World Council for Health
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A worldwide coalition of organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge & sense-making through science & shared wisdom.

We safeguard health freedom.

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We've been gifted an anthem for warriors in all walks of life, to stand up for what we believe for the sake of humanity and our children.

This song was written, arranged, and produced by Top 10 producer, Kurt Shore and also features South African artist "The One Who Sings" (formerly Zolani Mohala). Please share!

We invite you to sing to this, and make your own versions, share with everyone to do what we must do to save humanity!

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🆕 ‘Aliens’ in Mainstream News and the Potential for False Flag Operations

The World Council for Health (WCH) takes note of predictable developments in the establishment’s crisis playbook, highlighting the existence of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), otherwise known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Given the historical record of false and misleading information from corrupt governments and establishment media sources, it is important to exercise calm and critical thinking. While we may not be the only beings in the known and unknown universe, it is probable that the sudden acceleration in mainstream coverage of this topic is intentional, and it is aimed at a corporate control and profit agenda that will affect humanity negatively.

After years of denial, silence and censorship, the military industrial complex (MIC) and surveillance security industry have a vested interest in driving the narrative that UAPs exist, and that they pose a threat to humans. This creates a convenient pretext for military expansion into space, with exploitative space force budgets that are paid for by the people. It also lays the groundwork for man-made PHEIC (public health emergencies of international concern) announcements, based on false flag attacks—that lead to lockdowns and other anti-human measures, which restrict our fundamental rights in ways that can overshadow the Covid-19 chapter.

Please read & share our full statement:

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🆕 Reclaim Your Body, Mind and Teeth (and Get Rid of Convenience)


Do you remember the days of ‘Reclaim the streets’? Well, if only we had realised at the time that there was a lot more to human liberties than the streets.

The truth is that what we now call ‘beauty’ is simply health.

Whole industries are built on us ordinary humans lusting after health. The most healthy humans with wide, symmetric faces, and perfect dentition are draped, perched and propped in marketing scenes to sell anything from cars and toothpaste to milk, monkey wrenches and virtual money.

Is it not time to reclaim our bodies, minds and teeth? The road to our hell is littered with rocks that say ‘convenience’.

We can make a difference, however...

Visit our Substack to learn how. 🥰

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Forwarded from Dr Tess Lawrie
On Grifting, Gripes and Gossip

Plus a conversation with my friend Darren Deojee...


Have you heard of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS)? It’s a wide-spread cultural phenomenon with roots in New Zealand and Australia that refers to a propensity to resent, criticise or cut people down to size if they are successful. TPS is counter-intuitive to celebrating the achievements of others and building on them. It is with dismay that I note the prevalence of this phenomenon among the resistance movement of today, making us easy pickings for the powers that shouldn’t be.

In the weeks before and following the success of the second Better Way Conference in Bath this month, I and the World Council for Health have come under attack from individuals we have considered allies. One man even publicly accused us of grifting, which means making money dishonestly, as in a swindle, and shared a video on social media to this effect. One has to wonder what he hoped to achieve by pouring out his misinformed and angry point of view. In the video, which he has now retracted, he states that conference speakers, who kindly gave their time for free, were paid between £4,000 and £8,000.

When I messaged him privately to request a recorded conversation to set the record straight, he replied: “I [have already] apologised as I don’t want to spread misinformation, I do feel however that none of you are really helping in anyway and that’s my opinion, the prices are way out of budget for us commoners. Nothing has moved forward I’m struggling to see the benefit any DRs are now bringing to the table. We are no further forward despite donations, conferences, hearings and the such. There is still no trust in DRs, all you do is chat in groups and keep the public out.”

What a strange comment in the context of the Better Way Conference. Anyone who watched this conference or indeed BWC 2022 will know that doctors are among the minority at these events and topics covered extended far beyond medicine, providing a very public platform for a variety of speakers on artificial intelligence, government, sovereignty, transhumanism, the climate agenda, the fake food industry and the WHO/monopoly power grab.

