World Council for Health
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A worldwide coalition of organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge & sense-making through science & shared wisdom.

We safeguard health freedom.

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🗓 Source Seminar — Homeopathy: No Pill For An Ill

Presented by practicing homeopath Amanda Bate on the 13th of April.

Join Amanda Bate (🇬🇧) for this important online seminar, during which she will take you on a personal journey on how she became a homeopath and explore ideas around “health” and “dis-ease” from a homeopathic perspective.

You will be given examples of remedies Homeopathic practitioners use for treating shock and accidents, teething babies, colds and flu, while demonstrating that there is no “pill for an ill” but that a remedy must be prescribed individually.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 6 pm UTC (7 pm BST / 2 pm EDT)

To book your spot, visit:

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Take Our 21-Day Breathe Better Challenge — You Won't Regret It


To be alive is to breathe.
One of the very first things we do when we enter the world is inhale. We breathe countless times a day, and—despite its incredible importance—we likely don’t often give it a second thought.

While it may feel as though your current breathing practice works well enough—after all, you are alive and reading this post—there is always room to learn more and make changes that can improve more than you might think.

We know that emotions affect the body, but our bodies can likewise affect our emotions. A calm body and brain, which can be achieved by accessing specific breathing techniques, can be effective against anxiety, insomnia, pain, and so much more. In fact, it can change your life.

The WCH hosted a 21-day virtual breathing challenge in July 2022. All of the daily prompts are available on our website. We invite you to embark on this challenge yourself, with a friend, or with a larger group once, twice, or multiple times throughout the year. It’s ok if you don’t like each of these techniques—it is our hope that you will enjoy exploring and will discover a few breathing techniques that will help you learn to breathe better now and into the future.

Give it a try:

Share with a friend!

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Join us live on Monday as we learn more about the role vaccines have in cancer diagnoses across the globe. Our host, former BBC presenter Jemma Cooper will be chatting with Prof Mahin Khatami on how vaccination affects immune neuroplasticity and bioenergetics.

Jemma will also be speaking with spiritual coach Kim Knight about ‘The Bigger Picture’ and Louise Creffield on actions we can take against the WHO's proposed pandemic treaty. Don't miss it!

🇬🇧 Prof Mahin Khatami, PhD | Cancer and Vaccines: Altering Immune Neuroplasticity and Bioenergetics

🇳🇿 Kim Knight | The Bigger Picture

🇬🇧 Louise Creffield | Taking Action Against the WHO

Time zone guide:
6 pm UTC
7 pm BST
8 pm CAT
2 pm EDT
11 am PDT
4 am AEST (Tues, April 11)
6 am NZST (Tues, April 11)

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

We'll also be live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Group EFT Easter Special: Mourning and Renewal

In light of the Easter holiday, Rebecca Blech from Reaching People shared this special meditation with the World Council for Health. This session was recorded live for the Reaching People community on Maundy Thursday 2023 but is shared with the WCH community for Good Friday 2023.

Watch now:

Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), this session invites you to explore:
- Who or what do you mourn?
- What would you like to renew, revive or resurrect?

Rebecca Blech is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner in the UK offering weekly Group EFT for Reaching People, supporting constructive conversations between those of opposing views.

Free resources and to get on an email list for live sessions:

Rebecca has a private practice for 1:1 and family work with clients around the world. You can contact her at

If you are new to EFT, please watch this short introductory video about it first.

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Join us live on Monday as we learn more about the role vaccines have in cancer diagnoses across the globe. Our host, former BBC presenter Jemma Cooper will be chatting with Prof Mahin Khatami on how vaccination affects immune neuroplasticity and bioenergetics.

Jemma will also be speaking with spiritual coach Kim Knight about ‘The Bigger Picture’ and Louise Creffield on actions we can take against the WHO's proposed pandemic treaty. Don't miss it!

🇬🇧 Prof Mahin Khatami, PhD | Cancer and Vaccines: Altering Immune Neuroplasticity and Bioenergetics

🇳🇿 Kim Knight | The Bigger Picture

🇬🇧 Louise Creffield | Taking Action Against the WHO

Time zone guide:
6 pm UTC
7 pm BST
8 pm CAT
2 pm EDT
11 am PDT
4 am AEST (Tues, April 11)
6 am NZST (Tues, April 11)

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

We'll also be live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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WCH General Assembly Meeting #84 Begins in 30 Minutes!

We are pleased to invite you to join us at 6 pm UTC (7 pm BST / 2 pm EDT) in the WCH Newsroom to hear from our guest speakers.

🇬🇧 Prof Mahin Khatami, PhD | Cancer and Vaccines: Altering Immune Neuroplasticity and Bioenergetics

🇳🇿 Kim Knight | The Bigger Picture

🇬🇧 Louise Creffield | Taking Action Against the WHO

Watch the meeting & join the live chat:

We'll also be live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr. Please share!
🔴 LIVE: General Assembly Meeting #84 | Cancer & Vaccines, The Bigger Picture, & Taking Action Against the WHO

Join us LIVE in the WCH Newsroom to hear from our guest speakers this week.

