Wednesday Events @FilmArche / Mittwochs @Filmarche
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Public events happening in the foyer of the FilmArche. If you want to organize an event with us, write us at
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⚓️ Save Our School from Raising Rents!

Within the next 2 years, our lease will expire, and the future at our current location is going to be expensive and uncertain 🙀😿 We're on a race to gather 40,000€ by April 2024 in order to join the VOLLGUT cooperative, which will protect us from rent speculation and allow us to secure and develop a sustainable place for our self-organized school 😻😼

In order to face this, we're opening the doors of our beloved school for a party you don't want to miss out 🪩🕺🏽 so come, give us money and get tipsy for a cause! 💰🥂

18:00 - 23:00 Solittattoos
20:00 - 23:00 Küfa, screening & Q&A
"Captain Faggotron Saves the Universe" by Harvey Rabbit
23:00 - 04:00 Dance performance & djs sets
Mangle / reggaeton
Hattab / trap & rap mixed with folk and disco
Goosindra / dnb, dub, jungle
Flo / melodic techno/house
Kai / wave, post-punk
Siso / techno
Amiroo / dnb, jungle
Ghong / techno

🎟 5-15€
Wear your shinniest outfit for a free shot!
Forwarded from Livia
MiKko presents tomorrow (06.03): film history part III with Mark Wachholz- the rise of world cinema and the swell of new waves, , 7 pm at Filmarche! Event in German.
Forwarded from Livia
MiKko presents tonight (13.03): film history part 4 with Mark Wachholz- 7 pm at Filmarche! Event in German.
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Lesbisches L(i)eben in der DDR
Uferfrauen accompanies six protagonists who lived in large and small towns in the north and south of the former socialist republic (GDR) and have a lot to tell:
Christiane from Berlin, Carola from Dresden, Pat from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Elke and long-term couple Sabine and Gisela from Saxony-Anhalt.

The women share their everyday lives with the audience, their struggle for self-determination, first love, unconventional family planning and conflicts with the SED and the law.

The film sensitively lets the protagonists have their say, telling their life stories in an open and honest way. Praised by critics, awarded the Queerscope Association's Debut Prize and the Audience Award of the Hamburg Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.
Mikko X Moving Video Creation

Find a crew for your reel!

Are you interested in creating a reel or a short video advertising our moving campaign? No matter if you are still searching a team, an idea or already have a shoot lined up, we invite you to join us Wednesday the 3rd of April. We want to facilitate collaboration between projects, inspire each other and find crews.
We need to raise 100.000 Euro for the move until October, this is your chance to get involved and at the same time learn or refine a marketable skill (social media content). Some even call in the bread and butter of the freelance videographer. This event also explicitly invites people who want to get to know Arche, work with people from the school and make first experiences in video creation.

Hoping to see many of you <3

Where: Foyer at Filmarche
When: Wednesday, April 3rd
Mikko X Moving Video Creation

Finde eine Crew für dein Reel!

Willst du ein Reel oder ein kurzes Video für unsere Umzugskampagne drehen? Egal, ob du noch auf der Suche nach einem Team oder einer Idee bist oder bereits einen Dreh geplant hast, wir laden dich ein, am Mittwoch, den 3. April dabei zu sein. Wir wollen die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Projekten fördern, uns gegenseitig inspirieren und Crews finden.
Wir müssen bis Oktober 100.000 Euro für den Umzug aufbringen, das ist deine Chance, dich zu engagieren und gleichzeitig eine vermarktbare Fähigkeit (Social Media Content) zu erlernen oder zu verfeinern. Manche nennen es gar das Brot und Butter des*der freiberuflichen Videograph*in. Das Event richtet sich explizit auch an Menschen, die gerne die Arche kennenlernen wollen, mit Leuten aus der Schule in Kontakt kommen möchten und/ oder erste Erfahrung in der Videoproduktion sammeln wollen.

Wir hoffe, viele von euch zu sehen ❤️

Wo: Foyer der Filmarche
Wann: Mittwoch, 3. April
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The rental contract of our self-organised filmschool will expire. Therefore we have become part of a cooperative to secure a safe new place for the next 99 years. In order to make this happen we need your support now! Please donate, give us a direct loan and share our campaign with your networks!

Der Mietvertrag unserer selbstorganisierten Filmschule endet. Daher haben wir uns einer Genossenschaft angeschlossen, um uns ein sicheres Zuhause für die nächsten 99 Jahre aufzubauen. Um dieses Projekt umzusetzen, brauchen wir eure Unterstützung! Bitte spendet, gebt uns Direktkredite und teilt unsere Kampagne in euren Netzwerken!

Mehr Info hier:
Mittwoch, 24.04. - 19.30h

Der Dokumentarfilm "Resiste" macht den Feminizid von Aide sichtbar, der sich im Juli 2022 in Oaxaca, Mexiko, ereignet hat. Er zeigt den Kampf ihrer Nichte Metztli Lima, die auf den Kontext von Gewalt in Mexiko aufmerksam machen will. Er beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, was es bedeutet, mit der Abwesenheit zu leben, die Feminizide in diesem Land hinterlassen, aber auch mit dem Widerstand, der durch Mobilisierung und Vernetzung geleistet wird, um sich in diesem frauenfeindlichen System, das viele Frauen auf der ganzen Welt betrifft, zu verteidigen.

Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist ein Projekt, das von Clara Dietze, Journalismusstudentin, angeregt wurde.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!⁩

- Euer Mittwochskomitee
Forwarded from Natascha Anahita
Invite for upcoming filmArche Party 👾 next Saturday - 27th of April
Start: from 7 pm - there will be food and a film screening, a soli-wellness floor with haircuts, Nail-Art and tattoos - and a sauna outside!
and of course amazing DJs on 2 floors all night long 🔥

...why are we doing this?

we need to move! 👁 filmArche’s rental contrac expires in 2028 - and in order for us not to get swollowed by the next wave of gentrification 🌊🌊- our goal is to get a save harbor in the VOLLGUT cooperative in Neukölln ⚓️- for the cooperative shares we need to raise 100.000€ by October - our next installment is due in a few days and we need to speed up the crowdfunding:

if you know people who would lend money to filmArche - we are also collecting direct credits (wich is a common method to build cooperatives) infos here:

Please share this info 🕸and come dance with us 🌪
Forwarded from Vicky Toria
Film Arche goes outdoor ! Comz to our first screening in cooperation with Zuhause e.V at the Kindl-Area !
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we want to invite you to the 3rd film screening in the garden, an open-air projection of three short documentary films in cooperation with filmArche and La Jaima de Tiris, followed by your questions and a discussion with members of La Jaima:

- Insumisas (2023, hassaniya/spanish with english subs)

- They're Just Fish (2019, hassaniya with english subs)

- The Nomad Garden (2022, hassaniya/english with english subs)

Western Sahara has been fighting for its self-determination for decades. Sahrawi women have always been at the forefront of resistance. For Insumisas (Unsubmissive) activists living under occupation have come together despite repression to document the violence committed since 1975.