It may be fair comment that the limited in-person Better Way Conference tickets were exclusive. Notwithstanding the fact that the Better Way event in itself - with venue hire, production and stage management, live streaming, security, and accommodation and travel costs - is expensive to hold, it remains the annual fundraiser for our continually expanding team and scope of work.

In addition, the entire weekend of excellent content was and still is available for viewing, downloading and sharing with others in the comfort of your home for under £40 for a virtual ticket.

Where we spend our money is where we place our attention and it is up to the individual to determine whether this amount, barely the price of an evening at the pub or a meal out, is money well spent.

If one remains uncertain whether to pay to watch to the 3-day content of the Better Way Conference 2023, why not decide after watching BWC 2022? It is available free to watch here. The content of the first Better Way Conference in 2022 is still highly relevant today ­– especially if one is new to the truth of what has been going on since 2020. There is also a 50 minute documentary of the event.

Read the rest and watch the video:

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Forwarded from Dr Trozzi MD
CPSO/Trozzi Spectacle starting today, plus Dr Charles Hoffe, and James Roguski
Dr Charles Hoffe 1 minute covid "vacccine" reality. James Roguski's international support for Ontario's struggle. Details for attending CPSO/Trozzi spectacle starting today.

Thank you for receiving this newsletter.

The CPSO is weaponized against the people of Ontario and all the good doctors who have served us ethically and truthfully through the covid era; often at great personal sacrifice.

The CPSO's agenda denies Ontarians access to trustworthy physicians; rather, it places their lives only in the hands of physicians who will follow orders, process people, and violate human rights, ethics and science, right down to committing assault with coerced misrepresented injections. The WHO is planning 500 new genetic "vaccines" for everone by 2030, so this is a persistantly dangerous situation. 

Today is the first day of the CPSO vs Trozzi "hearing", which is perversely presided over by the CPSO. It starts at 9 a.m. You can receive a link to witness this spectacle by emailing a request for a link to:

We are witnessing an unrepentant CPSO continuing to persecute all good doctors who have protected people by discussing and criticizing the misrepresented forced covid injections.

Here in just 1 minute Dr Charles Hoffe shows how right we have been from the start, and how guilty the CPSO continues to be. As well here is James Roguski's new article supporting Ontario and our quest to return human rights, health, and justice. Lastly, there is a short interview held last night by Bright Light News with myself.

-Dr Mark Trozzi

Join @DrTrozzi
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Forwarded from Dr Trozzi MD
The CPSO verses Dr Trozzi hearing, ruled over by the CPSO continue today. Info including how to gain access and watch the spectacle follow the instructions in the link below. There have been suspicious glitches with the link, as well as people reporting not receiving the link. In the proceedings yesterday, the thousands seeking to watch was reduced to less than 200 gaining entry. Who has something to hide? Not me. 

Here is the schedule of when our expert witnesses will appear and testify: Thursday morning Deanna McLeod, Friday morning Dr Peter McCullough, Friday afternoon Dr Paul Alexander.


Dr Mark Trozzi

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👽 ‘Aliens’ in Mainstream News and the Potential for False Flag Operations


The World Council for Health (WCH) takes note of predictable developments in the establishment’s crisis playbook, highlighting the existence of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), otherwise known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Given the historical record of false and misleading information from corrupt governments and establishment media sources, it is important to exercise calm and critical thinking. While we may not be the only beings in the known and unknown universe, it is probable that the sudden acceleration in mainstream coverage of this topic is intentional, and it is aimed at a corporate control and profit agenda that will affect humanity negatively.

After years of denial, silence and censorship, the military industrial complex (MIC) and surveillance security industry have a vested interest in driving the narrative that UAPs exist, and that they pose a threat to humans. This creates a convenient pretext for military expansion into space, with exploitative space force budgets that are paid for by the people. It also lays the groundwork for man-made PHEIC (public health emergencies of international concern) announcements, based on false flag attacks—that lead to lockdowns and other anti-human measures, which restrict our fundamental rights in ways that can overshadow the Covid-19 chapter.

Visit our Substack to read the rest and please do share.