🇬🇧 Louise Creffield | Taking Action Against the WHO's Pandemic Treaty
Louise is the Founder & Director of Save Our Rights UK, a grassroots movement focused on legislative and Human Rights issues. She spent 2.5 years working in politics with the vision of making a change, but after seeing the inner workings of Parliament realised it wasn’t possible in the current system. She wanted to create a real democracy, so she started Save Our Rights UK. Louise will share about taking action against the proposed WHO pandemic treaty ahead of a UK parliamentary debate on April 17.

🇳🇿 Kim Knight | The Bigger Picture
Kim is a health and personal development coach specializing in root cause analysis and lifestyle medicine. Her passion for getting to the roots of problems is one of the reasons she started to investigate the bigger meaning and purpose of life. The combination of her own challenging journey to heal from chronic illness and personal trauma, combined with three decades of study in esotericism, has brought her to a unique understanding of life which she calls ‘The Bigger Picture’.

🇬🇧 Prof Mahin Khatami, PhD | Cancer & Vaccines: Altering Immune Neuroplasticity & Bioenergetics
— Dr Khatam was born in Tehran-Iran. She immigrated to USA in 1969 after training in Chemistry and Science Education. Mahin received her MA in Biochemistry from SUNY at Buffalo and PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Pennsylvania. Her postdoctoral trainings were in physiology and protein chemistry. She currently serves as expert Immunologist for vaccine legal cases.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

We're also live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🔴 LIVE: Taking Action Against the WHO's Pandemic Treaty | Louise Creffield at General Assembly Meeting #84

Joining us now in the WCH Newsroom to speak about taking action against the WHO's proposed pandemic treaty ahead of a UK parliamentary debate on April 1 is Louise Creffield (🇬🇧).

Louise is the Founder & Director of Save Our Rights UK, a grassroots movement focused on legislative and Human Rights issues. She spent 2.5 years working in politics with the vision of making a change, but after seeing the inner workings of Parliament realised it wasn’t possible in the current system. Louise wanted to create a real democracy, so she started Save Our Rights UK.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

We're also live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🔴 LIVE: The Bigger Picture| Kim Knight at General Assembly Meeting #84

Joining us now in the WCH Newsroom to speak about the deeper reasons why the world appears to be in chaos is Kim Knight (🇳🇿).

Kim is a health and personal development coach specializing in root cause analysis and lifestyle medicine. Her passion for getting to the roots of problems is one of the reasons she started to investigate the bigger meaning and purpose of life.

The combination of her own challenging journey to heal from chronic illness and personal trauma, combined with three decades of study in esotericism, has brought her to a unique understanding of life which she calls ‘The Bigger Picture’.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

We're also live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🔴 LIVE: Cancer and Vaccines: Altering Immune Neuroplasticity and Bioenergetics | Prof Mahin Khatami, PhD at GA Meeting #84

Joining us now in the WCH Newsroom to speak about cancer and vaccines is Prof Mahin Khatami, PhD (🇬🇧).

Dr Khatam was born in Tehran-Iran. She immigrated to USA in 1969 after training in Chemistry (BS) and Science Education (MS). She received her MA in Biochemistry from SUNY at Buffalo (1977) and PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Pennsylvania (UPA, 1980).

Her postdoctoral trainings were in physiology at the University of Virginia, protein chemistry (proteomics) at the Fox Chase Cancer Institute and UPA. She currently serves as expert Immunologist for vaccine legal cases.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

We're also live on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, & Gettr.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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📝 Source Seminar: An Introduction to Homeopathy

Presented by practicing homeopath Amanda Bate on the 13th of April.

Join Amanda Bate (🇬🇧) for this informative online seminar, during which she will share how she became a homeopath and explore ideas around “health” and “dis-ease” from a homeopathic perspective.

You will be given examples of homeopathic remedies practitioners use for treating shock and accidents, teething babies, colds and flu, and more while demonstrating that there is no “pill for an ill” but that a remedy must be prescribed on an individual basis.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 6 pm UTC (7 pm BST / 2 pm EDT)

To book your spot, visit:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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TOMORROW: Mind Health Committee Meet & Greet— A Safe Place for an Open Discussion

The WCH Mind Health Committee invites you to join Gerry Pyves, Dr Patrick Dubois, Dalinda Reese, and Emma Sron on Zoom tomorrow, April 12 at 8pm UTC for a meet & greet session and open discussion.

This is a unique time to connect freely with WCH committee members and webinar attendees on topics related to current events. 🥰 It will not be recorded or livestreamed.

To attend, please send the Mind Health Committee an email requesting to participate.

Time zone guide
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (April 13)
8am NZST (April 13)

More info:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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📍WCH Stands with Julian Assange and Demands an End to His Torture and Imprisonment

Full statement:

Today, April 11, 2023, Julian Assange begins his fifth year in Belmarsh, a maximum security prison in London.

Four years ago, he was forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and sent to Belmarsh where he continues to wait for possible extradition to the United States. The 51-year old has spent nearly a third of his adult life in some form of detention.

