World Council for Health
43.2K subscribers
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A worldwide coalition of organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge & sense-making through science & shared wisdom.

We safeguard health freedom.

Note: WCH will never DM you.
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MONDAY: Finding Inner Harmony Through Spirituality & Music

Join hosts Christof Plothe, DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ) & Linda Rae (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) on the 4th of December as we explore how to navigate spirituality in psychotherapy with Georgi Y Johnson (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) & Amy Ward (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) and learn about the healing effects of classical music with musician Stephen Lyman (πŸ‡«πŸ‡·).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (5 Dec)
5 am AEDT (5 Dec)
7 am NZDT (5 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
πŸ†• Legal Expert Hearing on Plasmidgate: Everything You Need to Know

The time for justice is NOW! Important insights and information from Monday's 4-hour expert hearing on the legal implications of plasmid DNA in C-19 mRNA vaccines.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
A Common-sense Approach to Childhood Vaccines is Now Needed

The number of vaccines given to babies and children has increased dramatically without the necessary due diligence by regulatory authorities. Parents are urged to adopt a common-sense, β€˜Safer to Wait” approach.

Growing international concerns about vaccine regulatory processes and vaccine safety have emerged following the widespread regulatory failure of Covid-19 vaccines. This crisis has demonstrated that regulatory bodies, once public watchdogs, are now at best incompetent and at worst have been deeply corrupted by pharmaceutical industry interests.

Don’t fall for the vaccine fearmongering and guilt-provoking propaganda.

For the sake of all children and a healthy society it is time that we question our blind faith in vaccines, the corporations that produce them, and the regulatory bodies and supranational organisations that enable and profit directly or indirectly through their authorisation.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Optimize Your Immune System!

Some helpful tips from WCH:

πŸ₯¦ Eat a balanced diet!
Limit processed foods and refined sugars.

β˜€οΈ Get outside!
Sunlight enables the production of vitamin D.

☺️ Relax!
Chronic stress can lead to increased inflammation.

πŸ’ͺ Move your body!
Regular exercise is essential for a healthy immune system.

😴 Rest up!
Sleep has a significant influence on immune function.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🌟 21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 2

Welcome to day two of the WCH 21 Day Gratitude Challenge!

One freedom I often take for granted is... ✍️

If you missed yesterday, don't worry! Let's review the instructions:

Each day we'll post a simple prompt here on Telegram. When you have a few minutes of free time, grab some paper, find a nice spot to sit, reflect on the prompt, then write your answer. Spend as much or as little time on it as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Why are we hosting this campaign? The practice of gratitude can have a significant impact on your overall well-being! But sometimes we need a little push to make it a part of our routine. Consider this your push and then you'll soon be reaping the benefits of gratitude!

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know what freedom you picked in the comments on this post.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of β€˜Totalitarian Nightmare’

One critic called the campaign β€œa totalitarian nightmare” designed to β€œonboard” small countries with β€œdigital ID, digital wallets, digital lawmaking, digital voting and more.”

What could possibly go wrong??

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
MONDAY: Finding Inner Harmony Through Spirituality & Music

Join hosts Christof Plothe, DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ) & Linda Rae (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) on the 4th of December as we explore how to navigate spirituality in psychotherapy with Georgi Y Johnson (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) & Amy Ward (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) and learn about the healing effects of classical music with musician Stephen Lyman (πŸ‡«πŸ‡·).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (5 Dec)
5 am AEDT (5 Dec)
7 am NZDT (5 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🌟 21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 3

Each day we will post a simple prompt here on Telegram for the World Council for Health 21 Day Gratitude Challenge. Today is Day 3.

One thing I love about where I live is... ✍️

When you have a few minutes of free time, grab some paper, find a nice place to sit, reflect on the prompt, and then write it down. Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know what you love about where you live in the comments on this post.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
TOMORROW: Finding Inner Harmony Through Spirituality & Music

Join Better Way Live hosts Christof Plothe, DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ) & Linda Rae (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) in the WCH Newsroom on Monday as we explore how to navigate spirituality in psychotherapy with Georgi Y Johnson (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) & Amy Ward (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) and learn about the healing effects of classical music with musician Stephen Lyman (πŸ‡«πŸ‡·).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (5 Dec)
5 am AEDT (5 Dec)
7 am NZDT (5 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🚨WARNING: An unidentified group is still trying to scam people and/or discredit this channel by pretending to be World Council for Health on Telegram in direct messages to our audience.

Please note: WCH will never direct message you on Telegram. In fact, it's not even possible for a channel or group to DM a user on Telegram. Keep that in mind when you receive a DM from any channel that you follow.