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MONDAY: Sandi Adams and Dr Carrie Madej at WCH General Assembly Meeting #92

Join host Jemma Cooper live in the WCH Newsroom on Monday, June 19 at 6pm UTC for our next General Assembly!

🇬🇧 Sandi Adams: Exposing the UN's Agenda 21/2030

Sandi is a UK researcher, podcaster and activist whose work focuses on the sinister reality behind United Nations' plans Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. She is currently writing a book analysing the 17 'sustainable' goals the UN is proposing to get the planet to net zero by 2030 and how they will affect every area of our lives. She believes the pandemic lockdown was very much part of this plan.

A recent video of Sandi giving an impassioned presentation on Agenda 2030 at a council meeting in Glastonbury went viral. Currently it has had more than 6 million views worldwide.

🇺🇸 Dr Carrie Madej: Remembering the Role of Physicians

Dr Madej is a US medical professional who educates people on vaccines, nanotechnology and human rights. She believes body, mind, and spirit are equally important in achieving wellness and a balanced body is able to heal itself without pharmaceutical intervention. Dr Madej also argues that the role of a physician is to be a teacher of health to the patient.

Carrie appears on multiple platforms and speaking engagements and has a global audience of followers.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

Time zone guide
11am PDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
6pm UTC
7pm BST
8pm CAT

We'll also be live on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Gettr.

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Media is too big
Andrew Bridgen: Something Has "Seriously Gone Wrong With Our Democracy"

"We're here to talk about freedom and democracy. Freedom is defined as being a situation where you're not imprisoned or enslaved, you're free. Democracy comes from the Greek; dêmos, which means that 'the people,' and krátos, which means 'powers.' It's the power of the people. I think what we need to remember as members of Parliament is that we are the servants of the people, we're not your masters. I think that's been lost by a lot of my colleagues. Winston Churchill said that democracy is the worst way of governing, but it's better than all the alternatives we've looked at. And historically, democracies have fared rather better in the world, with higher economic growth, better living standards, happier and freer people."

"We can't talk about vaccine harms, Can't talk about the pandemic response and the damage it did. We can't even talk about the origins of where the virus came from so we could hold them criminally to account to stop the next pandemic. We certainly can't talk about excess deaths. I've been asking for a debate on excess deaths for six months. When I go down to the Labour end of the Tea Room and say, look, sign this form, we can have a debate on excess deaths, and you can stand up in that chamber of the House of Commons and say 'it's those damn Tories! They have ruined the NHS. That's why everyone's dying.' When the Labour MPs turn around to me and say, 'no, we don't want to talk about that subject,'—I know there's something seriously gone wrong with our democracy."

Full speech:


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Dr Mark Trozzi and Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson

Misguidedness, corruption, and perversion of the CPSO; the toxicity of the injections; and how we remain faithful while not giving into fear.

On the evening of the second day of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) vs. Dr Mark Trozzi hearing, deliberated (strangely) by the CPSO, Mark had the pleasure of discussing these hearings and important related issues with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson.

This included a concise update regarding the mechanisms of toxicity of the genetic jabs, and our spiritual resolve to continue faithfully doing the right things.

We hope you will find clarity and encouragement in this conversation! 🥰

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Choose Sovereignty. Choose Freedom. Choose #TheGreatFreeset.

“You have escaped the cage. Your wings are stretched out. Now fly.”
— Rumi


The Great Freeset is an opportunity to set ourselves free by truly harnessing the freedom and power that comes with being human. It is a natural alternative to the WEF’s initiative, The Great Reset, and the WHO’s ongoing power-grabs.

Unelected bodies, such as the WEF and the WHO, seek to exert control over countries and individuals in a host of different ways. Some of these initiatives, including the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty and proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, have recently been in the spotlight, however many initiatives are flying under the radar and hidden from the public.

The World Council for Health would like to present you with an alternative to The Great Reset. With your help, we see these challenging times as an opportunity for change to empower sovereign individuals worldwide.

We call it The Great Freeset.