In May 2019, Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, visited Assange in prison. He later concluded that Assange’s treatment did in fact constitute psychological torture. In February 2020, Doctors for Assange demanded an end to his torture and neglect. Since then, Assange’s physical and mental states have continued to deteriorate and no relevant authority has acted.

Assange’s continued detention and torture come without his having been convicted of any crime. In short, his “offense” boils down to having published true and accurate information which exposed US war crimes.

To this date, no one involved in those war crimes has been arrested, punished, or charged except for Julian Assange.

The World Council for Health stands with Julian Assange and demands an end to his torture and imprisonment. Global powers must never play games with human lives, whether that be in war or with an individual like Julian Assange.

Please read and share our full statement:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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TODAY: Mind Health Committee Meet & Greet— A Safe Place for an Open Discussion

The WCH Mind Health Committee invites you to join Gerry Pyves, Dr Patrick Dubois, Dalinda Reese, and Emma Sron on Zoom TODAY at 8pm UTC for a meet & greet session and open discussion.

This is a unique time to connect freely with WCH committee members and webinar attendees on topics related to current events. 🥰 It will not be recorded or livestreamed.

To attend, please send the Mind Health Committee an email requesting to participate.

Time zone guide
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (April 13)
8am NZST (April 13)

More info:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🆕 Dr Patrick Dubois: Cognitive Self-Defense — Tools and Application

On April 5, Dr Patrick Dubois led another important Mind Health webinar on cognitive self-defense.

Are your thoughts, beliefs, dreams, and desires really your own?

This webinar expands further on Patrick’s previous session, which discussed how we know what we know, how others manipulate our reality, and what we can do to defend ourselves.

Just as modern warfare has shifted from physical attacks to cyber attacks, the greater threats we face today are to our minds more than to our bodies. Humans are the most deceptive and gullible of species, and the attention economy continually erodes our mental sovereignty.

Dr Patrick Dubois completed his PhD in experimental psychology at The University of British Columbia, exploring the illusions of knowledge.

Watch the full webinar:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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FRIDAY: Guided Meditation Led by Charlie Speller

We hope you'll join us on Friday, April 14 at 8pm UTC as we meditate together on Telegram with Charlie Speller.

Sign up:

Charlie Speller is a multi-disciplinary health practitioner specializing in pelvic health and helping people to live free of pain. She is a Forrest Yoga Guardian, Poppy Perinatal Yoga Teacher Trainer, Yoga Alliance Professional, STREAM practitioner, pelvic health educator, bodyworker and bodycoach.

Time zone guide:
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (April 13)
8am NZST (April 13)

The WCH Mind Health Committee hosts guided meditations on Telegram. Each session is then uploaded to our website. ☺️

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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Mind Health Committee Meet & Greet Begins in 60 Minutes!

Join Gerry Pyves, Dr Patrick Dubois, Dalinda Reese, Anne O'Reilly, and Emma Sron on Zoom at 8pm UTC for today's meet & greet session and open discussion. It will not be recorded or livestreamed.

To attend, please visit the Mind Health Committee page and send an email requesting access.

Time zone guide
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (April 13)
8am NZST (April 13)

More info:
World Council for Health Stands with Julian Assange

Julian Assange’s continued detention and torture come without his having been convicted of any crime.

In short, his “offense” boils down to having published true and accurate information which exposed US war crimes.

To this date, no one involved in those war crimes has been arrested, punished, or charged except for Julian Assange.

The World Council for Health stands with Julian Assange and demands an end to his torture and imprisonment.

Global powers must never play games with human lives, whether that be in war or with an individual like Assange.

Read our full press release:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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TOMORROW: 📝 Source Seminar — An Introduction to Homeopathy

Presented by practicing homeopath Amanda Bate on the 13th of April.

Join Amanda Bate (🇬🇧) for this informative online seminar, during which she will share how she became a homeopath and explore ideas around “health” and “dis-ease” from a homeopathic perspective.

You will be given examples of homeopathic remedies practitioners use for treating shock and accidents, teething babies, colds and flu, and more while demonstrating that there is no “pill for an ill” but that a remedy must be prescribed on an individual basis.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 6 pm UTC (7 pm BST / 2 pm EDT)

To book your spot, visit:

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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🆕 Kim Knight: The Bigger Picture

Watch full video:

Speaking live at General Assembly Meeting #84 on Monday, April 10, Kim Knight (🇳🇿) discussed how humanity is heading for its next phase of evolution and what larger spiritual and astrological forces may be at work in shaping our destiny and future.

Kim is a health and personal development coach specializing in root cause analysis and lifestyle medicine. Her passion for getting to the roots of problems is one of the reasons she started to investigate the bigger meaning and purpose of life.

The combination of her own challenging journey to heal from chronic illness and personal trauma, combined with three decades of study in esotericism, has brought her to a unique understanding of life which she calls ‘The Bigger Picture’.

Please do watch and share:

Find this video on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, and Bitchute.

Follow: ➡️@WCH_org
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