World Council for Health
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A worldwide coalition of organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge & sense-making through science & shared wisdom.

We safeguard health freedom.

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🆕 Hugh McCarthy: What Have We Done to Our Children?


Joining us live from the UK on Monday at GA Meeting #89, former headteacher Hugh McCarthy (🇬🇧) spoke with former BBC presenter Jemma Cooper (🇬🇧) about what has happened to education the last three years and how we can protect the minds of the youth.

Find this important video to watch and share on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Bitchute.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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TODAY: Harmony Singing for a Health Revolution | WCH Mind Health Webinar

We hope you'll join us later today at 8pm UTC for a live webinar with Rebecca Blech, founder of The Freedom Network Choir.

Come prepared to sing along to learn and experience the benefits of singing together and the magic of creating harmony simply with our voices. If you can speak, you can sing so all voices are welcome! Rebecca's enthusiasm for singing in harmony is infectious!

🎟 Register for free to attend:

Time zone guide:
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (May 18)
8am NZST (May 18)

Hope to see you there! 🙂

Join us:

This webinar will also be live in the WCH Newsroom, Rumble, Facebook, YouTube, Gettr & more. Tell a friend!

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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MONDAY: The Powers of Self Expression | Veronika Kyrylenko & Alistair Williams at General Assembly Meeting #90

Join host Jemma Cooper live in the WCH Newsroom on Monday, May 22 at 6pm UTC for our next General Assembly!

🇺🇸 Veronika Kyrylenko: The New American
Veronika is senior editor at the New American magazine, a twice monthly publication aimed at freedom-loving Americans. A seasoned investigative journalist and professional linguist she is a highly respected writer and political analyst. During the pandemic her work focused on vaccines, vaccine policies and the medical freedom movement.

She is also a panelist at this year's Better Way Conference.

🇬🇧 Alistair Williams: A Cancelled Comedian
Alistair is a British comedian who in 2019 suddenly found himself on the wrong side of humor when he made an observational joke about Brexit. He was cancelled by venues for having a supposed "wrong view" and lost gigs and work at a rapid rate. He says he refuses to suppress his views and continues to express himself via comedy and podcasts about what he thinks is really going on in society.

He is also the official entertainment at this years' Better Way Conference gala dinner.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

Time zone guide
11am PDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
6pm UTC
7pm BST
8pm CAT

We'll also be live on Rumble, Odysee, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🆕 Mark Devlin: The Sinister Side of the Music Industry


Joining us live from the UK on Monday at GA Meeting #89, UK-based DJ Mark Devlin (🇬🇧) spoke with former BBC presenter Jemma Cooper (🇬🇧) about protecting young minds from the sinister side of the music industry.

Find this important video to watch and share on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Bitchute.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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WCH Mind Health Webinar Begins in 30 Minutes!

We do hope you'll join us in attending today's exciting webinar on harmony singing at 8pm UTC with Rebecca Blech (🇬🇧), founder of The Freedom Network Choir.

🎟 Register for free to attend:

This webinar will also be live in the WCH Newsroom, Rumble, Facebook, YouTube, Gettr & more. Tell a friend!
Harmony Singing for a Health Revolution | WCH Mind Health Webinar

Thanks for joining our live webinar on harmony singing led by Rebecca Blech (🇬🇧), founder of The Freedom Network Choir.

Watch the replay:

Come prepared to sing along to learn and experience the benefits of singing together and the magic of creating harmony simply with our voices. If you can speak, you can sing so all voices are welcome! Rebecca's enthusiasm for singing in harmony is infectious!

Please do join in... ☺️






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TOMORROW: Quantum Healing Session with Gerry Pyves

We hope you'll join us on Friday, May 19 at 8pm UTC for a live quantum healing session with Gerry Pyves (🇳🇿), a member of the WCH Mind Health Committee.

Gerry will focus on how to practically soothe your nervous system. This is done in a live group to bring together nervous system regulation with our need for community.

🎟 Register for free to attend:

During this group session, he will talk you through the THREE PRIMAL MOVEMENTS of the nervous system as described in his book "Touching Trauma, Building Resilience".

Please note that by joining this Zoom event you agree to take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for consultation and advice from a licensed professional. When attending our Quantum Healing session, we ask that you please be in a private space and don't be moving (walking, driving, etc.). Doors will close 5 minutes after the hour.

Gerry has been in full-time clinical practice for 38 years as both a Massage Therapist and a Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist.

Time zone guide:
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (May 20)
8am NZST (May 20)

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🆕 WCH News & Updates | General Assembly Meeting #89

World Council for Health Steering Committee members Emma Sron (🇺🇸) and Dr Tess Lawrie (🇬🇧) provide a weekly roundup of all recent WCH activity, including events from partners around the world.

