World Council for Health
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A worldwide coalition of organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge & sense-making through science & shared wisdom.

We safeguard health freedom.

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🌟21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 8

It's Day 8 of the World Council for Health 21 Day Gratitude Challenge and we're so glad you've joined us!

Write something that cheers you up when you feel down... ✍️

Grab some paper, find a nice place to sit, reflect on the prompt, and then write it down.

Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know what cheers you up when you're down.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Had You Known, Would You Have Taken the Jab?

Would 92% of American adults have gotten a Covid shot had they known the β€œvaccines” only offered a 0.85% reduction in risk? Would young men have taken the jab if they had known it did not prevent transmission?

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Are you finding people beginning to understand what has happened to them?

In this video, Richard Vobes discusses our recent Substack article highlighting WCH outreach events talking to real people on the streets about their health, wellbeing, and experiences.

"People are beginning to think, hang on, our immune systems are the best thing that we've got!"

Read the article here:

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
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The WCH Shop is NOW OPEN! πŸ₯³


View comments to see shipping deadlines for the holidays.

β€’ Books β€” This month we're featuring COVID-19 LAWLESSNESS by Dr Willem van Aardt.

β€’ Clothing β€” You'll love our custom t-shirts and hoodies featuring Bob Moran's art, the 7 Principles of a Better Way, and more.

β€’ EMF Protection β€” Choose from our selection of anti-radiation phone cases and bags.

β€’ Policy Briefs β€” Grab your own hard copy of WCH Policy Briefs, including: Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health, Effects of Unregulated Digitalization on Health and Democracy, and Human Trafficking: A Call for Action on Ending Modern-Day Slavery.

β€’ Homeware β€” Here you will find 2024 calendars featuring Bob Moran's art, mugs, tote bags, aprons, and more.

Every purchase supports our vital workβ€”thank you! πŸ™

Keep checking back to see the latest books, clothing and more as we add additional items to the shop!
Forwarded from Dr Tess Lawrie
NEW SCIENTIFIC PAPER | Type 2 diabetes is reversible "Provided that patients are willing to make lifestyle changes, especially in their food consumption patterns, it appears that T2DM [Type 2 diabetes] is a treatable disorder, as genetic factors only account for 18% of the variability in T2DM risk. Even in those with increased genetic susceptibility, significant improvement is possible."

Congratulations to my colleagues Matthew Halma, Dr Paul Marik and Dr Mobeen Syed for publishing this new article in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons! πŸ₯³

Full text:

Please be aware that significant improvements are also possible with Type 1 diabetes.

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➨ @DrTessLawrie
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The Music of Bach is "Different Than Anything Else" β€” "It Has Very Unique Qualities"

Full video:

πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Stephen Lyman: "What I try to do, and what I try to do when I perform, concerts, is I try to disappear, and I try to allow the music to speak for itself. So my job is to present this music, this particular music which has unique qualities. The music of Bach is different than anything else. It has very unique qualities. And understand that this music has its own power, and my job is to allow that power to manifest by presenting it with no frills, no ego, not trying to get you when I'm playing, I just put it out like a sphere that floats between you and I that we both can enter and become acquainted in. This is how it works, and this is how it works with the autist."

Watch this clip on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook, Gettr & Bitchute.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🌟21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 9

It's Day 9 of our 21 Day Gratitude Challenge. We're so glad you've joined us!

Grab some paper, find a nice place to sit, reflect on the prompt, and then write it down.

Describe three good things you saw in your community this week... ✍️

Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know what three good things you saw in your community this week.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Forwarded from Dr Tess Lawrie
Are you Covid vaccine-concerned? A spike protein and heavy metal detox may help.

If you are vaccine-concerned, you are not alone. Most people are now legitimately vaccine-concerned following revelations of regulatory failures, excess deaths, malfeasance, DNA contamination, sickness and shedding from the GMO products called Covid-19 vaccines. As such, many are looking for ways to reduce the risk to ourselves and our families.

