye to eye on the immigration question, with Salvini pushing for an end to illegal immigration and Francis pressing for a more “welcoming” attitude toward economic migrants, they seem to have connected in a will to bring an end to migrant deaths. The question remains how best this can be accomplished, but for the moment it would seem that Salvini has the upper hand.
As Breitbart News has reported, recent immigration data released by both the UNHCR and IOM show a remarkable correlation between curbing immigration and curbing migrant deaths [...] In this light, Salvini’s tightened immigration policies would seem to be a much more effective remedy to migrant sea deaths than fanciful calls for open borders and open ports.”
#salvini #portichiusi #populism #populismus #marinamilitare #coastguard #frontex #noway #defendeurope #migration #immigration #umvolkung #grosseraustausch #greatexchange #replacementmigration #humantrafficing #menschenschmuggel #schleuser #schlepper #gutmenschen #gutis #resist #widerstand