Generations of control, propaganda, and brainwashing have left many people feeling disempowered, lost, and disconnected from the wisdom bestowed on us by those who came before us. Many of us have handed over our power to global authorities—but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can take back our power as individuals, as families, and as communities. We can set ourselves free via #TheGreatFreeset.

Take action now:

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Did you know the World Council for Health creates guidance and personal advocacy resources to empower your health?

Let us know what you think! 🙏

📝 Spike Protein Detox Guide
An evolving guide of emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body.

📝 5 Reasons You Need a Digital Detox and How to Get Started
Many of us are spending more time than ever plugged into a virtual world where we communicate with friends, consume news, and perform everyday tasks.

📝 What is Proper Hydration and How Do I Achieve It?
Although we may not know it, most of us go through a whole lifetime chronically dehydrated.

📝 The Elephants They Want Us to Ignore: Terrain and Environment
The pharmaceutical industry has perfected the exploitation of germs, creating a massive amount of products marketed as tools, treatments, and cures for infectious diseases.

📝 Challenge Yourself to Breathe Better
In July 2022, the World Council for Health hosted a 21-day virtual breathing challenge. All of the daily prompts are available in this resource, including the science to back them up. We invite you to embark on this challenge!

Thanks for being here and please do share with a friend! 🥰

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We have a very important message to share with you.

The World Council for Health would like to alert everybody about the ongoing seven day trial of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Canada (CPSO) against our beloved committee member, Dr Mark Trozzi, with the allegations that he's supposed to have committed an act or a mission that is disgraceful, dishonorable or unprofessional.

The CPSO seeks to remove his medical license for taking an ethical stance for his patients during Covid-19 and speaking out against the unethical and unscientific global agenda being carried out by the WHO and his government's regulatory bodies.

Whilst the hearings are supposed to be public, the thousands seeking to watch was reduced to less than 200 gaining entry. Speaking out in support of Mark on Thursday morning was Deanna McLeod. On Friday morning, Dr Peter McCullough will be making a statement and on Friday afternoon, it will be Dr Paul Alexander.

Please send your thoughts and prayers to one of the true heroes of the last three years, Dr Mark Trozzi. A true warrior of light, truth, compassion, and true medical ethics.

Learn more about the hearing:

For those who wish to observe the hearing, you may email to request the link. It is scheduled to begin at 10:30am EDT.

To donate to Dr Trozzi's legal fund, go to

Thank you. 🙏

🚨 Please note: In error, Christof said 2,000 viewers have been able to watch the proceedings. In reality, only 200, at most, have been able to access it. For context: the previous hearing was also limited, but there were 17,000 viewers.

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MONDAY: Exposing Agenda 2030 & the True Role of Physicians | Sandi Adams & Dr Carrie Madej at GA Meeting #92

Join host Jemma Cooper live in the WCH Newsroom on Monday, June 19 at 6pm UTC for our next General Assembly!

🇬🇧 Sandi Adams: Exposing the UN's Agenda 21/2030

Sandi is a UK researcher, podcaster and activist whose work focuses on the sinister reality behind United Nations' plans Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. She is currently writing a book analysing the 17 'sustainable' goals the UN is proposing to get the planet to net zero by 2030 and how they will affect every area of our lives. She believes the pandemic lockdown was very much part of this plan.

A recent video of Sandi giving an impassioned presentation on Agenda 2030 at a council meeting in Glastonbury went viral. Currently it has had more than 6 million views worldwide.

🇺🇸 Dr Carrie Madej: Remembering the Role of Physicians

Dr Madej is a US medical professional who educates people on vaccines, nanotechnology and human rights. She believes body, mind, and spirit are equally important in achieving wellness and a balanced body is able to heal itself without pharmaceutical intervention. Dr Madej also argues that the role of a physician is to be a teacher of health to the patient.

Carrie appears on multiple platforms and speaking engagements and has a global audience of followers.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

Time zone guide
11am PDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
6pm UTC
7pm BST
8pm CAT

We'll also be live on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Gettr.