Find this important video to watch and share on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Bitchute.

Full meeting:

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Exit the WHO: Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health — WCH Policy Brief Summary

As requested, we have outlined the central points of our 45-page Policy Brief in a 7-page document for your convenience.

This document offers professional insight into the proposed legal instruments. It also features an historical account of what went wrong during the Covid-19 crisis, describes the attempts being made to establish these wrongs as accepted standards, and provides valuable insights into how to correct course before it is too late.

Show a friend!

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Dr Mark Trozzi Shares an Important Message for Parents Regarding the WHO's "Big Catch-Up" Campaign

Full statement:

In this video, WCH Steering Committee member Dr Mark Trozzi (🇨🇦) shares an important message for parents around the world.

On April 24, 2023 the WHO announced “The Big Catch-up”, a global initiative “to vaccinate millions of children and restore immunization progress lost during the pandemic.”

While targets of the campaign include children around the world, the WHO appears to be specifically targeting children in the 20 countries where they claim “three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live.” These nations include:

🇦🇫 Afghanistan
🇦🇴 Angola
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇨🇲 Cameroon
🇹🇩 Chad
🇰🇵 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
🇨🇬 Democratic Republic of the Congo
🇪🇹 Ethiopia
🇮🇳 India
🇮🇩 Indonesia
🇳🇬 Nigeria
🇵🇰 Pakistan
🇵🇭 Philippines
🇸🇴 Somalia
🇲🇬 Madagascar
🇲🇽 Mexico
🇲🇿 Mozambique
🇲🇲 Myanmar
🇹🇿 Tanzania
🇻🇳 Vietnam

Please beware. Protect yourself and your children. Learn more and support the global campaign to defund and exit the WHO.

Please read and share our full statement:

Find this video on Rumble.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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TODAY: Quantum Healing Session with Gerry Pyves

We hope you'll join us today at 8pm UTC for a live quantum healing session with Gerry Pyves (🇳🇿), a member of the WCH Mind Health Committee.

Gerry will focus on how to practically soothe your nervous system. This is done in a live group to bring together nervous system regulation with our need for community.

🎟 Register for free to attend:

During this group session, he will talk you through the THREE PRIMAL MOVEMENTS of the nervous system as described in his book "Touching Trauma, Building Resilience".

Please note that by joining this Zoom event you agree to take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for consultation and advice from a licensed professional. When attending our Quantum Healing session, we ask that you please be in a private space and don't be moving (walking, driving, etc.). Doors will close 5 minutes after the hour.

Gerry has been in full-time clinical practice for 38 years as both a Massage Therapist and a Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist.

Time zone guide:
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (May 20)
8am NZST (May 20)

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Forwarded from Better Way Conference
📣 SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr Reiner Fuellmich to Join Better Way Conference

We are delighted to announce that Dr Reiner Fuellmich will share the stage with 50+ featured speakers at the Better Way Conference next month in the historic city of Bath, UK.

🎟 Join us:

Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large corporations such as Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank.

As co-founder of the German Corona Investigative Committee and more recently, founder of the International Crimes Investigative Committee, Reiner has been relentless in his pursuit of truth and justice during the Covid-19 crisis, giving more than 400 interviews on the subject.

Follow: ➡️@BetterWayConference
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As the saying goes: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.

Prof Bhakdi, the World Council for Health stands firmly behind you.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Forwarded from Better Way Conference
From One Health to Our Health — Conversation 7 at Better Way Conference 2023


Under the banner of a One Health approach, those controlling the WHO are pushing for legally-binding power for the WHO to call potential or actual international health emergencies, mandate experimental vaccinations for the world’s people, and enforce these mandates, even if countries or their people do not agree. It is an unprecedented coup that threatens to destroy country sovereignty altogether. Meanwhile, a global push for ‘health’ passports is trampling on people’s inalienable rights and body sovereignty.

Centralised power is what the globalists want, but what do we want? Divide and conquer is how they achieve their goal; how do we achieve ours? Let’s take our power back in this conversation, and decide a better future for ourselves.

Join hosts Dr Mark Trozzi (🇨🇦) and James Corbett (🇨🇦🇯🇵) on Sunday, June 4 from 1:30pm – 4:00pm BST as we discover ways to take our power back along with panelists:

🇿🇦 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
🇯🇵 Dr Atsuo Yanagisawa
🇿🇦 Fahrie Hassan
🇺🇸 Reggie Littlejohn
🇺🇸 Kim Witczak
🇩🇪 Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
🇬🇧 Dr Ramiz Ahmed-Man
🇬🇧 Dr Tess Lawrie

🎟 Virtual & in-person tickets:

Follow: ➡️@BetterWayConference
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MONDAY: The Powers of Self Expression | Veronika Kyrylenko & Alistair Williams at General Assembly Meeting #90

Join host Jemma Cooper live in the WCH Newsroom on Monday, May 22 at 6pm UTC for our next General Assembly!