The present situation is extraordinary…

The Covid-19 vaccines are causing iatrogenesis. If you have not have heard this term before, iatrogenesis means diseases, complications, or other ill effects caused by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence.

To my knowledge we have never before been in a situation where pharmaceutical manufacturers, governments, and doctors alike have promoted a new and experimental medical technology without safety data to back it up. We have never been in a situation where iatrogenic disease has been caused on such a large scale. Neither have we seen this type of multi-system disease because the technology is totally novel. This means that many health professionals may not yet know how to prevent injury from Covid-19 vaccines, let alone treat it.

I am not telling you this to dishearten you… I am simply highlighting that there is no time like the present to take full control of our own health and health choices.

So, let’s take control of our own health.

Read the rest on my Substack.

πŸ“Œ Follow me:
➨ @DrTessLawrie
MONDAY β€” Better Way Live: Food as Medicine

Join our host Dr Tess Lawrie (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) on the 11th of December at 6 pm UTC / GMT as she explores the significance and power of the food we eat with our guests Matthew Anderson (πŸ‡±πŸ‡¨) and Christof Plothe DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (12 Dec)
5 am AEDT (12 Dec)
7 am NZDT (12 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🌟21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 10

Today is Day 10 of our 21 Day Gratitude Challenge! Thanks to everyone that has been participating.

What is something nice another person did for you today or this week? ✍️

It's time to grab a piece of paper or your notebook, take a seat, reflect on today's prompt, and then get to it!

Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know about a nice thing someone did for you this week.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Forwarded from Dr Tess Lawrie
Addressing the Covid-19 Human Rights Abuses and Restoring Law and Order

These past few years, dangerous vaccines and other unhealthy Covid-19 policies promoted, mandated and implemented by those in authority have led to widespread human rights violations. Is the problem fundamentally that we don't know or have forgotten our rights?

It's an honour to have International Human Rights and Constitutional Law specialist Dr Willem van Aardt as an Expert Advisor to the World Council for Health. His authoritative book Covid-19 Lawlessness is now available in the WCH's new shop.

I highly recommend it!

πŸ“Œ Follow me:
➨ @DrTessLawrie
TOMORROW: Join Better Way Live host Dr Tess Lawrie (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) on Monday at 6pm UTC as she explores the significance and power of the food we eat with our guests Matthew Anderson (πŸ‡±πŸ‡¨) and Christof Plothe DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (12 Dec)
5 am AEDT (12 Dec)
7 am NZDT (12 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
Plasmidgate: Making a Mockery of International Human Rights Law & Medical Ethics

In this video presentation, Willem van Aardt, PhD uncovers a disconcerting parallel between what occurred in Nazi Germany and during the Covid-19 crisis.

Willem is author of the book COVID-19 LAWLESSNESS and numerous peer-reviewed legal articles relating to the violation of fundamental human rights during the COVID-19 crisis.

Watch and share this important video on Rumble, Substack, Facebook, Bitchute & Spotify.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
🌟21 Day Gratitude Challenge - Day 11

Today is Day 11 of our 21 Day Gratitude Challenge Thank you for participating!

Write about something you accomplished this week and how it made you feel... ✍️

It's time to grab a piece of paper or your notebook, take a seat, reflect on today's prompt, and then get to it!

Spend as much or as little time on this as you please. And if you're new to this practice, it's okay to start small.

Learn more:

If you feel led to share, let us know about something you accomplished this week.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
TODAY: Join Dr Tess Lawrie (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) live in the WCH Newsroom at 6pm UTC / GMT (1pm EST) as she explores the significance and power of the food we eat with our guests Matthew Anderson (πŸ‡±πŸ‡¨) and Christof Plothe DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (12 Dec)
5 am AEDT (12 Dec)
7 am NZDT (12 Dec)

Hope to see you there!