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Peer-Reviewed Study Outlines Promising Therapies for Treating Long Covid and C-19 Vaccine Injury

“We are proud to partner with the World Council for Health on this important paper that I hope is the beginning of more research into these poorly understood conditions,” said Paul Marik, M.D., a co-author of the study and the chief scientific officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. “I’m thankful to my colleagues who treat patients suffering from long Covid or vaccine injury every day. In most cases, these patients have nowhere else to go. This research should educate others on the reality of these conditions and how they can be treated.”

An international team of physicians and scientists recently completed the first peer-reviewed research into the available options for treating long Covid and C-19 vaccine injury that will lay the groundwork for a better understanding and potential future treatments for the two conditions.

The study was published last month in the MDPI journal, Microorganisms.

“People who are suffering from long Covid or have been harmed by the Covid vaccines are often ignored or have been abandoned by the medical establishment,” said Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, Ph.D. , a co-author of the study & co-founder of the World Council for Health. “This research shows that there is clear scientific evidence that both long Covid and the Covid vaccines are responsible for spike protein-induced conditions that will require a significant investment of resources before we fully understand these conditions and how to treat them most effectively.”

“I am proud of this great research facilitated by our WCH Health and Science Committee,”
Lawrie added. "In addition to Dr Marik, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the paper’s lead author, Matthew Halma and co-author, Christof Plothe.”

Press release:

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Countering the WHO’s “Big Catch-up” Global Campaign and Immunization Agenda 2030

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced “The Big Catch-up”, a global initiative “to vaccinate millions of children and restore immunization progress lost during the pandemic.”

While targets of the campaign include children around the world, the WHO appears to be specifically targeting children in the 20 countries where they claim “three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live.” These nations include Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Chad, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, and Vietnam.

Additionally, in the context of the United Nations’ notorious Agenda 2030, the WHO is now advertising their own agenda for the same year – “Immunization Agenda 2030: A Global Strategy to Leave No One Behind.” This agenda includes the goal of introducing “500 new vaccines in low and middle income countries.”

The World Council for Health shares the opinion with many experts that the WHO and their partners including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and vaccine manufacturers including Pfizer, Moderna, and others are guilty of crimes against humanity and do not warrant our trust or support.

We continue to stress the urgency of exiting the WHO, rejecting the WHO’s monopoly power grab over public health, and continue to call for an immediate halt to the Covid-19 injection campaign.

Full statement:

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TOMORROW: Exposing Agenda 2030 & the True Role of Physicians | Sandi Adams & Dr Carrie Madej at GA Meeting #92

Join host Jemma Cooper live in the WCH Newsroom on Monday, June 19 at 6pm UTC for General Assembly Meeting #92!

🇬🇧 Sandi Adams: Exposing the UN's Agenda 21/2030

Sandi is a UK researcher, podcaster and activist whose work focuses on the sinister reality behind United Nations' plans Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. She is currently writing a book analysing the 17 'sustainable' goals the UN is proposing to get the planet to net zero by 2030 and how they will affect every area of our lives. She believes the pandemic lockdown was very much part of this plan.

A recent video of Sandi giving an impassioned presentation on Agenda 2030 at a council meeting in Glastonbury went viral. Currently it has had more than 6 million views worldwide.

🇺🇸 Dr Carrie Madej: Remembering the Role of Physicians

Dr Madej is a US medical professional who educates people on vaccines, nanotechnology and human rights. She believes body, mind, and spirit are equally important in achieving wellness and a balanced body is able to heal itself without pharmaceutical intervention. Dr Madej also argues that the role of a physician is to be a teacher of health to the patient.

Carrie appears on multiple platforms and speaking engagements and has a global audience of followers.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

Time zone guide
11am PDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
6pm UTC
7pm BST
8pm CAT

We'll also be live on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Gettr.

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WEDNESDAY: Relational Dynamics & Hope for Tomorrow with John Pickering

Join us on Wednesday, June 21 at 8pm UTC for a live Mind Health webinar led by author & presenter John Pickering (🇬🇧) about finding real hope for tomorrow.

🎟 Register for free to attend:

We inhabit a world of living and moving relationships. For each of us as individuals, and as a planetary species, how we relate to others and with the wider world of nature will ultimately determine our future.