🇺🇸 Veronika Kyrylenko: The New American
Veronika is senior editor at the New American magazine, a twice monthly publication aimed at freedom-loving Americans. A seasoned investigative journalist and professional linguist she is a highly respected writer and political analyst. During the pandemic her work focused on vaccines, vaccine policies and the medical freedom movement.

She is also a panelist at this year's Better Way Conference.

🇬🇧 Alistair Williams: A Cancelled Comedian
Alistair is a British comedian who in 2019 suddenly found himself on the wrong side of humor when he made an observational joke about Brexit. He was cancelled by venues for having a supposed "wrong view" and lost gigs and work at a rapid rate. He says he refuses to suppress his views and continues to express himself via comedy and podcasts about what he thinks is really going on in society.

He is also the official entertainment at this years' Better Way Conference gala dinner.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

Time zone guide
11am PDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
6pm UTC
7pm BST
8pm CAT

We'll also be live on Rumble, Odysee, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Forwarded from Better Way Conference
📣 SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: Debra Fry to Join Better Way Conference

We are delighted to announce that Debra Fry will share the stage with 50+ featured speakers at the Better Way Conference next month in the historic city of Bath, UK.

🎟 Join us:

Debra is a nurse, researcher, educator, active campaigner for removing WIFI from schools, and mother of Jenny Fry, who passed away in 2015 after a battle with symptoms caused by electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).

Follow: ➡️@BetterWayConference
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📍New Peer-Reviewed Study Outlines Promising Therapies for Treating Long Covid and C-19 Vaccine Injury

An international team of physicians and scientists recently completed the first peer-reviewed research into the available options for treating long Covid and C-19 vaccine injury that will lay the groundwork for a better understanding and potential future treatments for the two conditions.

The study was published this week in the MDPI journal, Microorganisms.

“We are proud to partner with the World Council for Health on this important paper that I hope is the beginning of more research into these poorly understood conditions,” said Paul Marik, M.D., a co-author of the study and the chief scientific officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. “I’m thankful to my colleagues who treat patients suffering from long Covid or vaccine injury every day. In most cases, these patients have nowhere else to go. This research should educate others on the reality of these conditions and how they can be treated.”

“People who are suffering from long Covid or have been harmed by the Covid vaccines are often ignored or have been abandoned by the medical establishment,”
said Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, Ph.D.​, a co-author of the study & co-founder of the World Council for Health. “This research shows that there is clear scientific evidence that both long Covid and the Covid vaccines are responsible for spike protein-induced conditions that will require a significant investment of resources before we fully understand these conditions and how to treat them most effectively.”

“I am proud of this great research facilitated by our WCH Health and Science Committee,”
Lawrie added. "In addition to Dr Marik, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the paper’s lead author, Matthew Halma and co-author, Christof Plothe.”

Press release:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Forwarded from Better Way Conference
Hurry! Ticket Sales to the Gala Fundraising Dinner Close on Monday!

🎟 Tickets:

Unwind and connect ahead of the exciting and stimulating Better Way Conference in Bath, UK on the 1st of June!

Join us for an evening of networking and entertainment as we honour longtime human rights activists and heroes Vera Sharav, Dr Pierre Kory, and Dr Paul Marik and enjoy live music and a chance to experience the comedy and wit of the internet's most censored comedian, Alistair Williams!

Enjoy a delicious dinner and drinks with conference attendees, entertainment, and special guest speakers all while supporting the World Council for Health!

Ticket sales end at midnight on Monday, the 22nd of May.

Follow: ➡️@BetterWayConference
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Quantum Healing Session Begins in 30 Minutes!

We hope you'll join us at 8pm UTC for today's live quantum healing session with Gerry Pyves (🇳🇿).

🎟 Register for free to attend:

This session will focus on how to practically soothe your nervous system. Gerry has been in full-time clinical practice for 38 years as both a Massage Therapist and a Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist.

Doors will close 5 minutes after the hour.
Forwarded from Better Way Conference
📣 SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: Feisal Mansoor to Join Better Way Conference

We are delighted to announce that Feisal Mansoor will share the stage with 50+ featured speakers at the Better Way Conference next month in the historic city of Bath, UK.

🎟 Join us:

Since 1999, Feisal has been practicing Regenerative Agriculture on a 42-acre coconut plantation. He has been working to restore Mahasammata in Sri Lanka according to sustainable principles.

Feisal believes that a new paradigm for humanity is upon us. He is a founder of Saradiel - a movement that sees traditional fishers and farmers as the backbone of cultural life, its religious beliefs, festivals and customs.

Follow: ➡️@BetterWayConference
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