We recommend that you block and report these scammers. πŸ™

If you haven't already, it is recommended to turn on the "Archive and Mute" setting in your Privacy and Security Settings in Telegram. This will automatically archive and mute any DMs from non-contacts.

Unfortunately, this has been happening to the audience of WCH for years now, along with many other targeted channels and groups on Telegram... πŸ€”
Dr Mark Trozzi has published an organized library of more than 1,000 peer reviewed articles which show that Covid-19 "vaccines" are harmful.

Please do bookmark and share this page for ongoing reference.


Follow on Telegram: @drtrozzi
🌟 21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of the World Council for Health 21 Day Gratitude Challenge.

List three acts of kindness you gave today... ✍️

When you have a few minutes of free time, grab some paper, find a nice place to sit, reflect on the prompt, and then write it down. Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know what three acts of kindness you gave today in the comments on this post.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
TODAY: Finding Inner Harmony Through Spirituality & Music

Join Better Way Live hosts Christof Plothe, DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ) & Linda Rae (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) in the WCH Newsroom today at 6pm UTC as we explore how to navigate spirituality in psychotherapy with Georgi Y Johnson (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) & Amy Ward (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) and learn about the healing effects of classical music with musician Stephen Lyman (πŸ‡«πŸ‡·).

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (5 Dec)
5 am AEDT (5 Dec)
7 am NZDT (5 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Forwarded from Dr Tess Lawrie
If you haven't yet signed up to The Great FreeSet Challenge, don't worry, you can join at any time.

Here is a sample challenge: #1 - Escape the Digital Dungeon!


If you like the idea of setting yourself free from big corporations, knowing your rights, and getting healthy, why not join today? It's free (and freeing).

πŸ“Œ Follow me:
➨ @DrTessLawrie
⏰ Better Way Live Begins in 30 Minutes!


Join Better Way Live hosts Christof Plothe, DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ) & Linda Rae (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) today at 6pm UTC as we explore how to navigate spirituality in psychotherapy with Georgi Y Johnson (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) & Amy Ward (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) and learn about the healing effects of classical music with musician Stephen Lyman (πŸ‡«πŸ‡·).

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (5 Dec)
5 am AEDT (5 Dec)
7 am NZDT (5 Dec)

πŸ“Œ Details:
Finding Inner Harmony Through Spirituality & Music

Watch the replay:

Join Better Way Live hosts Christof Plothe, DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ) & Linda Rae (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) as we explore how to navigate spirituality in psychotherapy with Georgi Y Johnson (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) & Amy Ward (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) and learn about the healing effects of classical music with musician Stephen Lyman (πŸ‡«πŸ‡·).

πŸ“Œ Details:

We were also live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr!

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Forwarded from Dr Tess Lawrie
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What should we believe and who can we trust?

Reflections on the New Zealand data share...

Events of the past week in relation to the New Zealand population data share have been confusing to say the least. With so much contradictory information and intrigue, people have been left wondering what to believe and who to trust.

How do we check and verify the integrity of these NZ data and, for that matter, of any other data and events occurring around the world in the name of health, freedom and sovereignty?

Just as we can be sure that academic science has been infiltrated and corrupted, one can be certain that truth and freedom movements have too.

With unprecedented excess deaths being recorded on official databases and witnessed by ordinary people in most countries, do these NZ data add to what we already know about the Covid vaccines? That they are harming and killing people worldwide?

πŸ“Œ Follow me:
➨ @DrTessLawrie
Remembering MEP Michèle Rivasi: A Champion for Biodiversity, Health, and Transparency

The sudden and unexpected loss of Michèle Rivasi, a dedicated Member of the European Parliament (MEP), has left a void in the fight for biodiversity, health, and transparency.

Rivasi was known for her unwavering commitment to truth and justice, particularly in the realms of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and electromagnetic fields. Her courageous stance in questioning established norms and demanding transparency has left an indelible mark on Europe and beyond.

Her commitment to vaccine freedom and informed consent were unparalleled. Rivasi's legacy as a champion for biodiversity, health, and transparency will continue to inspire generations to come.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🌟21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 5

It's Day 5 of the World Council for Health 21 Day Gratitude Challenge and we're so glad you've joined us!

Looking around me right now, I am most grateful for...

When you have a few minutes of free time, grab some paper, find a nice place to sit, reflect on the prompt, and then write it down. Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know what you can see around you now that you are most grateful for.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Everyone is Asking the Same Question After Hearing Our Story: "What Can I Do to Help?"

We are often asked here at WCH, what can I do to help?

The answer is to keep speaking out and spreading hope in your community. Get out of your comfort zone and connect with new people. The cognitive dissonance is fading.

The safe and effective narrative is finally being questioned en masse. Our time is now!

Read all about it on our Substack...

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org