We'll also be live on Rumble, Twitter, Facebook & Gettr.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
⏰ Better Way Live Begins in 30 Minutes!


Join Better Way Live hostsDr Tess Lawrie (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) as she explores the significance and power of the food we eat with our guests Matthew Anderson (πŸ‡±πŸ‡¨) and Christof Plothe DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ).

Time zone guide:
10 am PST
12 pm CST
1 pm EST
6 pm UTC / GMT
8 pm CAT
3 am JST (12 Dec)
5 am AEDT (12 Dec)
7 am NZDT (12 Dec)

πŸ“Œ Details:
Thanks for joining our host Dr Tess Lawrie (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§) during Better Way Live episode #114 as we explored the significance and power of the food we eat with our guests Matthew Anderson (πŸ‡±πŸ‡¨) and Christof Plothe DO (πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ).

πŸ“Œ Details:

Watch the replay of the live show in the following places...

WCH Newsroom:

Twitter (X):



Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
WEDNESDAY: Group Guided Meditation

We hope you'll join us on the 13th of December at 8 pm UTC as we meditate together on Telegram with Cameron Tukapua (πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ).

Sign up to be reminded when we begin:

After 10 years of acupuncture practice, Cameron Tukapua was invited to teach at a Wellbeing retreat centre in Hawaii. She then started an Acupuncture College in Christchurch, New Zealand and also co-leads Wellbeing, Qigong, and Yoga retreats in China.

Spreading holistic worldviews is the natural extension of her practice.

Time zone guide:
12 pm PST
2 pm CST
3 pm EST
8 pm UTC/GMT
10 pm CAT
5 am JST (14 Dec)
7 am AEDT (14 Dec)
9 am NZDT (14 Dec)

Cameron recently led a wonderful meditation focused on living present that you can find here. The WCH Mind Health Committee hosts guided meditations on Telegram every month. Each session is uploaded to our website. ☺️

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
David vs Goliath: The Australian Case vs Pfizer & Moderna in Federal Court

In Australia, Katie Ashby-Koppens is working on a case directly related the discovery of DNA contamination in the mRNA shots.

Katie's video presentation at our Legal Expert Hearing illustrated how definitions in the Gene Technology Act 2000 allowed her to formulate the main arguments of the case, namely that the lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-mRNA complex is an organism capable of transferring genetic material through the process of retro-position, and that the recently discovered LNP-DNA complex is an organism capable of transferring genetic material in multiple ways.

Fortuitously, in a recent Senate hearing, the Gene Technology Regulator made a statement confirming that gene technology was used in the modification of the mRNA, thus the LNP complexes satisfy the definition of a GMO.

Pfizer and Moderna are therefore β€˜dealing with GMOs’ and, according to the Gene Technology Act, they are required to apply for a licence.

Full legal hearing on Plasmidgate:

Watch this important video on Rumble, Facebook, Bitchute & Spotify.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org
The Real Reason Why These β€˜Vaccines’ Were Needed

β€œWhy was gaining access to the cellular machinery so important?”

Julian Gillespie, a retired lawyer and former barrister from Australia, has been researching opportunities for legal recourse to the mRNA shots in various jurisdictions. By October 2022, he had determined that they could be defined as being or containing GMOs.

This is the presentation he gave at our Legal Expert Hearing.

Very similar definitions are found in GMO Acts around the world and have been in existence for approximately two decades. The LNP-modRNA (and the recently discovered LNP-modDNA) complexes fulfil the definition of GMOs.

β€œSo we've got a situation where, in the UK, if you wish to get marketing approval for a GMO that you're going to spray on plants everywhere, you have to go through this extensive risk assessment process and receive consent. But If you're going to inject it into humans you don't have to disclose it, which is absolutely remarkable.”

Full legal hearing on Plasmidgate:

Watch this important video on Rumble, Facebook, Bitchute & Spotify.

Follow: ➑️@WCH_org