What are the basic criteria for right relationships?

Is there an inherent spiritual dynamic within the fabric of existence that, regardless of race or religion, can give us real hope for tomorrow?

John Pickering lives in the English Lake District with his wife Katie. As a professional designer, he has worked in religious, educational and children's publishing as well as creating three dimensional product concepts for some leading companies. He's also worked in Mental Health as an Art Therapist and has created educational materials to help prevent alcohol abuse.

John is now the author of several books which reflect both his personal spiritual perspective and a lifetime's interest in humanity's quest for meaning. He is also a member of the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies.

Learn more:

Join us:

Hope to see you there! 🙂

Time zone guide:
1pm PDT
3pm CDT
4pm EDT
8pm UTC
9pm BST
10pm CAT
6am AEST (June 22)
8am NZST (June 22)

This webinar will also be live in the WCH Newsroom, Rumble, Facebook, Gettr & more. Tell a friend!

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TODAY: Exposing Agenda 2030 & the True Role of Physicians | Sandi Adams & Dr Carrie Madej at GA Meeting #92

Join host Jemma Cooper live in the WCH Newsroom today at 6pm UTC for General Assembly Meeting #92!

🇬🇧 Sandi Adams: Exposing the UN's Agenda 21/2030

Sandi is a UK researcher, podcaster and activist whose work focuses on the sinister reality behind United Nations' plans Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. She is currently writing a book analysing the 17 'sustainable' goals the UN is proposing to get the planet to net zero by 2030 and how they will affect every area of our lives. She believes the pandemic lockdown was very much part of this plan.

A recent video of Sandi giving an impassioned presentation on Agenda 2030 at a council meeting in Glastonbury went viral. Currently it has had more than 6 million views worldwide.

🇺🇸 Dr Carrie Madej: Remembering the Role of Physicians

Dr Madej is a US medical professional who educates people on vaccines, nanotechnology and human rights. She believes body, mind, and spirit are equally important in achieving wellness and a balanced body is able to heal itself without pharmaceutical intervention. Dr Madej also argues that the role of a physician is to be a teacher of health to the patient.

Carrie appears on multiple platforms and speaking engagements and has a global audience of followers.

Watch the meeting & join the chat:

Time zone guide
11am PDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
6pm UTC
7pm BST
8pm CAT

We'll also be live on Rumble, Odysee, Facebook, and Gettr.

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Like the WHO, the unelected supranational called the United Nations (UN)—with a track record of failures, corruption and crimes—is seeking vast new powers and stronger “global governance” tools to deal with international emergencies.

Experience and wisdom teaches us that we should not believe anything we are told by the corporate-government-media establishment. While it may be a challenge to distinguish between what is a real UAP/UFO from what is manufactured to terrorise us into giving up more freedoms, we have no reason to believe that the ongoing Hollywood propaganda on ‘evil aliens’ is true.

The World Council for Health intends on engaging experts on this topic.

We take note of predictable developments in the establishment’s crisis playbook, highlighting the existence of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), otherwise known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Given the historical record of false and misleading information from corrupt governments and establishment media sources, it is important to exercise calm and critical thinking. While we may not be the only beings in the known and unknown universe, it is probable that the sudden acceleration in mainstream coverage of this topic is intentional, and it is aimed at a corporate control and profit agenda that will affect humanity negatively.

Please read and share our full statement:

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🐘 Terrain and Environment: The Elephants They Want Us to Ignore

The pharmaceutical industry has perfected the exploitation of germs, creating a massive amount of products marketed as tools, treatments and cures.

As it turns out, there is surprisingly little robust evidence that points to drugs or vaccines as the main drivers for the decline of infectious diseases. While many are focused on jabs, novel antivirals, and other new therapeutic tools, there’s little or no talk about the two obvious elephants in the room.

A successful immune response is dependent on a healthy terrain.

This resource was adapted from The two elephants they want us to ignore: your terrain and environment by Robert Verkerk, MSc, DIC, PhD, FACN, founder, executive, and scientific director of Alliance for Natural Health International.

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