World Federation of Democratic Youth
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World Federation of Democratic Youth. Building the world we have dreamed of and fought for since 1945.
Federación Mundial de la Juventud Democrática. Construyendo el mundo que hemos soñado y por el que hemos luchado desde 1945.
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#YESToPeaceNOToNATO | This weekend, in the framework of the NATO Counter-Summit, we went in front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Spain to demand the release of the comrades Mikhail and Aleksander #FreeKononovich.

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#YESToPeaceNOToNATO | We reiterate the clamour that resounded throughout Madrid's Gran Vía during the reading of the Resolution of the CENA Camp Madrid 2022: #FreeKononovich!

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#FreeKononovich | Today marks 200 days since the kidnapping of comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich by the Ukrainian reactionary regime. Since the arrest by the Ukrainian Security Service in a pre-trial detention centre in Kiev, the farce against our comrades has not ceased.

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#FreeKononovich | The 11th of November will mark 250 days since the kidnapping of our comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich by the Security Services of the reactionary Ukrainian regime.

We call for an International Week of Solidarity with the Kononovich Brothers during the week before the 250th day of their arrest, this is, from the 4th to the 11th of November.

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Today we launch the International Week of Solidarity with the Kononovich Brothers until the 11th of November, this is, the 250th day of his kidnapping by the Security Service of the reactionary Ukrainian regime.

Join us! 👉 #FreeKononovich

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During these days, in the framework of the International Week of Solidarity with the Kononovich Brothers, many comrades around the world are joining the campaign demanding the release of our comrades.
You can join this International Week of Solidarity until the 11th of November, this is, the 250th day of his kidnapping by the Security Service of the reactionary Ukrainian regime.
Join us! #FreeKononovich
And, after the International Week of Solidarity, let's continue strengthening the solidarity actions in social media, in the streets, and in front of Ukrainian institutions and embassies, and denounce the role of imperialism and the ruling classes of our countries.
We will keep forward until they are free. The World Federation of Democratic Youth does not leave any comrade behind.

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Yesterday, on the occasion of the 250 days of their kidnapping by the Security Service of the reactionary Ukrainian regime, we concluded the International Week of Solidarity with the Kononovich Brothers.

During the last days of the campaign for the release of Mikhail and Aleksander, dozens of comrades worldwide continued struggling: doing banners, putting up posters, mobilizing, doing demonstrations in front of Ukrainian embassies, and so on.

Thanks to all the comrades for their commitment to this and all the causes of the anti-imperialist youth. Let’s continue struggling for #FreeKononovich, let’s continue struggling for a world free of exploitation and any kind of oppression.

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#FreeKononovich | In recent weeks, the situation of our Ukrainian comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich has undergone a change that has created a new situation of danger to their integrity.

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On the 6th of March, it will be one year since the kidnapping, torture and false accusations against our comrades, Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, by the Security Service of the reactionary regime of Ukraine.

📲 HERE YOU HAVE THE MATERIALS to make the demand of the anti-imperialist youth for #FreeKononovich heard worldwide on the 6th of March.

🔗 Here you have all the information. Please, read it and help us by sharing it!

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#FreeKononovich | Today marks one year since the kidnapping of the comrades from LKSM Ukraine, Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich. The comrades of our member organisation in the country were kidnapped by the Security Service of the reactionary Ukrainian regime.

📲 HERE YOU HAVE THE MATERIALS to make the demand of the anti-imperialist youth for #FreeKononovich heard worldwide on the 6th of March.

🔗 Here you have all the information. Please, read it and help us by sharing it!

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#FreeKononovich | Young protesters demand the immediate release of Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain in Madrid.

🔗 Here you have all the information and more pictures of the protest. Please, check the pictures, read the posts and help us by sharing them!

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#FreeKononovich | More than a year after the kidnapping of our Ukrainian comrades, Mikhail and Aleksander: the anti-imperialist youth is still struggling for their immediate release and to put an end to the political persecution.

🔗 Here you have all the information and a video of the protest of the comrades of UJCE and CJC in front of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid. Please, check the video, read the posts and help us by sharing them!

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#FreeKononovich | Let's raise our voices against injustice!

Our comrades of the Communist Youth of Venezuela join the call to maintain alive international solidarity with Mikhail and Aleksander and demand their immediate release.

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#FreeKononovich | As we approach 500 days since the kidnapping of our comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich by the Security Service of the reactionary regime of Ukraine, their situation continues to worsen.

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#FreeKononovich | We are receiving many solidarity messages and images of protests denouncing the death threats against our comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich.

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Our comrades of KNE protested in front of the Ukrainian embassy in Athens demanding the release of Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich.

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In recent days, at an event on young political prisoners, the Communist Youth of Switzerland demanded the release of our comrades.

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The comrades of FDJ demand the release of Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich.

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Comrades of SDAJ displaying banners all over Germany demanding the release of Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich.

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The Mexican comrades of FJC demand the release of comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich.

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#FreeKononovich | In the last few days, after the escalation of death threats by the reactionary regime of Ukraine against the comrades Kononovich, we have continued to receive many solidarity messages.

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The Venezuelan comrades of the JCV demanded the release of Mikhail and Aleksander and the end of the political persecution.

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The comrades of GC from Italy, together with other organisations, parties, youth and student movements, demand the release of Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich.

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The Paraguayan Communist Youth joins the international call for the release of Mikhail and Aleksander.

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Comrades of the Front of the Communist Youth of Italy protested for the freedom of the comrades Kononovich and the end of the political persecution of the communist militants.

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#FreeKononovich | When the repression of the communist and anti-imperialist militancy in Ukraine is intensifying, the actions demanding the freedom of young political prisoners must be reinforced.

Here you have a video with many actions of our comrades of UJCE and CJC.

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#FreeKononovich | Not all comrades were able to attend the CENA Camp in Belgrade. Comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich had to participate by sending us a video because they still are kidnapped after 500 days by the Security Service of the reactionary regime of Ukraine.

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#FreeKononovich | The 40th Congress of SKU took place last weekend. During it, our Swedish comrades showed solidarity with Mikhail and Aleksander Konovich and demanded their release and the end of the repression of communist and anti-imperialist militancy.

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#FreeKononovich | More than 650 days after the kidnapping, torture, fake trials, and all sorts of violations against our comrades Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, we received the following message.


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